Chapter 7

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My breath catches in my throat. That voice was hot but scary but hot all at the same time. I slowly turn around and come face to face with the dark chocolate brown eyes I remember all too well.

"Fucking hell, Jason. You scared the absolute shit out of me" I hit him on his chest. His arms tighten around my waist and he gives me this boyish smile. I must admit that smile is doing things to my insides that I haven't felt in a while.

"How have you been Laura?" He asks. I go to open my mouth to respond when he cuts me off, "Look I remember your name" He fist pumps the air. All I can do is laugh at his childish behaviour. "I've been alright. Just keeping on keeping on. You know what I mean" I tell him honestly. He gives me a sad smile.

"How about you let me make it better for you?" "And how do you suppose you can make it better?" I quickly retort back. "Well for starters, you can have a drink with me and then maybe in a couple of weeks, I can take you out for a meal. Give you something to look forward to eh?" I blush. I blush like a little school girl. I smile at Jason and give him a slight nod of my head and then quickly look down towards the floor. He gently grips my chin and lifts my head up so he can look me in the eyes.

"Laura, I promise you I am not trying to replace your late husband. But, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that day. Please just give me a chance, even as your friend" He says and I can't help the smile from forming on my face. "I'd like that Jason. Thank you" I respond. We stay together on the dance floor. His arms around my waist and my hands resting on his chest. Slowly swaying to the music. Our eyes never leaving each others.


Getting home from the bar 4 hours later. I feel like I am floating. Nothing happened between Jason and I but I can't help the giddy feeling I am getting deep in my belly. I go straight to my bedroom and strip off my skirt and top. I climb straight into bed still wearing my bra and undies. I cuddle up to Alex's pillows. His smell has left the pillows but knowing he slept on them brings me peace.

Walking through a field, full of sunflowers. I come face to face with the man I am so desperately in love with and have been for 18 years of my life.

"It's good to see you Laura, you look like you haven't aged a day since you were 16. As beautiful as these sunflowers around us" Alex has a smile on his face that could light up the darkest corners of the room. "I miss you so much Alex. Why did you have to leave us?" "It was my time Laura, but you, you my sexy woman, have so much more to give. Allow yourself this time to move forward"

I look at Alex. I remember every little scar on his face. His hands cup my face. "No matter what happens in this lifetime Laura, I will always love you and support everything that you do. I love you from here until eternity, but it is time to let go"

I sit down in the middle of the sunflowers and watch Alex walk away from me. The tears are all falling from my eyes. It doesn't take long for him to disappear from my sight.

I wake up with a fright, that dream felt too real to be a dream. I touch my cheeks and can feel that they are damp. I reach over to the bed side table and grab a tissue to wipe my face. I throw the tissue onto the bed next to me and lay awake looking at the ceiling. Going over the dream in my mind. Taking in the words he spoke to me. He was telling me to move on. He was telling me to let go. But, how can I let go when his baby girl won't let me?

Saturday morning came too quickly for my liking. Housework never ends and the pile on laundry lets me know I have been slack this week. I spend the next few hours tidying up the house and sorting through the mountains of dirty and clean clothes. Misty comes down to the laundry to help me. "So Mumzie how was last night?" She asks with a glint in her eyes. "I had a good night. Drank a couple of wines and then came home and went to bed. How was yours?" I ask back with my own glint.

"No Mum, nothing happened. My 'V' card still hasn't been punched yet" The look in her eyes makes me sad. "Misty, baby, do you want it to happen?" "I do mum. But every time I mention it, Tyson closes up and tells me I'm not ready" The first of the tears start to fall down her face. "Have you spoken to Tyson about this?" "No. He won't talk to me about it" I pull Misty into me and hug her tight.

I leave the laundry after sorting all the clothes in there. I am met with Tyson in the kitchen. "Hey Ty, can we talk?" I ask him. "Sure ma'am" he responds. I sit down on a chair and pat the one next to me. He takes a seat and looks at me expectantly. "Tyson, please be open and honest with me. But can you tell me why you won't do the deed with Misty?" The look on his face was pure embarrassment.

"Ma'am, I'm nervous" He says quietly. The look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. This poor boy is still a virgin. "Oh Tyson hunny. You need to tell Misty. She thinks that you don't want to be with her" I explain to him. "Oh ma'am, I love your daughter. She is amazing and so full of life, sometimes I can't keep up with her" he laughs out. I can't help but laugh along with him. "Tyson, tell her and you guys will work it out together. Your first time is always a scary thing, but when you do it with the one you love, it makes the experience one hundred times better. Trust me on this" I give him a kiss on his cheek and leave him at the table.

I walk past Misty in the hallway and tell her she's welcome. Wide eyes are all I see. Confusion settles on her features. "What did you do mum?" I don't answer and walk into my room.

I climb onto my bed and pull out the book I have been reading. It is hot and it is steamy. It takes me into another world where I can imagine my life being crazy and wild. Surrounded by love and family. I read a couple of chapters and put the book down beside me. Cuddling into my sheets and with Alex's pillow, I fall asleep.


I'm woken by my phone pinging. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at the screen. Jason has sent me a message. "Hey Laura, just wanted to let you know that I had fun last night. Just remember you said you will go out with me for dinner in a couple of weeks. Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you soon" I smile at my phone like a teenager getting a text from her crush. Snap out of it, Laura. You are meant to be 34 not 17. I chide myself.

I still can't wipe the smile from my face so I should have expected the questions and accusations from Misty when I entered the kitchen. "What's got you smiling? Or should I say who has got you smiling?" "It's nothing Mis" I quickly say. "Bullshit mum. You haven't smiled like that in a very, very long time. It's nice to see that smile on your face, but someone has put it there" I smile at her and unleash everything that happened last night.

To say Misty was excited would be an understatement. She is already planning my outfit for the night. If I was 17 years younger and not her mother, we would be best friends.

I'm sitting on the couch when the front door opens. Lacy walks in just as Misty is yelling about what I should wear on my date. The look on Lacy's face is pure hatred. "You are such a fucking bitch mum. Dad's been gone for just over a year and you are already moving on. I hate you" She screams at me and runs into her room, slamming the door behind her.

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