What are they up to?

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There first quidditch game was against Slytherin and they had won. Jake was shocked when harry caught the snitch with his mouth. Harry had also been suspicious about Jakes dad. Harry criticised him saying he was trying to jinx his broom, this made Jake angry.
"Dad please tell me you weren't jinxing Harry's broom" Jake said.

"I wasn't jinxing potters broom, I was doing a counter jinx so the boy wouldn't fall from his broom" Snape snapped at him, Jake frowned. His father had been snappy at him from when the year started and he didn't like it.

"Okay I'm sorry dad, I just thought.." Jake mumbled.

"WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG!" Snape yelled, Jake blinked and backed away. Snape breathed. "I'm sorry Jake, I'm just really stressed" Severus said walking towards Jake and resting his hand on jakes shoulder. "These Christmas holidays will be good" Severus said. Jake nodded.

"Please don't yell at me dad, you know I don't like it" Jake said looking at the ground. Severus pulled him into a hug, Jake was the only family he had.

When Christmas holidays came harry, Ron and Jake put there names down to staying for Christmas, Jake was upset that Katie was leaving to go home for Christmas but he did need time away from her. Hermione was going home for Christmas as her parents were muggle and wanted to take her skiing.

"It's the first day of the holidays, what do you guys want to do" Jake said walking up to Ron and Harry who were whispering. Harry looked at Jake.

"Uh we could go to the library" Harry said looking at Ron slightly. Ron nodded.

"Why the library?" Jake asked with a weird look on his face. He was looking forward to having snow fight and doing fun stuff with his brother but he wanted to go to the library. Jake could tell Harry was keeping something from him, he needed to know what.

"Uh we wanted to get our homework done quickly" Ron said before Harry said anything, Harry nodded in agreement and they walked off together whispering to each other.

Jake decided he'd go to his fathers office and talk to him as none of his friends were at Hogwarts for Christmas. "Hello Jake" Severus said looking down at some papers. "I happen to be marking you potions essay right now"

"Oh, what did I get?" Jake asked happily.

"Exceeds Expectations, nearly an Outstanding" Severus said, Jake nodded, he was happy enough with Exceeds Expectations. "Potter isn't doing very well though, just like his father... Terrible at potions" Snape said and Jake frowned.

"You really like insulting him, don't you?" Jake asked.

"His a spitting image of his father of course I'm going to insult him" Snape said looking back down at his papers.

"He has mums eyes... My eyes" Jake said, Severus looked up suddenly.

"Yes, I guess he does" Severus said frowning. The thing is Severus couldn't insult Harry if he looked at his eyes so whenever he did insult Harry he made sure he wasn't looking at those eyes.

"Also if he looks more like his father then his going to have to have mums personality" Jake said.

"Why do you think that?" Severus asked raising his eyebrow.

"I read a book on DNA, DNA is split in two so someone's child will have 50% of the mothers DNA and 50% of the fathers, would you rather him look like mum and have James's personality or would you rather him the way he is now?" Jake asked, Snape was shocked about how smart his son was.

"Of course I'd rather him the way he is now, would have let him fall off the bloody broom if it was the other way around" Snape said.


After Jakes 's meeting with his father he decided to go to the library to see what Harry and Ron were up to. When he got to the library they were there reading through a large amount of books, Jake his over behind a bookshelf to listen to their conversation.

"I haven't found anything" Ron groaned, harry ignored this and flipped the page over from the book he was reading.

"I really want to tell Jake about what we are doing, we just don't trust Snape" harry muttered slamming the book shut. "And I haven't found anything either, I wish Hermione were here"

"Same, but we promised her we would find something on Nicolas Flamel before she came back from her holiday" Ron said groaning and putting his head on the desk.

"I've heard the name somewhere I just can't remember" Harry said.

"That's not good to us" Ron said. Harry nodded in agreement.

"We better go find Jake, he doesn't have any friends that stayed for the holidays, he may need company" Harry said, Ron nodded and got up with Harry and left.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now