Chapter 24

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My heart broke for Jason last night. The pain and anguish that he was feeling was coming off him in waves. I have never seen him so broken.

I am happy that he came to me straight away and not bottled this shit up. He doesn't need his ex getting into head. He has something real right here and I promise that I will never let this man go. He has my heart. I never thought I would give someone my heart after Alex died, but here I am. Nearly 2 years on and I have found happiness again.

Jason was dropped in my sight at the right time and I am so ever thankful that he never gave up. Even though I did push him away at the beginning, he never gave up on us. So I am going to be the woman he needs and not give up on him or us. His ex can take a long walk off a short pier.

Dragging myself out of bed and out to the kitchen, I come face to face with a very naked Tyson. "Holy shit Tyson, please put some fucking clothes on before you come out of the bedroom" I say while covering my eyes and turning my back to him. "Shit I am so sorry Laura. I didn't know anyone was home. It is now after 11 and you should be at work" He says. I can hear the embarrassment in his voice.

"I took today off, had an emotional night and needed a mental health day today. I am going to move into the lounge room. I suggest you go and put clothes on before you give Jason a heart attack" I say to him while moving out of the kitchen. I get into the lounge and start laughing. I can hear Misty's door closing and her laughing. Tyson must have just told her what happened. "What is so funny?" Jason asks. With my laughing I never heard him come down the hallway.

"I just copped an eyeful of Tyson's junk" I tell Jason, while still laughing so hard I snort. Tyson comes back down with clothes on. "I am so sorry Laura" he says to me and then sees Jason. "Oh shit. I am so sorry Jason. I didn't know you guys were home, so thought Mis and I were alone. I didn't mean for Laura to see my p......" "Mate take a breath. You're good. Just make sure to put ya jocks on next time" Jason cuts him off, pats him on the back and walks out of the lounge into the kitchen laughing.

Misty comes down the hallway into the kitchen and takes a seat at the table. "So mum, who has the bigger dick? Jason or Tyson?" Misty asks. I can feel the heat rising up my neck and cheeks. "MISTY!!!!!!!!" I yell her name. "Tyson is a child. I will not be comparing sizes with you" I tell her.

We all take a seat at the table. The room is silent. I know I need to ask Tyson what happened but I am scared to bring it up with him. Drugs are not welcomed in my house and if he is using I need to know now. "Tys...." I start but am cut off "Before you start, please here me out" Tyson pleads. I nod my head at him to continue.

"Laura, Jason. I am not a drug user. Never have been and never will be. I have never tried weed or anything stronger. I had gone to a party. Misty didn't come with me that night but the whole time we were texting back and forth. My old friend Ricky was handing out party favours to everyone. I rejected his offer and he moved on. A few hours later cops turned up and shut the party down" I can see this hard for him to talk about but to get past this little bump in the road I let him finish.

"Ricky is known to the cops for his drugs so he shoved his supply into my pocket. Told me to hold on to them until the cops left. Well they ended up taking him to the station on other issues. I went home with them. Forgot all about them being in my pocket until mum did the washing and found them. She wouldn't listen to me when I said they weren't mine and sent me off to my grandparent's farm. I am so sorry for all the hurt and pain I put you all through" He finishes saying as I watch his tears fall from his eyes.

I get up from my seat and move around the table to him. I squat down to his level and grab his hand. "I'm sorry Tyson. I said some pretty nasty things about you to Misty. I now know that I was in the wrong and I am sorry for my behaviour. I am also sorry that you felt that we wouldn't listen to you. I trust you Tyson. You have never given us any reason to not trust you. I just ask you one thing?" I say to him.

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