Bye For Now- final chapter

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Harry woke up in his hospital bed wondering what had happened. He put on his glasses and saw his brother and Dumbledore speaking in front of him. Jake was the first to notice harry had woken up.

"Harry, you're awake, it's been a while, final feast is tomorrow night. We all hoped you'd wake up around now" Jake said, Albus nodded and looked at Jake for a moment.

"Can you give me and harry a moment Jake, I'd like to talk to him" Albus said, Jake nodded and walked out into the hall. Hermione and Ron were waiting.

"Harry is awake but the headmaster doesn't want anyone going in, shall we go to dinner?" Jake asked. Ron and Hermione both nodded and walked with Harry to the great hall.
The next day harry was released from the hospital wing and there were no classes on because it was the last day.
"Harry, I've been wanting to ask you, what did happen between you and Quirell?" Jake asked. Harry explained everything about him looking in the mirror of erised and the stone falling into his pocket. Harry also told Jake that voldemort had been hiding under quirells turban.

"Dumbledore also told me something" Harry said after explaining.

"What did he say?" Jake asked. Harry looked at him and smiled.

"The only reason I was able to get the stone was because I didn't wish to use it. I wished to destroy it" Harry said, Jake smiled.

"You suspected someone was trying to steal the stone for a while, no one should underestimate you and if they do Id sure give them a mouth full" Jake muttered.

"Yeah right" Harry mumbled, Jake hit him playfully and Harry chuckled. "Should we head to the end of year feast?" Harry asked. Jake nodded and they walked towards the great hall.

Jake walked with Harry, Hermione, Ron and Katie to the train. "I hope you all have a good summer" Jake said looking at harry. Harry gave Jake a hug.

"I'll miss you" Harry said. "But I'll see you soon" Harry said, Jake nodded, he pulled away from the hug and turned to Ron and Hermione.

"Make sure you write to my brother" Jake said with a chuckle, "I hear uncle vernon and aunt petunia love owls" Jake said sarcastically. The golden trio laughed and got into the train. Jake turned to Katie and smiled. "Have a good summer Katie"

"You two Jake, thanks for being an amazing friend this year" Katie said with tears forming in her eyes. "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" Jake said, he hugged her for a few seconds and let go. "The train could leave any second, you'd better get on" Jake said, Katie nodded. She then did something Jake didn't expect she kissed him on the cheek softly and then got on the train and waved at him. Jake turned a light shape of pink which really showed with his pale skin. He was going to miss everyone. Two tall red heads came up to him.

"I'll see you in a few months Jake" Fred said smiling.

"Don't get in to much trouble without us, we don't want to miss the fun" George said getting on the train with his twin. The train started to move 5 minutes after that, Jake waved goodbye. He was going to miss them all.

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