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Jake smiled when he saw quidditch captain Oliver Wood put a notice on the board saying that quidditch tryouts would be that afternoon. Jake got dressed quickly, he was in such a good mood that he totally forgot about his brother or any of his friends. Jake had made friends with a couple of 3rd years Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordan who he found really funny. Of course his father didn't like this but Jake didn't care what his father thought at the moment.
Jake walked down to breakfast and sat down at the Gryffindor table and got one of everything that was there. Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend walked in and sat across from him.
"Listen Jake, I know we got off at the wrong hand and I'm sorry..." Ron said looking at Jake who looked up at him. He gave Ron a smile, Jake was so happy he could forgive anyone at the moment (well except Voldemort of course).
"That's alright Ron, everyone seems to judge me by my father" Jake said looking back at his food and eating it.
"I didn't mean to, it's just my brothers have told me Snape is abit of an arse" Ron said.
"Oh trust me he can be, but I love him" Jake said with a small smile. Ron chuckled abit and nodded. "I've gotta go!" Jake said getting up. "It's a lovely Saturday morning and I need to practice for tryouts today" Jake said running off. Ron nodded, Harry walked in watching his brother run past him.
"What's he running for?" Harry asked once he sat next to Ron.
"He's trying out for quidditch today" Ron said eating his breakfast. "He seemed really excited about it" Ron muttered.
"He'll make the team, he practices a lot" Harry said with a small smile on his face.
"He has to be really good to get on the team as a second year, Fred and George only just got the spot last year" Ron said. Harry frowned. Ron saw that he made Harry upset and quickly said. "But I'm sure he will do well"
Harry nodded and they finished eating there breakfast. Hermione walked in just as they were finishing off.
"Harry I went to the library and found a book on quidditch for you" Hermione said sitting at the gryffindor table. "It's a very complexed sport"
"It's also brilliant" Ron interrupted. Harry and Hermione both looked at him raising there eyebrows. "Sorry" Ron muttered then got more to eat. Hermione shook her head and continued.
"You should go watch tryouts" Hermione said.
"I actually can't" Harry said. "Snape has given me a lot of potions homework and I want to get it done"
"That's due on Monday" Ron murmured with a bunch of food in his mouth.
"Swallow before talking" Hermione said to Ron. Ron glared at Hermione and continued eating. "How much can you eat?" Hermione asked.
"What this is only my seconds" Ron said, Hermione shook her head.
"And Harry's right Ron, we should all be completing that potions homework" Hermione said, Ron groaned and pushed his plate away.
"Potions is to hard, who the heck wants to write and essay on boils and what the main ingredients in the cure for boils is" Ron muttered.
"No one" Harry said.
"I find it interesting" Hermione said. Ron looked over at Harry and chuckled.
"Except Hermione"
Jake stood there with a few other gyffindors who wanted to tryout. Jake was the obvious shortest but he was one of the strongest looking ones.
"Okay we will be needing two chasers because we already have one, so can the chasers stand forward?" Oliver wood asked and four stood forward, a tallish girl with brown hair who was in Jakes year and three boys, one in 4th year, one in 3rd year and Jake.
"Okay get on your brooms, we are going to see who is the fastest" wood said, they all got onto there brooms. "Okay i want you all to race around the quidditch pitch... Go!" Wood yelled the last word and without another word Jake and everyone else was off, Jake was in the lead with the girl. Jake tried so hard to beat her but she won by a bees ass.
"Good run" Jake said smiling at her, she smiled back and nodded then walked towards wood.
"Okay, you aren't fast enough" wood said to the 4th year. "Sorry but you didn't make the team" the boy walked away sadly and wood straightened up to tell us the next instructions.
"The next thing is shooting, I'll be the keeper and what ever two of you gets it past me the most times in two minutes and the third person will be the back up chaser" wood said, everyone nodded. Wood got into his broom and pointed at Jake. "Your turn first" Jake got up on his broom and grabbed a quaffle.
Jake shot 7 in two minutes which is pretty good because wood is a fantastic keeper. The 3rd year for it past wood twice and the girl 2nd year got it past him 6 times meaning that Jake and the girl made the team.
"Congratulations guys" wood said, "we haven't made up a full team yet but I'll tell you when we do" wood muttered running his hand through his short hair. "We haven't found a seeker"
Wood frowned and walked off, Jake faced the girl.
"I'll Jake Snape, what's your name?" Jake asked smiling at her, her cheeks went a light shade of red.
"Katie Bell" she said smiling slightly. Jake smiled.
"Nice to meet you"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now