Im not leaving your side

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Jake stormed into his fathers office, he had been over thinking about this philosophers stone and he got the impression that his dad was trying to get it. Severus stood up instantly when Jake walked in.

"Yes Jake what brings you here this late?" Severus asked, Jake noticed that it was indeed late at night and he shouldn't be out of his bed.

"I know about the philosophers stone" Jake said glaring slightly at his father. Severus looked taken back.

"Who told you about that?" Severus snapped.

"The pieces fit together dad and cut the crap I know you're trying to steal it" Jake said, Severus again looked taken back, Jake had never talked to his father this way.

"That ridiculous" Severus growled. "I know you're my son but I don't appreciate you talking to me that way, you don't talk to your father like that" Severus continued, Jake ignored this.

"Are you going off topic?" Jake asked.

"No! What makes you think I want to still the bloody stone?" Snape asked. He was angry now, really angry.

"The three headed dog on the third floor, you were bitten by it on holloween" Jake stated. Severus gave a laugh but it wasn't a humours one.

"I suspect a person is going to steal the stone and you should keep to your own business Jake" growled Snape furiously. "NOW GO BACK TO YOUR COMMON ROOM AND DETENTION WITH ME TOMORROW AT 8 PM, ALSO 10 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR FOR BEING OF OF BED" Severus snapped. Jake turned on his heeled and walked out of the door without another word.
The next morning was the first game from when the term started, this game was against Hufflepuff and Jake felt nervous for some reason. He walked out onto the field feeling the cool air in his face. Wood looked to Jake.

"Remember..." Wood started saying but was cut off by Jake immediately.

"Yes I know, dodge all bludgers, I managed to last game" Jake groaned and got his broom and flew to his position with Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell who was jakes best friend.

When madam hooch blew the whistle Jake grabbed the ball and flew towards the hoop fast dodging a bludger and...

"JAKE SNAPE SCORES! GRYFFINDOR WINNING 10-0" Lee Jordan yelled from the commentator booth. "great skill that Jake Snape has, I'm not surprised, his father is a teacher and has been watching these games for years and his brother is probably the greatest seeker gryffindor has ever had, hufflepuff in possession, oh but taken by Katie Bell" lee says. Jake smiles over at Katie, katie throws the quaffles to Jake but right after Jake drops the quaffle.

"KATIE BELL GETS HIT BY A BLUDGER AND IS FALLING OFF HER BROOM AND IT APPEARS THAT JAKE HAS DROPPED THE QUAFFLE" lee said, Jake soared down to the ground on his broom and kneeled beside Katie who appeared to be knocked out.

"Jake leave her and continue the game" professor Mcgonagoll said politely, Jake shook his head.

"No she's my best friend I'm not leaving her side" Jake said and as he said that, lee Jordan's voice screams through the ground.

"HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH" Jake sighed with relief then all his concentration went on Katie. He walked with Hagrid as he carried Katie to the hospital wing.

"Do you think she will be okay?" Jake asked Hagrid as they walked along the path.

"'Ear, she only got hit on the leg, but hit the ground pretty hard, lucky she wasn't that far from it" Hagrid muttered looking down at the girl in his arms. Jake looked down at Katie a realised how much he really liked her.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now