Chapter 20

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What in God's good graces am I going to do now? After everything, Misty goes and gets herself knocked up. You'd think after all the talks we have had while she was growing up, she would have been more careful. What would Alex think of his little princess now? I don't know who my daughter is, and I have to say I am so disappointed in her right now.

My 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. I am 34 and going to be a grandma. Are you trying to kill me universe? I cannot handle all of this right now. Thankfully, I have Jason by my side. He is trying to be the peace maker between all of us. Lacy won't talk to me because I'm angry at Misty. Misty won't talk to me because I am angry with her. I won't talk to the girls because they are ganging up on me. It is a vicious cycle, that I don't see us coming out of anytime soon.

It has been 3 weeks since the day she took the test. 3 weeks she has hidden from me. I go to work in the morning and she doesn't come out. I get home in the early evening and she is back in her room. She is trying to avoid me, but this needs to stop. We have to go through her options.

I storm into her room without knocking. This shit needs to go down and I am ready for it. "Misty, we need to talk about your options" I tell her. "I'm not getting rid of my baby" She responds. I don't know what to say. I think I was hoping that she wouldn't want to keep the baby. "Misty, you do realise that having a baby is hard work. You have just completely fucked your life up" I yell at her.

"So did you when you had me at 17 mum. Why is it ok for you to do it but not me?" She questions me. "Because I had your fucking father beside me Misty. Where the fuck is Tyson, huh? Oh yeah that's right he isn't here. He got what he wanted from you and is now happily sticking his dick in someone else's fucking pussy" I get angry with her.

"No mum, you are just mad because it isn't you who is pregnant. You want everything to be about you and no one else. Maybe Lacy was right when she called you a slut. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You had to get your head around it. Well how do you think I feel. I am on the fucking pill. I have never missed a tablet in my whole entire life. Tyson used condoms every single time we fucked. But both of those are not fool proof. You would know that, but then again, you and Jason don't use anything. Maybe you are trying to get pregnant to keep him in your life. He would be better running for the hills. Away from you" I can see the hurt and the anger in Misty's eyes.

I have nothing more to say to her. She has cut me deep. I am just trying to look out for her. I don't want her ruining her life. She hasn't finished school yet. I want her to have the best life possible, but she won't be able to if she is having to raise a child by herself.

I turn my back on her and leave her in the room. I make my way to the kitchen to cook dinner. I'm not in the mood for anything fancy so spag bol it is. Everything she said was a lie. I am not wanting to get pregnant. I do not want to go back to the nappy stages of life. I am too old for that. I know there are woman out there who would love to be able to have children. I was blessed to have 2 beautiful girls. I just wish they could see that I still love them, even when they do things I don't agree with.

Lacy comes home, sees me in the kitchen, rolls her eyes and takes off to Misty's room.


Lacy POV

Fuck my life. I am no where near old and mature enough to handle the shit that goes on in this house. Maybe it's time to move in with Aunt Chelz permanently. Mum is mad with Misty cause Misty is pregnant. Why can't she just be happy for her daughter.

Misty needs all the support she can get, and I will be there to support her every step of the way. That is what little sisters are for.

I come in from being out on a run. As soon as I walk in, I can feel the tension in the house. Like normal, Misty is hiding in her room and mum is in the kitchen. One look at mum and I know shit has gone down. I roll my eyes at mum and make my way into Misty's room.

"Ok bitch tits. What the fuck happened while I was gone?" I ask Misty as I close her door behind me. I can see that she has been crying again. Her face has tear track marks down both cheeks. I climb on the bed next to her and pull her into my side.

"She just came in here and rubbed in the fact that Tyson left me in my face and pretty much told me I have fucked up my life by wanting to keep the baby" Misty tells me, the tears flowing down her face. I have no idea what to say to make everything better. "Mis, you haven't fucked your life up. School will be finished by the time bubba comes along. You are a strong woman. Who cares what she says" I tell her hoping that will help. Again, I am only 13 nearly 14. What would I know?

I give Misty a kiss on her head and leave her room. I go straight to my own and grab my towel. I need to wash this sweat off and then try and have a grown up chat with mum. I have a quick shower and get dressed in my pj's. Mum is still in the kitchen. When I enter the room, she has her back to me. I am not sure how to start this conversation but here goes nothing, "Mum, can we talk?" I ask her. She slowly turns to face me. I can tell she is closing in on herself again.

"Sure Lace" she says and I can hear the defeat in her voice. I move to the table and sit down Mum follows my lead and sits down with me. "Mum, I know this isn't what you had planned for Misty and her life, but it is happening" I say breaking the ice. Mum starts crying again. "Lacy, it is not as simple as just pushing a baby out and that's it. Babies are hard work. There are sleepless nights, nappy changes, clothes, formula. The cost of raising a child is astronomical. She isn't ready for this" I sit and I listen to what she has to say.

I can see mums point but I can also see that Misty is already in love with this baby. I just wish I could help them both and be the mediator between them. I look at mum and I can see the pain and hurt in her eyes. We have had the birds and the bees talk many, many times. She has told us that raising a baby is hard work and even harder when you are younger. I have seen plenty of teen mums who do a better job than the older mums.

I need to come up with a plan that gets them both in the same room at the same time to talk this shit out. Like adults. Not this yelling at each other. "Mum?" I call her name. She looks up at me "Will you have a mature conversation with Misty over this. Not yell at her, not degrade her, not pick on her cause Tyson is being a twunt" "He is being a what?" She cuts me off. "Just a word April, Kylie and I came up with so we were swearing but not, but back to the point. Will you conversate with her without losing your cool?" I finish what I have started to ask.

Mum just sits and stares at me. I can see the cogs working overtime in her head. She gives me a slight nod and I know I have won her over. Now it's time to get Misty on board. It is time to get this family to work together and raise a baby when it is born in 8 months time!

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