Sending Jake to school

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It had been a few years since Lily and James Potter had been killed in there home in godricks hollow. From that day Severus Snape had never been the same. When Lily Potter was alive, he had hope that one day he'd marry her, even if she was married to James. But the dreams just had to be shattered by someone he regretfully use to call his master. Jake Snape was 7 years old now and was suppose to start his first year of school a month ago.
"When will I start school?" Jake asked his dad. He'd asked him this question so many times before but he never got the answer he wanted. This time he did.
"Next week" Severus said with a small smile one his face. Although he was happy that his son was finally getting what he wanted, he was upset to let his son go, this was one thing that showed he was growing up and as a parent he didn't want Jake to grow up.
"What school am I going to?" Jake asked curiously.
"There is a school near here that is for kids with wizard parents" Severus said, smiling at his son. Jake smiled widely and hugged his father. He couldn't help but feel excited. Unlike his father Jake liked to keep his black hair short and he had green eyes which was also unlike his father but they did almost look identical. But his personality was so much like his mothers, he was kind and got happy easily. He was also very likeable just like his mother.
Jake's first day of school came slowly and it frustrated him because he just wanted to go to school already. Hogwarts was getting boring especially because he was only allowed in the teachers section. He'd rarely see a student and his father only took him to hogsmade on weekends and they would go to diagon alley on holidays. But once it finally came Severus walked with him to school.
"Make sure..." Severus started to say but was cut off.
"I know dad" Jake said smiling, he hugged his dad. "I love you"
"I love you too Jake" Severus said hugging back. Jake pulled away and ran into school. He knew it was fine to talk about magic here because everyone at the school was going to be a wizard or witch one day.
"Everyone, we have a knew student. His name is Jake Snape" the teacher said once Jake walked into the classroom. Everyone said hi and Jake was put at the spare seat which was at the back next to a blonde haired boy.
"Hi I'm Draco Malfoy, are you Severus Snapes son?" The blonde hair boy asked.
"Yeah I am, how do you know my father?" Jake asked Draco.
"He's good friends with my father, I've never met him though, your father is highly talked about in my family" Draco said. "Who is your mother? My dad never said that Severus had a son"
"My mum is..." Jake started to say but was cut off by the teacher.
"I know you are new Jake but you have to know that talking is not tolerated in my class" the teacher said, Jake nodded nervously and looked at Draco then make at the teacher.
"Sorry, I didn't know" Jake said.
"It's okay, now you do and Draco" the teacher said looking at Draco "you never seem to know when to be quiet so please try not to talk in my class students are trying learn" she said, Draco nodded nervously and looked down at his desk.
At the end of the school day Jake said bye to his new best friend Draco Malfoy and walked to his father her was waiting for him.
"I see you have made a friend" Severus said.
"Yes his name is Draco Malfoy, he seemed to know i was your son straight away " Jake said looking at his father and he glanced over and looked at Draco who was meeting his mother.
"Of course, me and his father have a history together" he said with a gulp "but I don't think you should be hanging around that boy" Severus said looking over at Draco who's hair was slicked back, Draco looked back a Severus with a smirk and Severus knew he couldn't let his son turn out like a Malfoy.
"Why not?" Jake asked frowning.
"He's a Malfoy and he will start asking questions like who your mother is and no one can know..." Severus said.
"No one can know what?" Jake asked glaring at his father.
"No one can know that Harry Potter has a brother"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now