Chapter 29

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Holy shit, my baby is in labour. She is gonna be a mum soon. She is gonna have her own little family soon. Holy fuck balls. I'm gonna be a grandma at 34.

Driving the car as quick as I legally can my mind is all over the place. Tyson is rambling some stupid shit. I am trying my hardest to not laugh at him but he is making it very easy. Misty is writhing around in pain in the back seat. As a mum I wish I could take this pain away for her, but as someone who has been in this situation, I sit back and think 'Hahahaha, you wanted to play grown ups, this is what happens' I know, I know, I'm nasty.

Pulling up to the front of the hospital, Tyson jumps out of the car and runs inside hoping to grab a nurse with a wheelchair. Misty is groaning in the back seat still. "Mum, I don't know what I am groaning about more. Being in pain or my dickhead of a boyfriend" she says between pants. Again, I can't help but laugh at her.

Tyson comes running out with a wheelchair. I climb out of the car and go around to help Mis out. Once she was situated in the chair, I moved back around to the driver's side. "No, mum you can't go" Misty cries out. "I'm just moving the car Mis. I can't leave it here. I'll be up in the room soon" I tell her. I climb into the car and take off.

Once I had parked the car, I grabbed Misty's bag from the trunk. I knew Tyson was going to forget it. I double checked the car to make sure there was nothing else that was needed. Luckily, I did though, Misty's phone was sitting on the floor just under my seat. I pick it up, lock up the car and make my way into the hospital.

I have a spring in my step. I am so excited that after tonight, Misty will have her baby and there will be more love in the house. I just know if Alex was here, I would be the one at home with Lacy. He would of made sure he was in the room with his grandchild when they come into the world. I don't think Misty would have liked it but Alex was Alex. Once he had an vision, that was it.

I knock on the door I was directed to. Upon entering I see my poor baby with her legs in the stirrups and the midwife having a great feel around. "Ok Misty, you are at 5cms dilated. If you want the epidural you need to speak now" the midwife says to her. Misty looks like she is going to pass out. I quickly move to the side of her bed "Baby, did you want the pain relief?" I ask her softly. She nods her head and I nod at the midwife. "Ok darling, I'll get that all set up for you. I will be back in a moment" the midwife tells her and leaves the room.

Misty rolls to her side and curls up in the foetal position. Tyson rubs her back and I stand there just in awe at the two of them. The love they have is the love that I shared with her Dad. I remember when I was in labour with Misty, Alex was at my bedside the whole time. He held off going to the toilet right until he was about to explode, and I think I told him in not so many kind words to 'get the fuck away from me'. He was my rock and I pray every day that Tyson is the same for Misty.


We have been at the hospital for a little over 3 hours now. The doctor came in earlier to administer the epidural, so now Misty is comfortably sleeping. Tyson is sitting next to her bed and is resting his head on the mattress next to Mis' belly. I just keep thinking back to everything that has happened in our lives up to this moment.

We have all had our own special moments in life. Mine would be the day I married the love of my life and then when I delivered both of our children. I just hope this day for Misty is the day she will remember for the rest of her life as her favourite. This little man is going to change her life in so many ways and I am excited to watch them both grow together.

The midwife comes back in and gently tries to wake Misty. I giggle from the corner I am sitting in "You are gonna have to be a bit more firm with her. She sleeps like a log" I laugh out. The midwife giggles in return, then nudges Misty. "I'm up, I'm up. Where's the fire?" Misty asks. The midwife and I start cackling like a couple of school girls.

"Misty, I need to check you again, ok darling?" the midwife says. Misty rolls onto her back and assumes the position. The midwife does what she needs to and the look on her face means it is nearly showtime. "Ok Misty, you are at 10cms and you are fully effaced. It is nearly time for you to push darling" she tells Misty.

The look on Misty's face tells me she is not ready for this. I get up and walk around to the other side of her bed. I grab her hand and get right in her face. "Misty, you've got this baby girl. I will be here every step of the way. It is time. Your little man wants to meet you and come out into this big wide scary world. But no matter what, I will be here, every step of the way" I give her a kiss on her forehead.

Tyson stands and cracks his bones. All 3 of us in the room groan at the same time. He has a bashful look on his face "sorry" he says. He grabs Misty's other hand and gives he a sweet kiss on the lips. "You've got this baby. Let's bring our son into the world" he says to her. She nods her head at his words and looks to the midwife.

"When I tell you Misty, I want you to take a deep breath in and hold it. Pushing down into your bum ok. I will count to 10 and then you can let the breath go. But make sure you push down into your bum. Just pretend you are doing a really, really big poo" the midwife says. I laugh at her words. "I love it" I tell her. "Just push Misty like you are taking a crap. The biggest crap of your life" I laugh out to her.

Misty doesn't look too thrilled. She has her game face on, waiting for the midwife to tell her when to push. I can see the concentration in her eyes. I squeeze her hand in mine to let her know to use me if and when she needs to. The midwife gives her the ok. She takes a deep breath in and pushes with all her might. "Keep going baby, keep going" I say to her. The midwife is still counting. "8, 9, 10. Ok Misty take a breath" the midwife says.

Misty gulps in the air. She continues to do this for next 45 minutes. Deep breath in, hold for 10, let it out. I can see the exhaustion on her face. I wish I could help her out here. Misty, my strong, beautiful girl is looking defeated right now and my heart is breaking. "You've got this baby girl. I know you are tired, but he will be here soon" I whisper to her. Tyson says the same thing to her and kisses her on the temple.

Tyson and I share a look between us. We want to help her, but it is up to her to get this bubba out. The midwife is still hopeful that little man will come out before her shift ends. "Come on Misty. I need to meet this little man. You have an hour to go. He will be out before I leave this morning" she says, trying to encourage Misty.

Again, Misty starts pushing, the midwife doesn't say anything but gives me a nod. I take a quick peek down and I can see my grandson's head. "Come on Mis. He is just there. Soon he will be in your arms" I try to encourage my girl. She gives me a small smirk. I know that smirk. It's her 'I won't give up now' smirk. Now that her mind is on it, this baby will be out quick smart.

Misty is pushing with all her strength. "Misty, I need you to pant ok darling. Just little pushes now" the midwife tells her. Mis starts panting, I am watching my grandson's head slowly begin to appear. Next thing I know, his little head is out. The midwife tells Mis to have a little rest. His head is out, and we are just waiting on him. He turns his little face towards me. Seeing his beautiful little nose and puckered up lips, my heart is melting.

"Alright, Misty, one more big push and your little man will be here. Deep breath in and push darling" the midwife says. Misty takes in the biggest breath yet and pushes down. "Open your eyes Mis, open your eyes" I tell her. She opens her eyes as her little man is being placed on her chest. Misty squeals, Tyson chokes and I sob. He is finally here.

Tyson cuts the umbilical cord, and he is taken away to be cleaned up. I let Misty and Tyson have this moment together. I step back and allow them the time to be loved up and content. They have just become a family of 3, and nothing will ever get in their way. I still have silent tears falling down my face. I think it is more because Alex isn't here to see this, but I know in my heart he is just as happy for them as I am, wherever he is now.

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