Chapter Three - Harry Potter videos

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(A/N - As Rose is on OC and I am trash at editing videos, she will not have a video but an explanation instead.)

"The first video will be and over-view of the story" said that weird voice from the wall."We will start of with the witches and wizards"

Harry saw a black screen appear on one of the white walls and then it lighted up.

"Wow" said Ron in shock "seems like we go through some real shit during the war"

"Language Ronald" said both Hermione and Mrs Weasley.

"Next" came the voice in the wall "is a video of the boy-who-lived ,Mr Harry James Potter."

Harry could feel everyone's eyes looking at him and his cheeks burned up.

(Imagine the bit about Dumbledore and Harry and Snape talking about Harry being a horcrux and the bit when Dumbledore and Snape talk about Harry needing to die is not there. Also just imagine Rose in in the scenes).

"What prophecy" said Harry.

"That's what your focused on" said Ron angrily "I swear to Merlin Harry and Rose if you two ever give your life up to Voldemort I will resurrect you both and kill you again"

"Definitely" said Ginny, she was glaring angrily at Rose.

Hermione and Fred nodded in agreement.

"Next is the lovely twin sister of Harry, Rose Lily Potter" said the voice in the walls.

Harry could see Roses cheeks flare up.

(Rose is very intelligent like Hermione -her best friend is Hermione- but unlike Hermione she quite enjoys a bit of mischief, but not to often. While Harry's deepest nature is like Lily's, Roses is like James. She like James is fiercely loyal to her friends -sometimes too loyal- and she is quite forgiving to the people she loves. She wears her heart on her sleeve.  The video that the characters see will start of with a montage of her crying at the scenes where Sirius, Remus and Tonks, Dumbledore and  Cedric die. It then switches to the scene in number 12 where her and Harry are talking to Sirius -What if I am going bad- then to the 'the more you care the more you have to lose' scene. It then switches to the part where Hagrid talks about a storm coming. Then to The Mirror of Erised scene. Then to the 'my father was a great man' 'your father was a swine' and the to a montage of fight scenes. Then to 'if Voldemort's raising an army then i want to fight' then to 'lets finish this the way we started tom together'. Then to the final duel, then to a montage of all the horcruxes being destroyed. Then to the part where the trio and Rose are running through the forest. Then back to the final duel. Then to Harry and Rose clutching hands before Voldemort 'kills' them Then the scene where Voldemort kills James and Lily. With Lily saying 'Harry, Rose you are so loved, so loved. Harry, Rose mama loves you, Dada loves you'. Then END. The video will also be to the song survivor)

Harry could see tear streaming down Roses, Hermiones and Mrs Weasley's face and his own eyes seemed rather wet to. As he looked over to the other group he saw the red-haired girl named Clary looked as though she might cry.

"Next is the youngest male Weasley - Mr Ronald Bilius Weasley" said the loud voice.

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