Chapter 17

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It was such a surprise that Jason was here, and it was all thanks to Lacy. I am getting whiplash from her mood swings, but I am hoping that this is the start of her allowing me to move forward and allowing herself to be okay with it.

When Jason left that night, things were looking up. Not only for me but for us. All of us. The girls had given us some space so we could talk. After around an hour the girls joined us, and the rest of the evening was spent together. Both the girls were asking questions to Jason and in return answering his questions to them. It felt warm and cosy in the house. Like it was meant to be.

Waking up the next morning, I had to pinch myself a couple of times to make sure what was happening was real. Laying in bed I could hear the girls in the kitchen, singing along to whatever was playing on the radio. My heart felt lighter in this moment.

Getting myself out of bed, I go into the bathroom and have a quick shower. Standing under the spray of water, I could feel all my muscles relax. I quickly wash my hair and rinse off my body. Stepping out of the shower and throwing my towel around me, I look in the mirror. I still don't have much colour to my face, but my eyes don't look as lifeless as they have been.

I quickly throw on some leggings and one of Alex's shirts and make my way into the kitchen. I have only gotten one foot in the door when a big cloud of white comes flying at me. The kitchen looks like a bomb has gone off in it. I can hear the girls giggling while I am trying to clean the white powder off my face.

"What in the good graces has gone on in here? I am going to need another bloody shower" I yell out to the girls. "We tried to make breakfast mum, but got a little bit distracted by the flour" Lacy tells me with a shrug of her shoulders. I couldn't help but laugh at the girls. It was nice to see them like this. We haven't had fun like this since Alex was alive.

I make my way over to the counter, making it look like I was going to start cleaning up. I grab a handful of flour and throw it at the girls. Both of them are now covered in flour and are laughing so hard I hear one of the snort. Another round of laughs can be heard. The doorbell goes off. We all just stand there looking at each other. Misty was the first to open her mouth "I'm not answering the door, you do it Lacy" "I'm not answering it either. It's up to you mum" Lacy responds. "You girls suck" I tell them. Making my way to the front door.

I unlock the door and slowly open it. "Oh for crying out loud" I say at seeing who was standing at my door. "Well howdy to you to Laura. Looks like you have been in a fight with Casper. Looks like he won" Jason laughs out. I flip him off, turn my back and walk back into the kitchen. Jason follows close behind me. "Woah, what happened in here ladies?"

"Oh, hi Jason. Misty and I were trying to make breakfast for mum. We sorta got a bit distracted" Lacy says with a shrug of her shoulders. The laugh that comes from Jason's mouth is rich and deep. "Oh dear. I think you girls need to take some sort of cooking class at school. Are they even teaching that at school these days?" Jason asks.

The groaning noises coming from the girls tells him all the answers he needs. "Who is the teacher and why are you both groaning like you are in pain?" He asks the girls. "The teacher is a bitch and she doesn't let us cook anything. We have to watch her cook it and then watch her eat it. She is a fat, old mean teacher" Misty retorts. "She's probably still a virgin too. What is she? Like 100yrs old" Lacy speaks.

"Anyone want a coffee, tea, hot chocolate, whiskey?" I ask the room, speaking to no one in particular. "Laura, it's only 10. In the morning. No time for whiskey. But a coffee would be great" Jason answers. "I'll make the coffee's mum. Go and get changed. You look like an alien" Misty laughs out. "I wouldn't look like this if it wasn't for you 2 shits" I tell them. "Oh and while you're at it. Clean my effing kitchen" I laugh out. I make a quick run for my room to bypass the flour that has come rushing at me.


Jason POV

I had no idea what I was walking into this morning when I rocked up to Laura's house unannounced, but boy am I glad I did. They were happy and laughing. I am thankful that I never saw Laura when she was at her worst. I don't think my heart would have handled it.

Seeing as the girls and I are alone in the kitchen it's time for me to man up and ask them the question that has been on my mind since yesterday. "Misty, Lacy, can I ask you both something?" Both of them turn to face me. "Yeah, ask away Jason" Misty says. Lacy just nods her head in agreement.

Alright, Jason, here goes "I really, really like your mum, and I was just wondering if it would be ok with you two, if I ask your mum out on another date. I don't want you girls to think that I am trying to replace your dad. I will never ever live up to him, but if I am able to bring a smile to your mums face, I would love it"

I watch the girls faces and try to gauge their reactions. The flour all over them is not helping me but my fingers and toes are crossed that they will be happy.

Misty squeals. She actually squeals. "You totes have my blessing" She says and hugs me. Waiting on Lacy's answer is killing me slowly. She isn't giving anything away, but I can tell she is battling herself internally. She looks up and stares straight into my eyes. I feel she can see right into my soul. "Here's the deal Jason. You said it yourself, you will never live up to my dad, but, I saw how happy mum was when she saw you yesterday. So, I only have one thing to say" I look at Lacy, waiting with baited breath.

"You hurt my mum in any way, shape or form. I will come after you and I will hurt you" She says with a smile that lights up her face. I put my arms out to the sides, inviting Lacy in for a hug. She takes the invitation and throws her arms around my torso. "Please don't hurt her. I have hurt enough for the both of us" Lacy whispers into my chest. "I promise Lace, I will not hurt her" I whisper into her hair.

"What's going on in here?" Laura asks as she comes back into the kitchen. We all stand up straight and look at her. "I thought I had asked you girls to clean my kitchen, but all I can see, is the mess on the bench still and now Jason is looking at bit floury, so what is going on?" She says. We are all silent. My eyes going between Misty and Lacy. Their eyes are doing the same.

"Go on Jason. Tell her" Lacy throws me under the bus. "Ummmm" I freeze. Oh shit! Why am I so nervous? "Uhhhh Laura, we were ummm" I can't get the words out. She is gonna think I don't like her. Laura stands there with her hands on her hips staring straight at me, or is it through me? FUCK, I keep fucking this up.

"Mum, Jason wants to know if he can take you on another date. He has both mine and Misty's blessing. So I think you should just put him out of his misery and say yes" Lacy to the rescue. Laura looks at me with the biggest smile on her face. "Toughen up princess and ask me yourself" Laura says to me.

"Laura, after a in depth discussion with Misty and Lacy, they have both given me their blessings to ask you on a date. Our second date but our first with both of girls on board. Would you do the honour of going out with me?" I say in one breath. "I would love that Jason, but while we are at it. Would you like to stay for dinner tonight with the girls and I? They both have plans for after dinner so we will have time together afterwards" Laura asks

"MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!" Misty yells at Laura. "What Misty?" Laura asks. I can't help but laugh at what is going on. "Laura, you pretty much have just invited me to stay for a little bit of fun after the girls have left the house. Now I will be a gentleman and won't expect anything but my god, never ever say that please. I am a man and I do only think sometimes with a certain body part" I laugh out, shrugging my shoulders at the end.

Laura's cheeks are as bright as a tomato. "Oh my god" Laura says. "I never meant it that way. I'm so embarrassed" She whispers. "It's ok mum. I will go and grab the super glue to make sure it doesn't happen tonight" Lacy tells her mum. I can't help but laugh even harder at what Lacy has just said. All three of them look at me.

"Sounds like a fun night to be had. I would love to have dinner with you all. Is there anything you will need me to bring?" I ask Laura. "Condoms" Misty responds. 

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