Chapter 9

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Saturday morning has arrived. To say I am feeling nervous would be an understatement. I feel all giddy inside like a little school girl. The last date I went on was a date night 2 weeks before Alex died. Even though I treasured every single date night with him, it was engrained in my brain as something so normal.

Tonight's date is completely different. I don't know this man well. I don't know anything about him. For all I know, he could be a serial murderer and I am going out willingly with him. "Stop it Laura. Now you are just being stupid" I chide myself. I roll out of bed and head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and bypass the shower, knowing I will be having one later.

Leaving my bedroom, I make my way down the hallway. I can hear Misty and Lacy talking. "It'll be good for mum to get out Lace. You can't expect her to be alone for the rest of her life" "No Misty, she is gonna go on this stupid fucking date and then she'll forget about dad. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has moved in by next week. She is so fucking stupid! What does she need to go out? Are we not good enough for her?"

Those words have again crushed my spirit. I know I should just ignore them, but when they come from my own flesh and blood, it does something to my heart and I just want to give up now.

I walk into the kitchen, being as quiet as I possibly can. I don't want to alert the girls that I heard their conversation. I grab a banana from the fruit bowl and go sit outside on the deck. I hug my knees to my chest and cry. I knew this whole going out for dinner was going to be a mistake.

I hear the sliding door open but don't lift my head to see who has come out. I feel an arm being thrown across my shoulders and me being pulled into this person's side. "Let it out babe. Misty called me. She knows you heard what Lacy said. I am here to help you, help you let it all out and then get ready"

That voice can only belong to one person. That person being Chelsea. Yes, she's a firecracker but she is also one of the most loving and gentle women I know. I take her up on letting it all out. I just sit there and cry on her shoulder. I have cried on this shoulder for years. Chelsea came into my life when I needed someone. She isn't just a work colleague, she is also the sister I never had.

When I first started dating Alex, Amber was still my best friend. We were still always attached at the hip. The day I found out I was pregnant with Misty, she was the second person I told. What she said to me that day, will always be etched in my brain.

"You have now completely fucked up your life Laura. Alex will never stay with you. He was only with you cause he was bored waiting for his next fix of woman. You are fucking delusional if you think he will love you"

Fast forward to 3 years later, I had just started my job in the office, not knowing a single soul. Chelsea had been at the company for 2 years already and took me under her wing. I learnt everything I knew from working with her. She was there with me the day Lacy was born. The relationship Chelsea has with Lacy is one of 'Aunt and niece'

We sat on the steps of the deck for a good 2 hours. I told her all of my issues with going out on the date with Jason and everything that is happening between Lacy and I. "Don't you worry about Lacy tonight. I am taking her home with me before you leave tonight. I will sort her shit out for you. You need a fucking night out and a good one at it. So let's turn this frown upside down and start pampering you"

She grabs my hands and pulls me up onto my feet. I throw my arms around her and hug her tightly to me. I whisper in her hair "Thank you" Chelsea just smiles at me, grabs my hands and pulls me into the house, down the hallway in my bedroom. "Get in that shower and wash yourself" She demands. I do as she says and jump into the shower. I let the warm water wash away my blues. I shampoo and condition my hair. I shave every shave-able part of my body, you never know and wash in my favourite mango smelling body wash.

Getting out of the shower, I wrap my hair up in a towel and use a second towel to wrap around my body. I walk out into my bedroom to see clothes and note on my bed.

Laura, wear this. You will look fucking hot in it. I'll be back in an hour to do your face and hair. Take your time getting dressed. You will knock his socks off tonight. You deserve this. Chelz xoxo

That woman! On the bed in front of me, is a long black evening dress with a plunging neckline. Alex bought this dress for me the last Christmas we were all together. He absolutely loved me in it and I absolutely love wearing it. Chelsea knows how much this dress means to me. It is her way of showing me, that even though he isn't here with me, he would still be giving me his blessing.

I get the dress and my underwear on. I bypass the shoes for now. I don't want to have sore feet and cankles before the date. I sit on the chair at my vanity, waiting for Chelsea to come back. There is a soft knock on my door. I turn in my chair to watch who comes in. My eyes meet my baby's eyes. Her breath catches in her throat.

"I'm so sorry mum. Please forgive me. I am just feeling so down and I can't get my head around you moving on" Lacy says with tears in her eyes. I stand up and walk towards her. I grab her hands and pull her to me. I kiss her head "I will always forgive you Lace, but you need to let me do this, okay?" "Okay mum" she responds.

Lacy leaves my room and Chelsea comes in. There is no talking between us. She just gets to work painting my face and fixing up my hair. She decided to go a natural makeup, to not take away from my natural beauty as she put it. My hair was in a half up-half down do. With a few curls put in there. She grabs my heels from the wardrobe and pushes them into my hands. Air kisses my cheeks, tells me to have a fantastic night with a wink and leaves my room.

I can hear her yell for Lacy and them say a good night to Misty and then the front door open and close. I take a deep breath and look at the time. It was organised that Jason would pick me up and he would be here by 6pm. The time on my phone reads 5:50pm. My breathing becomes shallow, I can feel a panic attack making its way through my body.

Misty opens my door and can see I am struggling. She rushes to me and sits me down. "Mum, deep breathing, come on. I know this is scary but you will have to most amazing time. I promise" She says to me. I can feel her hand rubbing my back in circles. I can feel the oxygen moving around my lungs, making breathing easier. I look at my girl and smile. I nod my head and slowly stand up.

The doorbell rings, interrupting our moment. Misty rushes out of the my room to get the door. I take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out of my mouth. Slipping the heels on I take one final look at myself in the mirror. I grab my purse and make my way out to the front door.

One look at the man standing in front of me has my breath catching in my throat and my knees becoming weak. My palms are sweaty and my heart rate has accelerated. Jason looks like a sex god. I drink him in with my eyes and can feel the butterflies rushing around in my belly. I watch him do the exact same thing to me.

"You look fucking amazing Laura" 

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