Chapter 30

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Misty POV

He is finally here. My baby is finally here. He is absolutely perfect. He has 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. The cutest button nose and plump red lips. His head is full of jet black hair. He looks like Tyson, but has my shaped eyes which are also my Dad's. He is just perfect.

Ryan Alexander Granger joined us in the world at 6:22am weighing in at 8 pound 8 ounces and 19.5 inches long. I am completely and utterly in love with this little boy. He has my whole heart already and he has only been earth side with us for just over 2 hours.

Tyson surprised me the most, the minute Ryan was born, he changed from a little boy to a man. He lost his nervousness and became the man that he is needed to be. He will be the most amazing father to Ryan and I can not wait to see them grow together.

Mum gave us space once he was born. But now that he is here, I am going to need her more and more. I never realized how strong my mum was until I gave birth to my own child. All those feelings that I have felt since he came out of me, makes me understand what my mother would do for us, as now I would do them for him.

We have been home for just a little over a week now. Ryan still doesn't know his day from night and I am up most nights with him. I try and sleep when he sleeps but there is always so much to do. Mum went back to work a couple of days after he was born. Thankfully she was still working from home a few days a week. I don't think I could do it on my own without her.

I know mum had dad's family after I was born, as her own family rejected her, but for her to be here everyday even if she is working is a god send. I am so thankful for everyone in this house. Lacy still gets up and heads off to school in the morning even if she woke up a few hours earlier to sit with me when Ryan needed feeding.

Lacy has stepped into the aunty role fantastically. Especially if Ryan has pooped his nappy, Lacy just hands him back over to me or Tyson, just like aunties should.

Now lets talk about Jason. He has told me that he will be known has Jason to Ryan but I don't think that is right. I need to talk to mum about it and see what she thinks of my idea that I have. I walk into the study with Ryan sleeping in my arms. I use him to butter her up now.

"Hey mum" I say to her. She turns in her chair and puts her arms straight out. I pass Ryan over and she just sits there in awe of him. Gently stroking his face. "What's up Misty Moo?" she asks. "So, I know this is going to be a tough subject, but I feel that Jason isn't going anywhere and I don't think that Ryan should call him Jason as he grows so I was wondering if it would be alright with you, if we call Jason, pops?" I ask her, I chew on my nail waiting for her response

"Oh Misty, I think that is a wonderful idea. Pops is a cute nick name for Jason" she tells me. I can feel the tears building up in my eyes. I look to the roof and try and blink them back. Mum stands and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Let it out baby girl" she whispers in my ear, so I do.

I cry over the loss of my dad. I cry cause he isn't here to watch his grandson grow. I cry over having Jason in our lives. I cry cause my hormones are running rampant through my body. I cry because I am tired. I just cry. Mum is still holding me with one arm and Ryan in the other.

"Go lay down baby girl. You expressed milk earlier and it is in the fridge. I have Ryan. Go" she tells me and pats my bum. I do as she says and lay down in bed. My body is exhausted, my brain is all over the place. I close my eyes and allow the darkness of sleep to take over me.


Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. I never knew how quick time flies by when you are having fun. Ryan is a little over 3 months old now. He is hitting all his milestones like he should be. He has the most cutest little smile and he is now trying to laugh. He makes so much noise and I can tell he will be a little squealer. Like his mother.

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