Chapter 28

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Misty POV

Two more weeks and my due date will officially be here. I am so over this pregnancy. I seriously don't know how women go back for more. My body hurts in all the weird places. This little man is killing my bladder and my back. Let's not get started on every time I need to wee, my insides feel like they are falling out.

The doctor told me that bubs is engaged meaning that I can go at any time. Knowing my luck though I will be in the middle of the grocery store and my waters will break.

I have been feeling more exhausted lately. The most I do on a daily basis is lay either in bed or on the couch. I just feel drained 24/7. Tyson has picked up more hours at work so he can take some time off once little man gets here. I have told him that if he couldn't it would be ok. I know it is hard on him because of him only working part time. He is worried he won't be able to support us both.

I try to tell him everything will be ok, but I know he is feeling like he is failing at being a dad already. I love him with all of my heart. When dad died, he had life insurance. Lacy and I both got a small amount each. It was released to me when I turned 18 so I know that I will not struggle, I just wish Tyson would relax. He is working himself to the bone.

I'm woken from a dream by the slamming of the front door. Lacy comes in screaming every word she can possibly scream out. I sit up "Lacy" I call for her. She comes into my bedroom with a sheepish look on her face. "Sorry Mis. I didn't mean to wake you" She says shyly. I pat the bed next to me for her to join. Lacy climbs onto the bed and snuggles in under my arm and rubs my belly.

"What happened?" I ask her. "That stupid twunt Damian" is all she says before the dam she was holding in bursts open. I just hold her close to me. Teenagers can be so cruel. Lacy and I snuggled down into my bed. I rubbed her head and eventually she fell asleep. I tried to close my eyes but the Braxton hicks started again and the pain I was getting with them was unbearable.

I slipped my arm out from under Lacy's shoulders and stood up. Rocking from side to side. The pain subsided and I could finally breath again. "Is this what labour will feel like? Cause if it is, I don't wanna do it" I whisper to myself. I leave my room and head down to the kitchen. It is only 4pm so mum wouldn't be home for another hour. Tyson is working until 8pm tonight and Jason is staying at his own place.

"Ok Misty, you are not in labour. It is too soon" I mumble into the fridge. I stay staring into the fridge for a long time. I know I opened it to get the juice but another lot of pain hit me. With one hand on the fridge door and the other holding my belly, I try to keep the noises to a minimum. This one was stronger and came on harder than before. Remembering the breathing techniques from the birthing classes Tyson and I had attended, I started to take a deep breath through my nose and let it out slowly through my mouth.

I kept panting long after the pain had subsided. I close the fridge door. I turn around and place my hands onto the countertop. I move to the cupboard and look for something for dinner. Ever since helping make dad's favourite meal, I have been more active in the kitchen. I may not be a Gordon Ramsey yet but at least I can make the basics.

I hear the front door open, mum's heels click clacking on the floor. I open my mouth to yell out to her but instead all that comes out is another groan. "Misty, where are you?" mum calls out. I can't answer her, the pain is ripping through my stomach like never before. The breathing techniques are doing fuck all. Still all I can do is groan and moan through the pain. I am one step away from screaming this house down. Mum comes rushing into the kitchen.

"Misty?" she calls my name. She applies pressure to my lower back and rubs in a circular motion. The tears are falling from my eyes. "Come on, let's get you comfortable on the couch hun" she says as she helps me into the lounge room. "How long ago did these pains start baby?" she asks. "I have had them on and off all day. I thought they were Braxton hicks" I tell her honestly. "Oh no baby, these aren't Braxton hicks. Misty, you are going into labour baby" Mum says with a smile on her face

That smile will make everyone around her smile. So of course I can't help by smile with her, until I remember what my body is about to go through. The smile becomes a frown and the tears start falling down my face. Mum sits down next to me on the couch, wrapping her arms around me "Oh baby girl. It will be ok. I promise you, everything will be ok. We will start timing the contractions ok and once they are real close together we will go to the hospital" she says.

Two hours later and the pain is getting worse. I can't find a comfortable spot on the couch, floor, bed, kitchen table, anywhere. I squat hoping that will take some pressure off. Mum had called Tyson at work and told him that contractions had started but he didn't need to come home just yet. She will keep him posted. Jason came over after mum called him. I want Tyson and mum with me when I deliver this baby. I need them both as they are both my rocks.

Lacy tries her best to help, but she is confused like me on what to do. Mum sits back and laughs every time Lace does something. I am biting my tongue more than ever right now. I just want to scream every swear word known to man at the top of my lungs.

My contractions are still 10 minutes apart and don't last any longer than 20 seconds at most but I feel like they are lasting for hours. The build up, the peak and then the let down. I am ready to reach up into my uterus and pull the baby out myself.

Another two hours pass, the only thing that has changed is Tyson is now here. Rubbing my back and stressing out cause we are about to have a baby. Contractions are now sitting at around 7 minutes apart and going for a good 30 seconds. "Why does it take so long?" I ask out loud. Mum just sits back in her chair laughing at me.

"Misty, babies don't just slip out when they are ready. Your body needs to adjust to get ready for the baby. You still have a lot of work to do" she tells me with her wicked grin. "This is bullshit. Why is it when putting them in there it is the best time but they are arseholes when they need to come out?" I ask. My temper is now starting to get the best of me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck" I call out. They are the only words in my vocabulary at this moment in time. Still mum laughs, Lacy looks amused. Jason drinks a beer and Tyson just rubs my back. Absolutely nothing wrong with this situation. They are all living their best lives and I am dying in pain because this little arsehole wants out in the world.

"Don't anyone care about me. It's ok, I'll just go somewhere else and die in pain" I cry. Mum, I swear if she wasn't sitting she would have hit the floor laughing. "Oh Misty, I'm pretty sure I said the same thing when I was in labour with you" mum laughs out. She is laughing so hard she is snorting and crying at the same time. The pain stops again. I sit back on the couch and put my head in my hands. "I love you Tyson, but we are never doing this again" I tell him.

Mum snorts again, "Yep I told your father the same thing and well 4 years later Lacy came along" she says. I give her the best stink eye I can possibly manage. This just sets her off even more. Another pain rips through my stomach, which sobers mum up and she starts timing again. This one lasts longer than the others and is more intense. What feels like years later it slowly ebbs away. Mum looks at her phone then looks at me. "It's hospital time baby girl. Your contractions are coming four and a half minutes apart. Lets ring the hospital and let them know you are on your way"

Mum makes the phone call while Tyson grabs my hospital bag and Jason helps me off the couch and out to the car. Tyson comes running out of the house with a bag that isn't even mine. "Tyson, that isn't my bag" I cry out as another contraction rips through me. Tyson looks like a deer in headlights. Lacy comes out the front with my bag and takes the other one from Tyson.

"Ty, that was my gym bag. I don't think Misty and the baby will want to wear my stinky gym socks" She laughs. "Good luck big sissy. I can't wait to hear when he gets here. Love you" Lacy yells out to me and goes back into the house. She gives mum a kiss on her cheek and a quick cuddle. Mum grabs Lacy's face and kisses her forehead.

I climb into the back seat. I need more room but this is all I'm going to get. Tyson sits up front with mum. I can tell he is nervous. He talks a mile a minute when he gets like this and it is normally absolute crap that comes out of his mouth. The last thing I think I heard over the blood rushing through my body was him explaining why the sky is blue to mum. She was trying so hard to hold in her laughs but couldn't in the end. 

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