Chapter 18

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The past 6 weeks have been a dream. Jason has been a god send. A gift from Alex himself. Things have been going well. The girls have come around completely to me having someone special in my life. Lacy was the biggest surprise out of all of this. The way she changed in a couple of weeks. I really need to spend a night with Chelsea and thank her again and again.

I am currently sitting at my computer running through the accounts that need to be paid and closed off. "Good morning" Chelsea comes in singing. "Morning Chelz. What's got you in such a good mood this morning?" I ask her. "Well, Wayne, came over on the weekend and asked me on a date and I said yes" She tells me. "Chelsea its bloody Wednesday and you are only telling me now?" I chastise her, laughing at the same time.

"Well anyways, we went out last night and I really like him, and we are going out again this weekend" Chelsea is overly excited right now. "I am so happy for you Chelly Belly. Maybe we could double date?" I say to her.

The workday goes on. All my menial jobs are complete, and I am now just waiting for the clock to strike 5. Tonight, Jason and I are going out to dinner. He is on over night shifts this weekend so we have to get in our dinner dates when we can. While waiting for the time to go, I grab my book from my bag.

I am feeling all the emotions from the story that I don't realise that someone is standing at my desk. They clear their throat, which makes me drop the book and look up sheepishly. "Howdy" is all they say. I stare straight into the eyes of the man who has captured my heart and has made me feel whole again.

"Jase" I whisper out. He smiles at me and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "You ready to go babe?" He asks me. I quickly pack my desk up and shut down my computer. "With you, I was born ready" I tell him. He laughs at me and grabs my hand, pulling me into his side. He places a kiss on my temple, says good night to some of the other girls and then pulls me down towards the elevators.


Dinner was nice. It wasn't anything too fancy, but just being able to spend time with Jason is what I look forward to the most. The drive home was spent in comfortable silence. Pulling up out the front of my house, I turn in my chair to face him. "Jase?" I call his name. I can feel the butterflies already picking up speed in my stomach. "Yeah, Laura?" He smiles. It's now or never Laura. "Did you maybe wanna stay the night?"

Jason coughs. Like he just choked on air. I am never this forward but reading this Dare series had seriously set my libido on fire. Once he regains his composure, he looks at me. I am dreading his answer. "Well are we going inside?" I feel my whole body relax at those words. I open my door, throw a look over my shoulder, then make a run for it to the front door.

I fumble with my keys and in that time, Jason has made his way up behind me. His hands have taken hold of my hips and I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. He lowers his head to my ear "Nice try at running away babe" he softly whispers just before his lips make contact with my neck. I can't help the little moan that escapes my mouth.

I finally get the key in the hole and unlock the door. The only light on is coming from the hallway. I quietly remove my shoes to not make noise and wake the girls. Jason's hands are still holding my hips and his mouth is still connected to my neck. I quietly place my bag and keys down on the floor and turn my body around in his arms. The look of lust is written all over his face and in his eyes especially. I reach up and grab the back of his neck and pull his mouth to mine.

The nerves I was feeling early are ramping up. This is the first time I have been sexual with a man since Alex. Will I forget what to do? Will he enjoy it? What if I am not as hot as I used to be? I am so far gone in my head that I don't hear Jason calling my name.

"Laura, look at me" he whisper yells. My eyes meet his and I can see he is confused. "Laura, if you are not ready we don't have to do anything. I promised you I wouldn't push you into anything" Jason says to me. I feel like I am just teasing him to reject him again and again. I need to get over my fear. Alex would be yelling at me, telling me how stupid I am behaving.

I really need to get out of my own head and allow this to happen. Come on Laura. You've got this. He wants you and you want him too! I grab Jason's hand and pull him behind me to my bedroom. Once we enter, I close the door behind us.


Jason POV

Wow. Just wow. Spending the night with Laura would have to be one of my favourites. Last night she let go and I have to admit that it was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed. This has just helped out relationship move forward. I was never going to rush her. That is not who I am. I allowed Laura to lead the way. Everything was done on her terms and it worked out for the better.

Waking up next the next morning was absolute bliss. Laura was curled up in my arms with her head on my chest. I did feel a bit awkward as I was sleeping on her late husband's side of the bed, but I shoved that thought to the back of my head. The angel laying on my chest needed all of my thoughts in this time.

I was honestly worried about what the girls would say when they found out that I stayed the night, and I didn't have to wait long for one of them to find out. I hear the door handle rattle and then watch as the door slowly opens. My eyes meet Lacy's eyes and the scream that came from her mouth could wake the dead. Laura flew out of bed, forgetting she was naked.

When Lacy caught sight of her naked mother she let out another scream which made Laura scream. I covered my head with the blanket. I couldn't help the laugh that slipped past my lips. The blanket was ripped from my body and an angry but cute looking Laura was glaring at me. "What is so funny Mister?" She asks me with her hands on her now covered hips.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. It was just funny that you jumped out of bed in the raw and Lacy screamed at your nakedness and then you screamed at Lacy's scream. I'm sorry but everything that has just happened has caused me to laugh. With embarrassment of course" I tell them both. Still laughing at the situation.

"Good morning Jason?" Lacy asks with a sly look on her face. "Nah, Lace. It was a good night, but that is not something we need to talk about" I tell her with a wink. "Ewwwww gross. I don't wanna know. That's my mum" She cries out. "Well don't give me the sly look and I won't answer your questions truthfully Lacy" I burst out laughing at both Laura's and Lacy's faces.

I know I should stop laughing if I ever want what I got last night again, but just looking at these two, does something to my heart. "You want a coffee?" Laura asks me and it breaks me out of my daydream. "Please. I'll get dressed" I say back to her. "If you want to shower the bathroom is just through that door there" she points out the bathroom door.

Laura grabs Lacy's hand and pulls her out of the bedroom. I jump out of the bed once the door is closed and head into the bathroom for a quick shower. All that is going through my head is my night last night and how it was completely perfect. I wouldn't change a thing in the world.



Just wanted to send a big thank you to kyxcoffee

Allowing me to use her Dare books in my story. If you haven't read them, please do


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