Chapter 62-Hardin

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I think I'm dreaming right now my daughter topless a boy topless no it couldn't be "Emery Scott"I say and walk towards the boy put some clothes on"I shout to Emery and she hurrays putting a top on and trousers and jumps in front of him "dad stop don't hurt him"she says and I'm so angry right now she pretend to be sick so she can be with a boy "Lucas I think you should go"she turns and he nods "I'll text you"she says and they both go into give each other to kiss but realise I'm there and he quickly leaves

"Oh no you won't be texting anymore are you serious right now Emery"

"Dad it's not as bad as it looks"

"Not as bad as it looks I just found my daughter half naked with a boy you tell me that doesn't look bad and you lied to your mother and me about been sick you just broken our trust"I storm out of the room and she runs behind me "dad please I didn't mean to"she pleads

"No Emery a boy was here and you say you didn't mean to you knew what you where doing"

"I did know what I was doing but I wasn't doing anything else we where just kissing"

"You where just kissing hell no I don't believe that it wasn't just kissing I know what comes after that sex and your not having sex your 16"

"But I wasn't what don't you understand"

"I was a teenager once kissing leads to that and you where half naked no I don't want to look at you"I walk away from her and "dad please"she pleads but I go into my room this is why I can't deal with Emery growing up I just can't be dealing with all of this I need to go back to work but I'm not leaving Emery here I walk back out and she is gone back to her room I walk in and she looks at me wiping her eyes "your coming with me"


"Back to work with me hurry get dressed"I say and leave the room and a few minutes later she joins me in the hall and we leave

We arrive at Vance's I have to get back to a meeting the only reason I went back to the house was to get some papers I forgot "Emery hey why aren't you in school"loud mouth Kim walks over and Emery looks to me and back to Kimberly "I wasn't feeling well"she lies again "oh you poor thing you can come with me help me with some stuff if your feeling up to it"she takes Emery and they leave the room "was that Emery here"Vance comes out

"Ye I had to bring her with me"

"Everything ok"

"I caught her with a boy"I say and he laughs "what's funny"

"Your raising a teenage girl it's bound to happen"he tells me "I don't want it to happen she is to young"

"She is growing up you have to except that show her your there for her when she needs it that she can talk to you what ever way you reacted I'm sure is not good"it's fucking 10am I don't want to be having a fucking heart to heart with my dad "let's just get to this fucking meeting"I say and he slaps me across my head "what the fuck"

"Behave"he scolds me like a child

Make sure to read chapter before if you don't know what happened 👆

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