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Birthday dinner:
We all drove home and decided to eat at Boa since it was Mia's favorite restaurant so I made a reservation for 20 people because thats how many are going. Avani and Charli are staying home to watch the kids we just got home and the kids were asleep so Mia and I carried them inside then she changed them and put them both in their beds even when I'm here she tends to do everything herself.  We got ready for dinner and my god she was beautiful in her navy blue dress with her beautiful curls.
T: You look so beautiful.
M: Aww thank you and you look handsome.
T: Thanks baby.
We all took pictures by the pool then headed into the cars. I was in the car with Mia and Dixie because she wanted to talk to me and Mia alone since we were like the mom and dad of the group.
D: So this is kind of a lot but I like girls and I get it if you don't support me.
M: Are you kidding Dixie I'm happy you told us I fully support you.
T: Dixie this is such great news I don't know why you think we wouldn't support you.
D: Awww thanks guys.
M: Sooo whos your crush??
D: Addi!
T: Aww Dixieee!
She was blushing which caused Mia and I to laugh we talked more about things that I missed while I was gone which was alot. We got to the restaurant and they sat us down at our tables and we all arguing about why Paper shouldn't get a tattoo again. As we were eating something caught my eye it was Kayla my ex and her family 3 tables away and I don't think any of them saw me but I was wrong her little brother Ethan came to the table where Alex, Kouvr, Mia, Michael, and I were sitting but the girls were in the bathroom.
E: Hey Thomas do you remember me?
T: Hey Ethan long time no see.
Kay: Sorry for that Ethan lets go!
E: No why can't you get back with Thomas I liked him better than your current boyfriend.
Kay: Because I can't I'm dating Max now lets go.
E: NO!
Kouvr and Mia came back and saw Kayla and the looks they were giving her were bad like I can feel the tension between the 3.
Kay: Ethan lets go and finish dinner.
By now everyone was looking at us he stormed off to his mom and Kayla looked embarrassed.
Kay: Sorry about that ever since we broke up hes been acting out a lot.
K: Well maybe you shouldn't have cheated on him.
Kouvr and I were laughing at her comment until Thomas grabbed my thigh which made me stop.
Kay: You told them!
T: Yes I did now can you go back to your family because we are trying to celebrate Mia's birthday right now?
M: Yeah like can you leave I don't want to be infected by your toxicness.
Kay: Excuse me!
M: Go back to your family before I slap the shit out of you.
Kay: I bet you won't.
Mi: I don't think you should bet on that she can fight.
Kay: I would like to see her try.
M: Okay bet me and you outside at the parking lot.
Kay: Lets go right now bitch.
M: Ok bet fucker.
We both walked out of Boa and into the parking lot as everyone followed so I gave Kouvr my purse and phone and put my hair up.
M: Lets go bitch!
Kay: Bring it on.
She tried to punch me but she missed so I punched her in the face and grabbed her by one of her arms and flipped her by now all the girls were cheering my name and the guys were screaming hit her.
M: Wanna keep going or are you done.
Kay: Nah keep going.
She got up and tried to swing and hit me on the lip and she tried again but I grabbed her arm pulling it behind her as I kicked her legs from behind causing her to fall foward. By now we were both bleeding and it was a pretty bad fight.
T: Someone stop them.
Tg: Why she deserves it.
T: Michael grab her please she might end up seriously hurting Kayla.
Mi: Why should I Kayla deserves it she messed with Mia no one messes with my sister.
T: Kayla is getting hurt Michael.
D: Thomas why do you care that your ex is getting hurt and not Mia do you still have feelings for her.
T: Maybe but can someone just stop it.
The Hype House/ THH: Nah we good you can.
I sighed because I knew I messed up and now the whole house hates me but the fight was getting worse so I grabbed Kayla and dragged her away.

Word Count: 837

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