Chapter 8🌼

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Kike's POV

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Kike's POV

"Sir, you asked me to see you later for an assignment? " I asked him as I still kept wondering why he would just insult me for no reason at all.

"Yeah" He told said, smiling at something on his phone.

Ehhhh!!! So you can still smile abi? After bashing me today.

"Well, I have a special guest coming over tomorrow, so you must have the house ready and prepare a very sumptuous meal too" He ordered as I almost snorted out.

But I thought I was the worst cook ever.

"Okay sir but I wanted to ask for permission to go for, ehrm..." I started off scratching the back of my head.

"Would you speak up?" He said raising his voice.

"I wanted to go to Church service, tomorrow "I spoke up with an unsure look on my face.

I'm sure I shouldn't have told him.

"Church service?" He asked me with one kain look on his face.

"Yes sir" I affirmed.

"That's bullshit. You want to waste time doing rubbish in church, when you have work to do here?" He asked me as a look of shock overtook my face.

Did he just call serving God "rubbish"?

"What? Sir, we go to church to praise God and pray, not to do rubbish." I opposed to his words.

"Whatever. You are not going anywhere. You are going to prepare the house for my guest, got it?" He asked me eyeing by body as an unpleasant sight.

"But sir..." I started off.

"I said 'got it?'" He asked again.

I nodded with a mischievous smile on my face.

"Good" He responded moving his focus back to his phone.

Nobody can stop me from going to church, sir.

Not even you.

I woke up super early today. I decided to prepare the house for his guest and cook a 'sumptuous meal' like he requested.

I decided to quickly get the house prepared, and hurriedly dash out to church. I decided to get back before 11am, he wakes up late weekends, so he won't notice I'm gone.

It was already 6am, and I was finally done with everything. Two full hours of hardworking, early in the morning like this must pay off o.

I put on a red long sleeve gown. It was a bit free, so I could run back home.

My Grandpa has always thought me to put God first before any other thing.

And I certainly won't stay home on a Sunday because of someone said so. Now, that is the real bullshit.

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