Stubborn like your mother

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"W-what?" Jake asked. "Am I not good enough to be the famous Harry Potters older brother?" Jake asked with tears forming in his eyes.
"Let's go buddy, we will talk about this later" Severus said.
"How about I never talk to you again" Jake said running off in the direction of hogwarts. Severus went after him but he wasn't as fast as Jake and he couldn't keep up.
"Jake slow down" Severus said, they were now in the Forrest heading down the path towards Hogwarts. Jake was stopped when the gate guards wouldn't let him through the gate.
"I'm Severus Snapes son let me in" cried Jake.
"Jake calm down" Severus said looking at the guards "this is my son Jake and you will let him in the gates after he is finished school, the guards nodded and opened the gate for them.
"I'm still not talking to you" Jake said walking into Hogwarts grounds.
"Jake you don't understand I only said that because I'm trying to protect you, that bad guy that killed your mother will be coming back and he'll go after Harry and if he knows you're his brother then he will go after you to get to Harry." Severus said, Jake turned around and looked at him.
"I don't care" Jake said before walking off, 'stubborn like your mother' Severus thought and walked towards the castle with him. Severus remembered the time that he told Lily about Lupin.
"Lily James is friends with a werewolf" Severus said, Lily glared at him.
"Who?" Lily asked.
"Lupin" Severus said looking over at lupin who was laughing at one of sirius' jokes.
"I doubt that" Lily said looking at lupin. "And it's Remus, Severus" Severus sighed, he hated when she called him Severus he was use to 'sev' and when she called him Severus he knew she was angry.
"I'm telling you, I almost got killed by him" Severus said looking down into Lily's green eyes.
"No one likes a liar Severus and even if he is a werewolf that isn't going to stop me from being with James" Lily said angrily and stormed off.
Severus hated this memory, he wanted to take it away but he couldn't. There was a lot worse memories that he wanted to take away as well but he just couldn't.
"Dad I need the password for our living quarters" Jake said, Severus didn't even notice he was at the door of there place in the castle until Jake said that.
"Doe" Severus muttered and the door swung open.
"Dad, I thought about what you said and I don't need you to protect me.. I have a brother that will need me when the time comes, I'm his older brother dad, I must be there for him" Jake said, for a 7 year old he was really smart. His father wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in Ravenclaw when he's a Hogwarts student.
"I understand Jake" Severus said. Severus sat in an arm chair and looked at the fire. "There is a school quidditch match tomorrow, would you like to go?" Snape asked, he had been afraid to show people he had a son until now.
"Of course" Jake said with the most excited look on his face, he had heard about qudditch but he had never seen a game.
The next day when the quidditch was on they sat in the teachers stand and the game was hufflepuff vs. Slytherin, Hufflepuff won by 10 points with the score of 250- 260. Throughout the whole game Jake would switch with team he was going for and then switch back and by the end of the game he said. "I told you hufflepuff would win dad" Severus rolled his eyes at this comment because he heard about 10 times that Jake had changed sides.
"I like the chasers, they have the best job, they get to fly as fast as they can on there brooms and shoot points" jake said "I want to be a chaser when I'm older" Jake added. Severus chuckled.
"Maybe you need a broom"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now