Chapter 22

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I wouldn't even know where to begin with everything that has been going on. Misty is now a little over 2 months pregnant. We have all had a hand in trying to contact Tyson, but all of us are coming up trumps. He really doesn't want anything to do with her.

With my last resort I find his parents. They need to know that they are going to be grandparents too. Misty begged me not to go, but as I told her, at the end of the day you didn't get in this situation on your own. Tyson needs to man up and be the dad this baby needs.

I won this argument, so now we are sitting in the car out the front of Tyson's house. Misty looks green. I know she is nervous about this but I'm going to be right there with her. "Take a deep breath baby and then we'll pull our big girl knickers up and do this" I say to Misty, hoping it came out confident. I grab my door handle and get out of the car. Misty follows me very slowly. I hold her hand on the way up to the front door of the house. I can feel her shaking and the sweat on her palms. Actually I don't know who is sweating more, me or her?

I knock on the door and we wait for someone to answer. The waiting is what is killing is right now. The door slowly opens. "Misty?" "Hi Mrs Granger. Can we please come in" Misty greets Tyson's mum. She opens the door more for us to enter. Misty goes in before me and drags me in behind her. We enter the living room and Misty pulls me to the couch. We both sit down. "Can I get you anything to drink?" Mrs Granger asks. "A water please" Misty responds. Mrs Granger looks to me "I'll take a water to. Would you like some help?" I offer. She shakes her head and heads off into what I assume is the kitchen.

Misty is still shaking. I just wish I could make this all better for her. Yes, we still have our issues but I am trying to be the mum she needs right now. Tyson's mum comes back in with the water and a drink for herself. She takes a seat on the couch across from us. "Sorry, where are my manners. My name is Julie" she introduces herself placing her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Laura" I tell her while shaking her hand. "Lovely to meet you Laura" "You too Julie" I say back to her.

"I can tell this isn't a social visit, so why don't you ladies let me know what's going on" Julie says to us. I could see Misty was too far gone in her own head to talk so I took it upon myself to explain to Julie why we were there. "Julie, there is no easy way to say this, but Misty is pregnant. She has been trying to contact Tyson for the past month and he hasn't contacted her back" I say to Julie. I can see her eyes fill with tears. She had no idea that things were this bad.

"Oh dear" Julie responds. "I don't know what to say". "We just need to let Tyson know what is going on. It isn't fair on Misty that she is on her own right now. He needs to step up and be a dad to this baby" I cut in on Julie. She looks at us, but I can tell she isn't looking at us properly. She is looking through us.

"Ty has been shipped off to his grandparents farm for the past month and a half. He was caught with drugs and his father and I are not happy with him. He needs to learn life lessons. He doesn't have any service out at the farm" Julie tells us. I can see the pain in her eyes after discussing everything that has gone on.

As it turns out. Tyson hasn't been ghosting Misty. He just has no way to contact her. Now I feel horrible for all the mean and shitty things I said to her about him. I just hope Julie contacts her parents to let him know the news. Misty can't do this without him.

We left Julie's house not long after. The car ride home was silent apart from Misty's sobbing and deep sighs. I reach over and grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I know it is hard right now baby girl, and I can't promise that it is going to get better, but at the end of the day I will be here to help you and I know Lacy will be too. I can't answer for Jason, but I am pretty certain he will be there for us also. You have an army behind you, and we will all support and fight for you" I tell her and raise her hand to my lips. I give the back of her hand a soft kiss and then lower them back down.

Pulling up in the driveway, I see Jason's truck is here. We both climb out of the car silently. Walking up to the door Misty turns to me, "I'm gonna go straight to bed. I love you mum" she tells me. "I love you too baby girl. I'll come check on you soon" I respond. We walk into the house and Misty takes off to her room. I walk into the lounge room and find Jason and Lacy watching lasts night game. Lacy turns her head to look at me "How'd it go?" she asks.

I take a seat on Jason's lap after he patted his knee. I rest my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. "Tyson's mum looked like she wanted to kill us and then bring us back to life just to kill us again. Tyson was caught with drugs and his parents shipped him off to his grandparent's farm in the middle of the night. He has no service out there, so he technically hasn't been ghosting Misty. He just can't contact her" I say. I can feel the tears building again, so I turn my head into Jason's chest and let them fall.

"It'll be ok babe" He whispers into my hair. "I hope you're right Jase. I can't watch Misty self-destruct any longer" I whisper back to him, letting the sobs take over.


I am woken at 3:30am by someone bashing on the front door. Jason jumps out of bed and throws on his shirt. "Stay here and I'll check it out babe" He says as he closes the door behind him. I get up and throw my robe on and silently tip toe out of the bedroom, down the hallway and poke my head around the corner. Jason has only just gotten the front door open.

"Tyson?" Jason says. "I am so sorry for coming this late, but I found out about Misty and I really need to see her" Tyson tells Jason. "Ty it's 3:30 in the morning. Go home and come back at a reasonable hour" "Please Jason. I need to see her pl...." I didn't let Tyson finish his sentence before I step forward. "Jase, let him in" I tell Jason. He steps aside and as soon as Tyson is inside I grab him and pull him into a hug. "I'm so sorry Laura. I promise I didn't mean to do it. I'm so sorry" Tyson says between sobs.

"Come sit with me on the couch and we'll have a talk. Misty needs you strong right now" I drag Tyson behind me to the lounge room. We sit on the couch and he just cries. My heart is hurting so much. I pull him into another hug. "Jason, can you go and try to wake Misty please?" I ask Jason. He gives me a small head nod and heads down the hallway.

"Ty, hun. Breath okay. Misty will be here soon and you guys can talk. But you need to try and calm down ok" I tell him and rub his back. I couldn't think of the right words to try and comfort Tyson. It wasn't long before we heard the feet of one hundred elephants running down the hall, or otherwise called Misty. As soon as she made it into the lounge room Tyson was out of his seat, and straight into her arms.

I looked towards Jason and nodded my head towards the hallway. It was time to give these two a bit of privacy. They had a lot to talk about and I will find out after I get some more sleep. Jason waits for me and as soon as I am beside him, he puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple. "You have no idea how amazing you are Laura. It is why I love you" He tells me. "You love me?" I question him. He bends so he is level with me and stares straight into my eyes. "I love you Laura. I love you so bloody much" He repeats his words. The tears start falling from my eyes. "I love you too, Jason. I love you"

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