Hogwarts Letter

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Shortly after Jake's 10th birthday on the 5th of March, he got his Hogwarts letter. He had worried about being a squib because he never had an explode of magic. His father thought otherwise, there has always been a few times when Jake was sleeping and something would smash in his room or something would come floating out to Severus while he was grading exams. When Severus told Dumbledore about this Dumbledore laughed and said.
"You've got a sleeping magician"
Snape didn't find it so funny when Jake was 9, it was at its worse, it would happen almost every night but once Jake turned 10 it happened quite rarely.
"Jake I've got something for you" Severus said with a soft smile.
"What is it?" Jake asked with excitement in his eyes. Severus handed and envelope to him, he tore it open and a smile spread across his face.
"See I wasn't lying about what happens in your sleep" Severus said.
"I know" Jake said "I don't like to be wrong"
"Just like your mother" Severus said chuckling. Jake smiled softly and continued reading his letter.
"When shall we get the stuff?" Jake asked.
"Closer to when term starts" Severus said.
"Do you think Draco Malfoy will be in my year?" Jake asked.
"No, Draco is Harry's age, he will be starting next year" Severus said, Jake nodded.
"dad could we maybe go get my books today, I want a head start" Jake said.
"Of course you do" Severus said "okay let's go but we are taking flo powder" Severus said. Jake agreed not caring,
He had used this way of traveling so many times.
When they went to diagon alley they got everything Jake needed especially a wand that choose him. The went back to Hogwarts and Jake spent his whole summer holidays reading his textbook, practicing spells and practicing on qudditch with his father who by the way was a terrible keeper. When July 31st came Snape decided he wanted Jake to experience the whole thing so they took flo powder to a wizarding place near kings cross station on September 1st and they both go onto the train to Hogwarts, they parted when Jake went to the student compartments and Severus went to the teachers compartments.

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