Chapter 6

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The weeks have gone by in a blur. I healed from the accident. I have gone back to work and Misty keeps asking about my 'new friend'. I must admit, I haven't seen or heard from the new friend since the day of the accident. I think it is for the best though. My main focus should be on my girls.

Getting up in the mornings is getting easier. Work is still the same. Misty is all doe eyed for Tyson and Lacy..... Well Lacy is a different kettle of fish all together. She still isn't happy that I accepted a ride home from a stranger who happened to be a male. She still has it through her head that I am going to forget her Dad.

Her counsellor is even trying to get her to see that I am allowed to move forward and that her father's memory will live on inside of our minds and hearts for the rest of our days. But in the mind of a 13-year-old, those things are not so simple. Her counsellor has explained that Lacy is a "concrete thinker" She needs to see it to believe it. Unfortunately, she just does not understand that because we cannot physically see her father, that his memory will be forgotten by us all.

Finishing up work for the week, the girls in the office invite me out for drinks. "Laura, babe" Chelsea calls out, "You really need to let go hun. You walk around with a stick up your arse. Pull it out and lets have a couple of wines to unwind for the week" She says while throwing her arm around my shoulder. "Fine, I'll just run home and change. Also let the girls know I'm going out. I'll meet you there in a couple of hours" I say to Chelsea as I unwrap myself from her arms.

We walk out of the building to the car park and get in our cars. "Just remember Laura, to bring your dancing shoes. We are gonna get down on the dance floor" Chelsea winks at me and closes her car door. I shake my head at her and close my own. Starting up the car and heading off in the direction of home.

Arriving home, Misty is sitting on the couch with Tyson, they are watching some reality tv program. I think it's called 'The farmer wants a wife', "Are you two being losers again on a Friday night?" I ask them both as I walk through to the kitchen. "Oh you can talk mother. When was the last time you went out?" Misty sasses back to me. "Couldn't tell you the last time Mis, but it's your lucky night, I'm meeting the girls from work at the bar. I just came home to change and let you know. Where is Lacy?"

"Didn't Lacy send you a message mum. I told her to message you. She is staying at Kylie's with April" I hear Misty say. "Well alright then. Can I trust you too to behave tonight?" I say to Misty and Tyson. "Never mother never. Who knows, might make you a grandma in 9 months time" "Not funny Misty Lee. Not funny at all" I say to her. I can hear footsteps running towards me and next thing I know I have 2 arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm just playing ma, I promise. I love you. Have a good night and please mum, let go" She kisses my cheek and walks back into the lounge.

I head off to my room to get changed. I swap my business pants to a pencil skirt and my white blouse to a light pink halter top. Looking in the mirror at myself, I give me a little pep talk. "Laura, it is time to have fun. You will never forget Alex. He will always live on in your heart but now it is time to put yourself back together and see what the world has to offer. You are strong girl, show the world what you have" Pep talks always help me motivate myself. I am used to sitting in on a Friday night in my comfy trackies watching hopeless romantic movies.

I make my way down to the front door. The only noise I can hear is the click clack of my heels hitting the floorboards. Opening the front door, I yell out to the kids "Have fun you 2, just remember Tyson, if you think she's spunky-cover your monkey. Love you" I close the door behind me, not allowing them to respond.

I get in my car and make my way to the bar where the girls are meeting at. The roads are busy for this time of night, but I still make it there in 20 minutes. Pulling up in a parking space, I take a few deep breaths. This is the first night out in a very long time and I am doing it without my husband by my side. I get out of the car and make my way into the bar.

The inside of this place is loud. Music is thumping through the speakers around the room. I spot the work girls in the corner. "LAURA, YOU ACTUALLY CAME" Chelsea screams out over all the noise. My face reddens as the embarrassment sets in. All eyes in the bar are on me. I move myself to their table.

"I ordered you a red. I hope you don't mind?" Tanya says. "Thank you Tan, red is perfect" I give her a smile. The girls all look happy that I am here, but I still feel a little bit out of place. "I am so happy you came Laura. You deserve a night out and especially with us girls. You will be going home with so manyyyyyyyyyyyy numbers tonight" Chelsea slurs. I laugh at her tispy state. "Fuck Chelz, how much have you had to drink already? I swear I only saw you an hour ago leaving work" Chelsea just shrugs her shoulders at me and throws back another shot. I take a small sip of my wine and let the fruity flavour run down my throat.

"Come on Laura, lets hit the DF" Chelsea grabs my arms and pulls me towards the make shift dance floor. We are moving to the beat of the song and I am finally relaxing. Letting the music take control of my hips. I am lost in my own world dancing away to the music when I feel hands grip my hips. My eyes fly open but I cannot see who is behind me. All I can feel is their warm breath on the back of my neck.

They whisper in my ear "Your punishment has arrived, and I am looking forward to every minute I can punish you tonight" 

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