My Son

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Severus sat in his office watching his child play around with a magical toy Severus had just gotten him. Severus had a smile on his face looking at his son, his only son. It had been two days since he had seen lily Evans and he missed her terribly. He wanted the mother of his child to be here, to watch this very moment. She couldn't though, she was protecting her other son 'Harry Potter' from lord Voldemort, then Snape realised he was the one who sold the potters to lord Voldemort and now they will die because of it. But it was Lily's fault... Right? Severus couldn't remember her so he told his master.
"Daddy..." Jake said snapping Severus out of his thoughts.
"Yes Jake" Severus asked.
"Can we go for a walk around the lake?" Jake asked with a hopeful smile on his face. None of the kids knew he had a son but Severus didn't care, he wanted to show his son off.
"Okay but you need to make sure to keep hold of dads hand" Severus said, Jake nodded his head excitedly, Severus put jakes coat on as it was winter and it was snowing, he also put a beanie on jakes head so his head wouldn't freeze.

The two walked around the lake and Jake was pointing out weird things that he saw.
"Dad who lives in that hut over there?" Jake said pointing to a small hut near the forbidden Forrest.
"That's hagrids hut, he's part giant" Severus said.
"Giants are mean" Jake said frowning and looking at the ground.
"I know I'm not good looking but no need to say that" Jake heard a deep voice say, he looked up and saw a bearded man. It was Hagrid. "Hello professor, who is this?" Hagrid asked politely.
"This is my son, Jake Severus Snape" Severus said.
"Oh... I didn't know you had a son severus" Hagrid said, looking at Jake and back at severus.
"Yeah I do he's 2, Jake this is hagrid, he's half giant and he's really nice a lot of the time" Severus said, he was surprised with himself because he never really said anything nice about Hagrid.
"Hello Jake" Hagrid said with a beardy smile.
"Hello" Jake said smiling back. Severus looked at Hagrid and nodded.
"We better go, it's started to get cold out here. Say bye to Hagrid" severus said pulling his son off with him. Jake gave a wave and walked off with his father.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now