Its time for him to know

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Hermione came back from her Christmas holidays earlier then everyone else. She had a bright look on her face when she saw Ron and Harry. "Did you find anything?" Hermione whispered, trying hard not to let Jake hear. But Jake could only just hear.

"No" Harry said looking at the ground.
"But there is one section of the library I haven't checked, it's the restricted section"

"You know Harry it's called the restricted section for a reason" Jake said with a smirk on his face. Ron changed the subject fast.

"Hermione, you should see what Harry for for Christmas" Ron looked around, there was no one in the common room, why would there be? They're all away for Christmas. "Go on get it Harry" Ron said excitedly. Harry chuckled and took a cloak from his robes and threw it around his body and all you could see was Harry's head.

"Wow is that an invisibility cloak?" Hermione asked smiling. "This is great, you can go to the restricted section without a teachers signiture" Hermione said excitedly, then she looked at Jake and changed the subject. "Who's it from?" She asked, Jake rolled his eyes and before Harry could answer Jake butted in.

"What are you guys up to?" Jake asked. "I know it has something to do with that Flamel guy" Jake muttered. "I could help you know" they all stared at him blankly then looked at each other.

"How do you know that?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow. Jake shrugged slightly.

"On the first day of Christmas holidays when you decided to ditch me for the library, I thought something was fishy and I wanted to see what you guys were up to. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time" Jake said "and you should trust me by the way harry, I'm your brother and I do have mums heart. I don't know if my dads up to something or not but I'm here to help you, Dumbledore told me I must always be here for you" Jake muttered, harry nodded.

"Okay guys" harry said looking at Hermione and Ron. "It's time for him to know" Harry said, Hermione and Ron looked at each other with a nervous expression but nodded.
"Jake we got lost in, believe it or not... The third floor, we heard filch coming so we ran to the only door there was, when we got in the door there was a three headed dog" Harry said, Ron shuddered.

"A three headed dog?" Jake asked. "Are they even real?" Jake asked, Harry nodded.

"The dog was standing on a trap door so we knew he was guarding something" Hermione said.

"There was a three headed dog and you were looking at what was at its feet?" Jake asked.

"I know mental right" Ron said earning a glare from Hermione. Harry continued speaking.

"Anyway, I realised that what this dog was guarding must be really special and I remembered when Hagrid took my to griggots he took something out for Dumbledore, the vault was later broken into but nothing was taken. Also a few days after the three headed dog, we went to go visit Hagrid and he let it slip that he let Dumbledore borrow his three headed dog and this was Nicolaus Flamels and Dumbledores business" Harry said.

"And that leaves you at Nicolaus Flamel?" Jake asked, Harry, Ron and Hermione nodded. "I think I know where you saw that name Harry" Jake said pulling a card from his pocket. Harry gasped.

"That's right..." Harry said. "Dumbledore and Flamel are friends" Jake nodded.

"Also, I found the name in a book, you guys were looking in the wrong section, I read this book a while ago" Jake said taking a huge book from a shelf and putting it on the table, he flipped to a page that he had marked. Hermione looked at it.

"Nicolaus Flamel is the only known owner of the philosophers stone" Hermione said. "That's what the three headed dog is guarding, the philosophers stone"


After they had found out the news that the three headed dog was guarding the philosophers stone, Harry was determined to find the reason why. Harry thought that Snape was going to steal the stone but every time he mentioned it Jake would tell him that his father is a good man.

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