Chapter 21

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Jason POV

Wow what a shit show. I never expected to be in the middle of a fight between Laura and Misty. I understand why Laura is upset but I also don't understand. Misty is her daughter who needs all the support she can get. I don't want to pick sides but I think Laura expects me to pick her.

Don't get me wrong, I am falling in love with Laura and can see a future with her, but I also want to support Misty and whatever she chooses. Again, I don't want to be 'Dad' to the girls but if I can at least be a male role model for them both, that is all I ask.

It was a shock to find out Misty is pregnant, she was adamant that they used protection and she is on the pill, but we all know both of those things are not always effective. Misty was sick not long ago and was on antibiotics and if I remember correctly, the pill isn't as effective when someone is on antibiotics. But why dwell on the past. There is a beautiful future ahead for Misty, Laura and Lacy.

I'm at my house this weekend. I think the girls need their space and the only way to give it to them is to not be hanging off them every 5 minutes of the day. I am just getting comfy on my couch about the watch the latest game when my phone pings. I pick it up off the side table.

Hey Jason, it's Lacy. I hope you don't mind me messaging you but I need your help this weekend. Please say you will help 😊

I am now wondering what is so important that she needs my help with. I write back to her

Hey Lace, what's up little chicken?

Within seconds the little dots appear to show she is writing back. After a full 3 minutes her message finally comes through.

So I can't handle what is going on at home with mum and mis. I need your help to try and get them to talk in the same room without the fighting. If you could please come and sit on the fence with me, we can both be Switzerland (I learnt that in Twilight 😉) please say yes. I can't handle the tension at home. I am ready to pack my stuff and leave. Please, please, PLEASE SEND HELP

I have to laugh at her message. Only Lacy could add in that comedic flair and bring up Twilight. I think it is time for Laura and Misty to sit like adults.

Tell me when and where and I'll be there Lace 😊

I sit back on the couch, bring the beer bottle to my lips and take the biggest gulp I can. Why are females such difficult creatures. Women, can't live with them, can't live without them.


The final siren rings on the game and I have realised I never checked my phone after I sent that last message to Lacy. She had written back to me saying tonight and at their kitchen table. I look at the time and notice it is only 5pm. "Ok Jason, time to go and sit on the fence with Lacy and keep the peace in the house. Laura and Misty need each other" A little pep talk never hurt anyone and by the power invested in me by the state of my Bud Light, I am going to try and fix this shit storm.

I grab my wallet, phone and keys and head out to my truck. The drive to Laura's isn't long so I don't get enough time to come up with a game plan. "Fuck Jase, you have been watching too many football games lately. Time to cut that shit out" I say to myself.

I pull up into the driveway of Laura's house. Lacy is sitting on the front step. She looks how I feel. She comes running over to my truck and jumps into the passenger seat.

"Sup little lady?" I ask her. "Oh thank god you are here Jason. It is like a mad house in there. Mum is crying, Misty is crying. I can't handle this shit. There is too much estrogen in that house" Lacy says. I can't help but start laughing at her. "Lace, you do realise you are a female with estrogen running through your body?" I question her. Lacy shrugs her shoulders and gives me the middle finger.

"Anyways Mr I'm so smart. How are we gonna do this?" Lacy asks. "How do you suppose we get them both out to the kitchen table?" I ask her. "I can always tell Mis that mum has gone to her room. We will just have to be really quiet and shut mums door" Lacy says with another shrug of her shoulders. "Well let's get this shit done. I'll order some pizza's to be delivered here" I look at Lacy and she nods her head. We both jump out of the truck and make our way inside the house.

As soon as I stepped over the threshold, I could feel the tension in the air. It was that thick a plastic butter knife would cut it. I spot Laura sitting in the lounge room. She had her back to me but I could tell her mood by how her shoulders were slumped. I just wanted to go and hug her and tell her everything would be ok, but I was always told to never make promises you couldn't keep.

I traded places with Lacy. I told her I would get Misty from her room and Lacy could get her mum. I make my way to Misty's room and I can hear her sobbing. I quickly knock on her door and open it straight away, not waiting on a reply from her. "Hey Misty, your mum has gone to her room and I thought you might be hungry. Come on out to the kitchen and I'll plate you up something to eat" I say to her. She looks at me with her dull and lifeless eyes.

"Come on Mis" I try to encourage her to follow me. She slowly gets out of bed and slowly shuffles her feet behind me. We bypass the lounge room door and head straight into the kitchen. Misty takes a seat at the table and I act like I am looking for food to feed her. The doorbell rings and Lacy screams out she'll get it. Great time Mr Delivery man, great timing.

I grab out 4 plates from the cupboard and take them to the table. Misty eyes the 4 plates and starts putting 2 and 2 together. "Jason, please don't force me into talking to her. She made her point now it is time for me to grow up and find new accommodation" Misty says as she starts to get up from the table.

I don't mean to but I couldn't help myself, "Sit down Misty" I say in a my big man voice. She listens and sits down. "I know shit here is getting out of control. I am here for you and I am here for you mother. You both need to hash this shit out and come to a mutual understanding. I am not picking sides I can tell you that now. But you need to sit here, eat some fucking pizza and grow up"

I hadn't realised Laura had walked into the room. "Jason, I don't appreciate you talking to my daughter like that" Laura says with a clipped voice. Misty's eye light up at her mum defending her. "Mum please don't get mad with Jason. He is trying here" Misty tells her mum. "Ok you bitches. Sit down and let's get all of our shit off our chests" Lacy tells the room, placing the pizza box into the middle of the table.


Five hours later we are still sitting here. Laura and Misty keep going over and over the same things. Laura is worried that Misty is too young to handle a baby. Misty is worried that her mother will never support her. Lacy is trying so hard to not lose her shit at them. I keep staring at Lacy and she just rolls her eyes at me. I know she has had enough. I just hope she can bite her tongue a little bit longer.

"Ok Laura, you keep going in circles with what you are saying to Misty" I pipe up. "What exactly are you trying to say?" I question Laura. "Fine" Laura starts. "I am worried about everything Misty is going to go through. Tyson has gone and I am scared that she is not going to be able to handle this massive life change" I can see the tears roll down Laura's face. All I want to do is kiss them away, but I need to stay on the fence here.

"Misty, it's your turn. Tell us what you are trying to say" I turn to Misty to see her tears are already flowing down. "I just want Mum to accept that this is happening and I just need her to be by my side. I am so scared of everything right now" Misty breaks down and the sobbing is breaking my heart. I am trying to hold myself back from getting out of my chair to hold her. I slowly start inching myself back from the table, but another chair scraping on the floorboards pulls me out of my inner thoughts.

I watch as Laura moves from her seat around to Misty and pulls her out of her chair and just holds her. I can see the love written all over Laura's face. Misty holds onto her mother like she is her lifeline. Lacy has tears rolling down her cheeks. Lacy and I are just looking at each other. I nod my head in the direction of Laura and Misty. Lacy gets up and joins in on the hug. I just sit back in my chair and let the emotions fall over me.

They needed this and I am bloody glad I was here to help rebuild their strong bond. I know everything won't be perfect by the morning but at least this is a start for them. The start of a beautiful future.

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