The Lion or Serpant

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Jake walked into the great hall with the rest of the first years. He suddenly felt a ping of nervousness in his stomach. He wasn't sure what house he wanted to be in, all he knew is his dad was a Slytherin and his mum was a Gryffindor. He looked over at his dad who was sitting at the teachers table. Jake had never eaten in the great hall because he wasn't a student or a teacher. His father caught his eye and his lips curved into a small smile and mouthed 'good luck'. Jake nodded and walked on down the hall. The line suddenly stopped and they gathered around a stood.
Professor Mcgonagoll stood infront of the first years. "May I get your attention" she said to the chattering first years. She stood waiting until everyone was quite. "When I call your name can you please come up and sit yourself on the stool and I will put the sorting hat on your head, for the meantime listen to the hats song" professor mcgonagoll said and stood to the side, that hat kind of looked like a face and it started to sing.
"Every year I sing a song
About each house there is
This year I will sing the song
That will show you what there is
And Slytherin
Are the houses of Hogwarts
That you can be put in.
If you wanna be in Slytherin you must be pure
Gryffindor be brave like a shining knight.
Ravenclaw your smart, no one else can beat ya
And Hufflepuff is loyal unlike a pile of soil
These are the house of hoooooooogwarts" the hat sang then suddenly shut up. Jake was amused by the how that hat sung. He had talked to the hat before because he had been in Dumbledores office more then he could count. Jake was thinking about all the convosations his had with the hat and he realised when professor mcgonagoll called his name that she was calling the names. Jake walked up to the stool and sat on it with a nervous smile on his face.
"Jake Snape, I haven't seen you in a while" the hat said, professor mcgonagoll glanced at the hat and it groaned and said "mother was a Gryffindor, father was a Slytherin" the hat said, it started to think for a second. "I know what to do with you Jake Snape. I know bravery when I see it... GRYFFINDOR" Jake got up and went to the gryffindor table. He looked at his dad who wasn't looking at him, which he thought he would be.
When the sorting was finished Jake starting eating the delicious food, he wanted to eat it all but he got filled up fast.
Meanwhile with Harry Potter. "GET IN YOUR CUPBOARD" Harry's aunt petunia yelled, Harry walked to his cupboard with his head down. He had no idea what he had done wrong, somehow his hair grew back fast and he couldn't help it. Harry sat on his bed watching a spider crawl on a pair of his uncles old socks that Harry was given. Harry wondered about his parents and what would they look like. His aunt and Uncle told him they died in a car crash and that he shouldn't ask questions. Life for Harry wasn't very good.

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