Chapter 23

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Laying awake in bed the next morning, I can feel Laura stirring beside me. She struggled to get back to sleep after being woken by Tyson in the early hours of the morning. I think she wanted to go back out to the lounge but in the end, I had to hold her down on the bed. Yeah, I may have had ulterior motives in the end. We had to celebrate saying 'I love you' to each other. What? I'm a man, so sue me!

I slowly untangle myself from Laura's body and get out of bed. Going into the bathroom, I use the toilet, wash my hands and brush my teeth. Just the normal morning routine. I quietly creep out of the bedroom and make my way to the kitchen to get the kettle started. Looking out the kitchen window into the backyard, my mind drifts to the things that I have missed out in life.

I have had meaningful relationships. My last relationship lasted for nearly 5 years, but of course, I was too stupid to realise, that she wasn't the woman for me. So many little signs that I missed. Instead I had my head so far up in the clouds and had my rose coloured glasses on. She wanted marriage and kids and at that point of my life I wasn't ready for it. So she decided to go and find it elsewhere. Last I had heard though, the guy she married was also double dipping in the same family.

I am so far in my head I don't notice the footsteps until 2 arms are wrapped around my waist. "Penny for your thought?" I turn around to face the most amazing woman I have ever met. "Just thinking of how lucky I am to have you. That's all" I smile at Laura and bend my head to gently kiss her lips.

Laura smiles into my lips "Me too. I am lucky to have you" she says, before deepening the kiss. I push her up against the kitchen counter. We are acting like a couple of horny teenagers, well that is until Lacy walks in. "Ahhhhhhh my eyes. My poor virginal eyes will never be the same again" she screams out. Laura picks up the closest thing to us, which is a dish cloth and throws it at Lacy. "I'm not apologizing Lacy. You will have to deal with it" Laura laughs out.

I give Laura one more kiss on her lips and another on the tip of her nose. "As much fun as this was, I need to get moving. I have work today and well, fires won't put themselves out" I tell the girls. I grab an apple from the counter, take a bite and make my way out of the house.

Getting to my car my phone starts ringing in my pocket. I pull it out and press decline. I don't have time today to speak to people from the past. I need to keep looking to my future. The future I have with Laura and her girls. I get in my truck, start it up and head off to the station.


The day goes by quick and before I know it I am sitting on my couch knocking back a nice cold beer. My phone has been going off all day. The same person is trying to contact me but I have no time for them.

I am getting agitated with the constant calls and messages. The phone rings once more and this time I answer it

"What?" I yell down the line. "Fuck, Jason. What is with the attitude?" they say back. "What do you want Natasha? I don't have time for your shit" I grunt out. "Jase, seriously? It has been 10 years. Are you still not over it yet?" Natasha asks. "Yes, Natasha. I am over it. I just don't know why you are bothering me?" I can feel my blood pumping through my body. I am getting so angry at this wom... no I won't even call her that. I am getting angry at this piece of trash.

"Jase, I miss you. Maybe we can pick up where we left off. I know you miss me too and I know you still love me" she says. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" I laugh down the line and then hang up.

What the fuck. I don't miss her and I certainly do not love her. What the fuck is she thinking? I grab my keys and wallet. Turn off all the lights and head out to my truck, locking the front door as I leave it. Jumping in my truck, I quickly start it up and take off to the only place where I want to be. I am going to the place where my heart belongs.

Pulling up in the driveway, I quickly shut the truck off climbing out and locking up. I take the biggest strides known to man to get to the front door. I knock twice and turn the handle. "Honey, I'm home" I yell out with a little laugh. Lacy comes through the kitchen door. "What took you so long to get home Jason?" She asks with a smirk.

"Listen here little chicken. Don't be giving me your sass" I tell her with my own smirk. "What are you doing here tonight. You said you were gonna stay at your house?" She asks. "I need to speak to your mum. I have had a shit day and she is the only one who I need right now" I tell her honestly. She points to her mum's bedroom, nods her head in that direction and gives me a small smile.

I nod my head at Lacy, give her a smile in return and make my way to Laura's room. I need her now. I just need her to wrap her arms around me and tell me everything will be ok. I don't know what Natasha's plan is here but I don't need it interfering with my relationship with Laura. I have finally found a happiness that I deserve.

I open her bedroom door and can hear the shower running. I quickly strip off my clothes and make my way into the bathroom. I quietly join her in the shower. I don't want her body tonight. I just need to the feel the closeness to her. I wrap my arms around her waist. Laura turns her body to face me. I can see in her eyes she is asking me what's wrong. I will my mouth to tell her but I can't. Instead I just break down on her.

Laura turns the shower off and grabs towels for us both. She wraps one around my hips and wraps herself in one. She takes my hands in hers and leads me to her bed. We lay down together and Laura just holds me. "Take your time. I will be here all night. I will wait until you are ready?" Laura whispers into the top of my head. I hold her tighter to me and try to stop the tears from falling.

"My ex rang me tonight. She has been trying to contact me all day" I tell her. "I needed to tell you because I am scared of losing you. I don't want her to come in between us" I tell Laura truthfully. Laura keeps my wrapped up in her arms, placing soft kisses on my head. "I'm not going anywhere Jason. This is where I am supposed to be. I will fight anyone who tries to come between us" She tells me.

We lay in her bed cuddled up together. I told her everything that was said between Natasha and I. I made sure to tell her that I laughed and hung up the phone after she tried to say I was still in love with her. I try and close my eyes but I can't and I can feel the same energy coming off Laura. "I'm sorry" I whisper to her. I feel like shit. We are meant to be starting something really good between us. It is coming up to Alex's 2 year anniversary and I know Laura isn't doing to well with that and I should be here for her and not suffocating her with my own issues.

"Don't you dare say sorry, Jason. You can't help that crazy psycho's are coming after you. I don't blame them. You are like a Greek God and I am very lucky to have you. I told you before. I will fight anyone who tries to come between us. I learnt my lesson the hard way and I am not going back down that same road. Trust me and trust what we have is real. Please" Laura says. Her voice breaking at the end. I can feel the tears falling from her eyes.

I tilt my head back so I can look into her eyes. I shuffle myself up on the bed so both of our heads are on the pillows. I raise my hand to the back of Laura's neck and bring my lips to hers. The kiss is slow but full of passion. I lick her bottom lip asking for permission. Laura agrees straight away, opening her mouth and our tongues meet in the middle.

I lean over Laura more, until her back is on the mattress. I climb over the top of her and undo the towel that she still has wrapped around her body. I make quick work of my own and throw it down on the floor. I lean up onto my knees breaking our kiss. I pull Laura up with me and remove her towel from underneath her and dispose of it with my towel.

I gently lay her back on the bed. Our mouths meeting again like 2 magnets. The soft moans coming from the back of Laura's throat send volts straight to my cock. She squirms underneath me which is doing more damage to my never ending need of her.

We spend the rest of the night making love to each other. I needed her comfort but was rewarded with her body and love. Laura owns my heart and I don't think she realizes just how bad I have it for her. 

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