The Prophecy

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"What do you mean he won't wake up for two weeks?" Albus Dumbledore asked Severus, Albus was upset.

"The dark lord soul went through harry causing him to collapse, his body will take a long time to recover so Madam Promfry has put a spell on him so he won't wake up for that time period, his body would be in a lot of pain if he woke now" Severus said, Albus nodded understanding. Albus sat down in the chair behind his desk and looked at Severus.

"I can't let anything happen to him Severus" Albus said sadly. "Not in his first year or his second or two years after that"

"What do you mean, you're raising him like a pig ready for slaughter?" Severus said angrily.

"Severus there is something I have been meaning to tell you" Albus said with his watery blue eyes full of worry.

"What is it?" Snape asked. He did not sit in the chair in front of Albus's desk, he stood there in front of the headmasters desk.

"The prophecy, you only heard half of it" Albus said looking away from Severus.

"What did the other half say?" Severus asked, Albus looked at Severus directly in the eye.

"The other half said that a brother of harry would help destroy Voldemort but only one of the brothers can live" Albus said, Severus had tears in his eyes. This couldn't be happening, his son, his only son could die and he didn't know what to do.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Severus asked trying to hold back the tears.

"Because Jake is your only son and I didn't want to worry you but now you must know because now I know for sure that voldemort will be back" Albus said, Severus flinched at the name but nodded.
Jake walked to the hospital wing once again before dinner, he wanted to see how Katie was because he didn't get to see her that morning.

"Jake" Katie said smiling, Jake smiled and sat down in the seat. "Madam Promfry is releasing me tomorrow" Katie said. Jake smiled wider.

"That's great Katie" Jake said, he looked over at his brother who looked very pale and lifeless at that moment. His smile faded.

"You should go sit with him Jake, I know he won't wake up for a while but it might make him feel better once he wakes up" Katie said, Jake nodded and hugged Katie then left and sat by harry.

"Jake" Ron said from the bed that was beside Harry's. Jake looked at him.

"Hey Ron" Jake said sadly, he looked back at his brother.

"If been laying here for a while and he hasn't woken or moved" Ron said, Jake nodded and turned to Ron.

"Do you know when you can go?" Jake asked, Ron nodded.

"Tomorrow morning" Ron said with a small smile. Ron laid back into his back. "What's good is madam Promfry gave me an x-Ray thing and she said that it wouldn't be too risky to do by magic so my ribs aren't broken anymore" Ron said, Jake nodded. "I honestly think she was lying and wanted to get rid of me" Ron laughed, Jake let out a chuckle.

"I need to go to the great hall for dinner, then I have an essay to do for potions so I'll see you tomorrow when you get out" Jake said, Ron nodded. Jake got up slowly and walked out of the hospital wing.
The next day Katie joined Jake for there first class, Transfiguration.
"I'm so happy you're okay" Jake said smiling.

"Me to" Katie said "let's go to class" Katie said walking off, Jake followed her and they walked into class before everybody else.

"Ms. bell and Mr.Snape, I'm not surprised that you two are early, two of my best students" Professor Mcgonagoll said as they walked in and took a seat next to each other.

"Thanks professor, you're my favourite teacher" Katie said with a friendly smile.

"I'm glad to see you're better Ms.Bell" professor mcgonagoll said as students started to fill the room.

"Thank you"

"Today we will be learning about animagus" professor mcgonagoll said then the next moment she turned into a cat. She turned back. "An animagus is a witch or wizard who is a able to turn into an animal" she continued, Jake put his hand up immediately.

"Yes Mr.Snape?" Professor mcgonagoll asked smiling at the young boy she had known since he was two years old.

"Um how do you become an animagus?" Jake asked smiling softly at her. She smiled brightly.

"That was just what I was about to tell you" professor mcgonagoll said waving her wand at the black board, the chalk started to write every word she said. "It takes skill, practice and Patience for wizards and witches to become animangi. If the process is done wrong it can end terribly bad. I do not have authority to tell you how to become one because the ministry has Forbidden it." Mcgonagoll said. The class bell rung and everyone rushes out of class.

"That was useless" Katie whispered. "Imagine becoming one"

"I heard you must inform the ministry" Jake said, as he turned the corner, there next class was potions and then it was lunch.

"Well being an unregistered animangi is not unheard of" Katie mumbled, Jake chuckled.

"What? You thinking of escaping school at night?" Jake asked, Katie giggled lightly.

"Maybe I am Snape" Katie said laughing, Jake playfully glared at her.

"What did you just call me.... Bell" Jake asked laughing, Katie laughed a aswell.

"I'm just saying Jake, maybe we could do it, we could go anywhere we wanted you know?" Katie said smiling. Jake nodded.

"You know what, I reckon in our 3rd year we should start working on it... This year is nearly over, we need to start fresh" Jake said, Katie nodded agreeing.

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