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7 Months later:
Lucas's due date was coming up so I decided to call Thomas and finally tell him where there kids and I were for the last 7-6 months and also because I want everyone especially Thomas to meet Lucas the day he comes out of the womb. I was trying to figure out on texting him or facetiming him but before this I would be called by someone in the house because Thomas was way too drunk and wouldn't calm down which broke my heart I didn't like seeing him hurt like that but he hurt me so I don't know and now I decided on facetiming him.

Facetime call
Thomas Mia Paper
Hey whats up you never call me its always Kouvr?
Thomas are you drunk?
Tipsy why?
Thomas you need to stop drinking please?
Why its fun you should know that you used to drink and get high.
I stopped Thomas and only drink on certian occasions.
Hey Thomas wanna hit the blunt?
No Thomas!
I watched him take it and do it and I put my head down sighing because this isn't him.
Thomas stop it. I say mumbling.
Why and you okay?
No I'm in pain watching you be the person you ain't.
Can't do anything about it.
Actually I can!
Do you wanna know where the kids and I are?
Tell me please.
Stop drinking and smoking.
Promise me Thomas.
I promise baby.
I smiled at him which he smiled back at me.
Ok I'm in England with my parents please come soon with everyone Lucas's due date is on Sunday.
Already booked a flight baby we'll see you on Thursday.
Thats in 2 days but ok I'm tired imma head to bed.
I'll stay on the phone with you.

I layed down on the bed and decided to call him on my laptop so its easier and when he answered I fell asleep. When my baby fell asleep I told everyone to pack because we were leaving in 3 hours to go to England to suprise her a day early. While she was asleep I heard 2 little voices knowing that it was the twins so I decided to watch what they were doing to find them cuddled up in their mommys arms as they all slept I ended the call. We all packed and got ready for the plane I can't wait to see them becaused I missed my family especially Mia. We just left for the airport and Kouvr has been acting very weird and secretive which isn't normal I also noticed the day Mia left the girls started wearing this locket and never took it off. Kouvr was playing with her locket for some reason and her phone kept going off so I had enough of the secrets and decided to ask.
T: Kouvr you okay?
K: I'm fine Thomas.
T: You sure you have been acting weird?
K: Yes okay!
T: Whats with the locket all the girls have one and I just noticed that you girls never take it off.
K: Its a gift from someone.
T: Its from Mia isn't it because ya'll started wearing it the day she left us.
K: Yes its from Mia its a thank you gift.
T: Did you and the girls know where she was this whole time.
K: Yes.
T: Oh okay.
I knew she was hiding something because she got a call from someone and she usually puts the speaker on but she didn't so I knew something was up. Once we got to the airport we all checked in, then went through security, and then ate Mcdonalds while waiting at our gate.

Word Count: 625

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