Chapter 13

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Chelsea came through on her word and has taken Lacy to her house. She has been there for a week now and I must say my life is not any easier. I still feel horrible for that Monday. My thoughts are always on her and how she is doing. Chelsea tells me that things are fine but I know deep down that Lacy is going to hate me for the rest of her life.

I didn't mean to lose my patience with her. I never meant to slap her. But at the end of the day I never apologized to her. I never told how sorry I was for my actions. I never told her I never meant those words I spat out. She won't pick up the phone to me or Misty. She just won't talk to us.

Misty is trying to cheer me up. Even Tyson has joined in. Nothing they do makes me feel any better. I have completely ruined my own family. I have ruined my family because I couldn't pull myself together. I couldn't put my children first. I became selfish and wanted things for me when I should have worried about how my girls were dealing with everything.

I need help.

With that thought, I bring up the number to Lacy's counsellor on my phone and press the call button. The phone rings and I can feel the nerves running through my veins.

"Hello. You have reached the voicemail of Dr, Rebecca Foster. Please leave your name, a number and a clear message. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you"

"Hi, Dr Foster, It's Laura Maxwell, I am just calling to see if I can make an appointment to see you. I need help"

I leave the rest of my details and hang up. I don't know whether I feel lighter or heavier? All I know is that this needs to happen so I can rebuild my relationships with my kids and learn to be happy on my own. At the end of the day those 50 cats look more and more enticing.


Another week has passed and I have had my first appointment with the Doctor. I have told her everything that has happened, every mean thing that was said to me and by me. She was cool, calm and collected when she looked me dead in the eyes and told me that I am being ridiculous. When I questioned her why I was being as she called it ridiculous, her words were "Putting your children above yourself is only going to hurt you in the long run. You have the rights to be happy and to do what you need for you. Never let the children dictate what you can and can't do"

Nothing makes sense. She is telling me to put myself above the girls. How? How can I put me above them?


Jason POV

7 weeks. It has been 7 weeks since I have seen or heard from Laura. I have tried to date others but I always sat there comparing them to Laura. The dates never ended with a goodnight kiss or more. I was disappointed in every single one of them.

I know it isn't right to compare those poor women, but to me no one lives up to how I felt with Laura.

I never deleted her number from my phone and I have to fight myself to not get in contact with her. She had to put her kids first and look after them. I still don't understand it but for her I will wait. I will wait until she is ready.

Never in my 37 years of life have I ever felt like this. I have never waited for anybody, but to me Laura is worth every minute of it. One day she will come back to me. I know that. I feel it in my bones.

I know I sound like a little girl, but none of my mates have ever had a date that blew their minds and then ditched them the next day. I need to find out how to get her back quickly. I decide to throw caution to the wind and ask Micky.

Jason- Micky, how would you try to win a woman back?

Micky- Jason I thought I told you to leave it. She said it wasn't going to work for a reason

Jason- Please mate. I'm desperate!

I leave the ball in Micky's court. I hope he gives me something I can work with. I know he isn't happy with how I have gone about all of this. He doesn't like the way I have taken other women out and just left them hanging at the end of the night. I can't help the way I feel.


Micky never got back to me. I know he is upset with me. We are on shift together and he hasn't spoken a word to me. "Micky, man you can give me the silent treatment all you want but I will annoy you with my good looks and charm that you will give up and talk to me" I say to him as I nudge him with my shoulder. "Get fucked wanker. I have better things to do than listen to your bullshit about the woman who got away" he retorts.

I open my mouth to respond when the boss walks in "Jason, there is a young lady here to see you. She looks way to young to be a conquest so maybe a daughter you never knew about?" he says. The boys all start hollering and hooting. I shake my head and get up out of my seat.

Walking to the front of the station, I come face to face with Laura's mini me. "Misty?" her big green eyes look up from the ground to me. "Oh thank god. Do you know how many Jason's are at fire stations over the few towns I've been to? 10. I have seen 10 different Jason's, all because I don't know your bloody last name" She says in one breath.

"Misty, what are you doing here?" I ask her. She just stares at me with a guilty look on her face. "Mum will kill me when she finds out I'm here" She breathes out. "Jason?" "Mmmm" "She needs you in her life. So much has happened in the past couple of months and she needs you, but is being too stubborn to admit it. Is there anyway we can talk privately? Please" I can hear the concern and the defeat in her voice. "Give me a minute Mis. I will go and let my boss know I am going on lunch, okay?" I reply. She nods her head and I walk back into the staff area.

Once I let the boss know I'm going to lunch, I grab my stuff and head back out to the front. Misty is standing there looking lost and confused. I approach her carefully, not to scare the crap out of her. "My truck is over there. Come on, lets go grab some food and have a chat" I say to her. She nods her head and we start heading to my truck. Getting in, we both buckle up and head off.


I spent my hour lunch break listening to Misty talk about everything that has happened over the 2 months. My heart breaks for everything they have been through, especially the shit caused by Lacy. I can understand that Lacy doesn't want her mother moving on but at the same time, I don't understand. That young girl has got my mind all jumbled up.

Misty gave me a few ideas on how to win Laura back, she also gave me a few ideas on how to help cheer her up. Misty looked broken. She broke down at the table over her mother. So that is when I decided that I was going to give my everything to help Misty and to help Laura and Lacy.

That afternoon, I ordered Laura some flowers. Misty told me her Dad always bought her mum sunflowers. I don't want to be the 'New Dad' I just want to be Jason, so instead of sunflowers I ordered tulips. I ordered an array of colours, to be delivered to her tomorrow. Misty told me she would be at work so gave me her work address and floor number.

Fingers crossed this goes well!

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