Chapter 4

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Jason's POV

What a fucking day. No actually what a fucking week. So many fires, car crashes, cat's up fucking trees. I thought small towns were quiet. But nope being in a small town near the large city means we are called for all emergencies in the city. I hate the city life. Too many rich snobs, looking down their noses at you all the time.

I love my life. Being a firefighter is rewarding. Being called a hero is even better for a man's ego.

Monday's are one of the worst days of the week. You would think all the stupid stuff would happen over the weekends, but I swear we get more call outs on a Monday than we do on any other day of the week. Today is no different.

"MVA corner of Bradshaw and Bentley. Move out lads" the boss calls out over the P.A system. "Fucking dickhead drivers. It's only bloody Monday" Micky calls out. "Tell me about it Mick" I yell back. We jump into the truck and make our way out to the scene.

MVA's are the worst kind. You do not know how bad it will be until you get to the scene. The drive to the city limits is perfect. Not too much traffic on the roads. As soon we cross that city limits line, it is when we start getting pissy. Cars do not move to the side of the road to allow us through. The trucks horn is constantly being sounded. What should only take us 10 minutes, takes us nearly 30 minutes cause of selfish fuckers on the roads.

Arriving at the scene we find we are the first ones there. Micky takes the beat-up blue truck that is just sitting there. It's front end a bit crumpled in. "Jase, I've got this one. Go check out the other" Micky yells out. I nod my head and give him a thumbs up. I approach the little white sedan with caution.

I get to the car and try the door. It opens easily. A massive sigh of relief leaves my body. I look into the car and am stunned. Here is a beautiful woman, just sitting there off in her own little world. She turns her head to me when I start talking, "Hey there, how you doing? My name is Jason. What is yours?" I ask. "Laura. My name is Laura" She replies "Well howdy there Laura. You look like you are in a bit of a pickle. The paramedics will be here to help you out. I can see that nothing is obstructing you, so I would say you will be out within minutes. Just hold tight" I say making sure a warm smile is on my face the whole time.

I walk away from her car and head on over to Micky. "What's the story?" He looks at me. "Driver over here" He pauses and throws his thumb over his shoulder, "Pissed mate. Absolutely off his tree. Surprised there was not anymore damage. What about over there?" He points over to Laura's car.

"She is ok. No obstructions. She is just sitting there. I think the shock has not set in. Medics should have her out within minutes" I look over at her car again. Her eyes captivated me. They are the most greenest/blue eyes I have ever seen.

I watch her as she is pulled from her car and placed on a stretcher. I had to stop myself from going over and helping. I would have just gotten in the way. I swear I blinked and she was gone. I go back to her car to make sure there would not be any problems. Thankfully all the damage was at the back on the car. I looked in through the window and noticed that her bag was still on the floor of the passenger seat.

"Shit" I pick up her bag and go to give it to the cops who are there still. The cops wave me off before even listening to my reasoning. Shit what am I go to do with her bag? I go back to the truck and throw it into the back seat. "Hey Micky, we are gonna have to stop by the hospital. Lady's bag was still in the car and she will probably need it" I say to him as we both climb into the front.

The rest of the day is just sitting around at the station or doing odd jobs here and there. I swear though, if I hear about Mrs. Mitchells cat being stuck in a tree again, I will cut down all the trees in that neighbourhood. I am over little Polly getting stuck up in that old Oak tree.

My shift has finally finished. I walk past the truck while Micky is cleaning it out and throws out a handbag. "Didn't know you were into handbags Micky. I think the colour of it really brings out the colour of your eyes, babe" I start walking away laughing. "Oi, Jase, I think this is the bag from that car accident this morning. We didn't make it to the hospital" He yells out.

Shit, I walk back and grab the bag off the ground. All that is going on in my head is, that poor woman must be feeling so lost without her stuff. I take the bag to my car and head off towards the hospital. "I hope I have not missed her" I say to myself.

The drive takes half an hour. I look at the clock on the dash and see it reads 5:30. I get out of my car and start heading towards the emergency department with the bag in my hand. As I get closer to the door, a stunning brunette comes walking out, looking like she wishes she was some place else. As I get closer I realise it is the woman from the accident. Shit, what is her name?

"Miss, excuse me Miss" I say. With no response, I get closer and place a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me with those eyes and my breath is caught in my throat.

"Why God are you punishing me?" She says out loud. I chuckle before replying "Didn't realise I was a punishment, but I can be if you would like?" I continue "After you were taken by the paramedics, I went back to your car and noticed your bag was in there. I thought you may have needed it" I say with a smile. She takes her handbag back from the me. "Thank you" she whispers.

I sit down next to me. "I'm so sorry, I have forgotten your name" I chuckle, "please don't hold that against me though, but it seems to me you could do with a shoulder to cry on today" I look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Just life has gotten me down today. I was involved in a car crash" "Yeah, I know. I was there" I cut in. "I never got to work. I never got to ring my boss. I will probably be fired now. I do not have a car to get to and from places now. My girls will be worrying about me because I am not home. I just have a lot of shit on my plate and I feel like I'm drowning" She takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be venting all this to you" She says to me quietly

I put my arm around her shoulders and pulls her into my side. "Never apologise for the way you feel. Life is a bitch. As I said it looked like you needed a shoulder and I offered mine, so please use my shoulder as much as you would like" I tell her with a soft smile on my face. She cuddles up closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder. We sit in silence for a little while longer.

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