What Happened?

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Jake sat on a chair in the hospital wing, he was leaning forward resting his head on Katie's bed. He was asleep. Katie wasn't, she woke up 10 minutes ago and she sat there watching him sleep. She giggled lightly at Jakes soft snores. She loved watching him sleep, he looked peaceful and it made her forget the pain that was still in her leg. Jake woke up slowly after hearing the giggle and he saw Katie awake and sat up straight away fixing his shortish-longish hair.

"You're awake" Jake said smiling at her. He was happy, she had been unconscious for two days and Jake refused to leave her side.

"Professor Snape told me you have been here the whole time, he said you refused to move until I was awake" Katie said, Jake blushed and run his hand through his greasy black hair. "When was the last time you washed your hair, Jake?" Katie asked.

"I haven't uh showered for 2 days, sorry Katie" Jake said embarrassed. Katie giggle, she looked at his handsome face, he was very handsome, unlike his father she thought. She wasn't calling Snape ugly but Jake was really handsome. Katie has heard about Lily potter and knew she was very pretty.

"Don't worry about it Jake, you look handsome as always. Why did you stay?" Katie asked, Jake shrugged casually, he may have looked a lot like his mother but he was also ridiculously like his father and didn't like to show emotion and sometimes when he spoke he came off rude.

"You're my best friend, I'm always here when you need me the most" Jake said smiling softly at her, she blushed slightly. Jakes attention was suddenly grabbed by a group of kids coming into the hospital wing, it was late at night and Jake didn't understand why, Jake moved to the beds and saw and injured Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, his brother.

"HARRY!" Jake yelled, Severus pulled him back.

"Shh.." Severus said slightly. "Harry has just stopped the dark lord from receiving the stone" Severus muttered.

"He did?" Jake asked shocked, he looked over at Harry's lifeless body and back at his father. "Is he okay?" Jake asked, Snape nodded.

"He won't wake up for a while" Severus said. "Maybe two weeks" Snape said, Jake nodded not daring to question his father.

"Don't exams start in two weeks?" Jake asked, Severus shook his head.

"All exams are being cancelled, Dumbledores orders" Severus said, Jake chuckled thinking how Hermione would act when she hears that. "What are you chuckling at?" Severus asked raising and eyebrow, Jake shut up at once.

"You know Hermione Granger?" Jake asked, Severus nodded. "She well, studied hard for exams and now she won't be doing them" Jake said. "She'll be quite angry" Severus chuckled and ruffled up jakes hear, he realised how greasy it was.

"When was the last time you showered?" Severus asked, Jake shrugged running his hand through his greasy hair. "Go say bye to your girlfriend and then go take a shower, then go to bed, it's midnight" Severus sAid. Jake blushed when he said 'girlfriend'

"She's uh not my girlfriend and uh okay" Jake said, he walked over to Katie's bed. "I'm going to go have a shower and go to bed, I'll be back in the morning, I promise" Jake said, Katie nodded. Jake smiled lightly at her and walked out of the hospital wing.
The next day Jake walked down to the hospital wing before his first class. Harry wasn't awake yet and Ron was that his ribs hurt. Jake noticed that Katie was still asleep so he walked over to Ron and sat beside him.

"Hi Jake" Ron said with a soft smile. Jake smiled back.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked, Ron shrugged.

"I could be better" Ron muttered. "Madam promfry said that for broken ribs I should let it heal by myself, she said it's very risky to use magic on them because the magic could do something to my lungs, I don't know I wasn't listening much" Ron said, Jake nodded.

"What happened?" Jake asked, Ron looked at him for a few moment then started to speak.

"Well we kinda got from Hagrid that to get past the three headed dog we needed to play soothing music" Ron muttered.

"So he just told you it when you asked?" Jake asked, Ron shook his head.

"No well he let it slip, just like the Nicolaus Flamel thing" Ron mumbled. He pulled himself up so he was sitting up in the hospital bed but winced in pain when he did so. "Anyway, we managed to get past the three headed dog no problem but it is what's under the three headed dog that was hard to get out of" Ron muttered.

"Hard for you" said a voice of a person walking into the hospital wing. It was Hermione, she held books in her arms and set them down on Ron's bed side table. Hermione looked at Jake. "It was Devilsnare, Ron wouldn't stay calm so I blasted him out" Hermione said, Ron turned red with embarrassment.

"Any way.." Continued Ron. "After that was a room full of flying keys, that was quite easy to get through." Ron said getting his cockiness back, Hermione rolled her eyes.

"The next thing that happened showed how brave Ron is though" Hermione said with a smile.

"We played live wizard chess, I had to sit on one and I was knocked off" Ron said frowning. "That's all I can remember" Hermione nodded.

"After that, I left Ron for 5 minutes and went with harry to the next room that asked which potion would get him through certain flames, I knew straight away, harry told me to take the potion for the flame that will take me back to Ron and he wanted me to get help" Hermione said looking at harry. "Anything that happened after that with harry is unknown for now" Jake nodded, he wished he had been there for his brother like he promised Dumbledore but he had been to busy waiting for his best friend to wake up.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin