Chapter Twenty One - A Door into the Dark

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[Jace and Valentine have just escaped Jocelyn's arrows and are Portaled back onto the ship.]

JACE: You set me up to kill that vampire.

VALENTINE: You killed her because it was the right thing to do. The world's a safer place without that thing wreaking havoc.

[Valentine pulls the arrow out and throws it on the ground.]

VALENTINE: Would you rather turn her over to the Clave to stand trial?

"That is my job" said Jace angrily.

JACE: That is my job! "The Law is hard, but it is–"


VALENTINE: Yet the Clave does nothing, nothing to enforce that. Downworlders multiply with a bite or a scratch, while our numbers dwindle year after year. [Valentine uses his rune to heal himself.] If we don't do something, a den like that one is gonna be on every corner on every street in the world. This is the only way.

JACE: You're wrong.

VALENTINE: Like I was wrong about your mother? I know you even better than you know yourself.

Jace flinched,

JACE: You... you don't know me at all.

VALENTINE: You saved my life. You could've Portaled me anywhere, handed me over to the Clave in Idris, but did you? No, because deep down inside, you know that I'm right.

"No.. No I don't" said Jace.

"Of course you don't" said Molly kindly.


[Aldertree, some Shadowhunters, Clary, Simon, and Jocelyn walk into the Institute. Clary goes the other way and Jocelyn follows her.]

JOCELYN: Clary, please let me explain.


[Cut to Lydia and Aldertree walking.]

"I swear to the Angel, if he blames Lydia for this" started Alec angrily.

LYDIA: This wasn't my fault and you know it.

ALDERTREE: You're responsible for the actions of the Institute, are you not? Make yourself useful. Line up the witnesses.

Laina rolled her eyes at Aldertree.

[Aldertree walks away, Lydia watches him.]


[Jocelyn is still following Clary. Simon follows them, too.]

JOCELYN: Clary! Clary, stop!

[Clary turns around.]

CLARY: [frustrated] What is wrong with you? We almost had him back.

JOCELYN: You don't understand.

"She just tried to kill her own son" said Molly angrily"There is nothing to understand"

Not even Luke had any arguement against that.

CLARY: You're right, I don't. I don't understand why you would try to kill my brother.

[Clary turns around and walks away.]

JOCELYN: [screaming] Because your brother, he's not who you think he is. [Clary stops.] [in a lower voice] Honey, there's still so much you don't know.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now