Troll in the Dungeon

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It was the Holloween feast. Jake was eating his food happily and talking about their first quidditch match that would be the weekend before the Christmas holidays.
"We are versing Slytherin" harry said looking at the Slytherin table. "I don't like Slytherin"
"My dad is a Slytherin" Jake said frowning and looking at his food.
"It just Draco Malfoy, isn't it harry?" Ron asked. Jake looked up at Ron.
"Draco Malfoy?" Jake asked. Harry nodded frowning. "I-I was friends with him, we went to wizard primary school together, my father he told me to stay away from him because a Malfoy is never good news" Jake said he started playing with his food.
"His right though, Draco Malfoy's father use to be a huge follower of you-know-who and you don't want to be around someone who follows the guy who you know killed your mother" ron muttered. Harry decided he wanted to change the subject fast.
"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked looking down the Gryffindor table. A gryffindor first year leant over towards Harry.
"A few Hufflepuffs said she was crying in the toilets"
Harry looked at Ron and raised his eyebrow. After Charms Ron had said the he wasn't surprised she had no friends and she must have overheard.
"Why would she be crying in the toilets?" Jake asked concerned.
"It doesn't matter" Ron said guiltily. Harry rolled his eyes.
At that moment professor quirell came running in.
At that moment everyone went ballistic.
"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled, everyone stopped instantly. "Prefects take your houses to their common rooms and head boy/girl and teachers come with me"
All the prefects got their houses in order and they all headed out.
"I've never seen a troll" Jake said excitedly but when he turned to Ron and Harry they had gone. He went to Katie quickly.
"Harry and Ron are gone" Jake said nervously.
"Gee do you think they went to fight the troll" Katie said Jake shrugged.
"We need to go find them" Jake said, Katie nodded and they ran off down the corridor to the dungeons. When they went to look in the dungeons they heard crashing sounds from the girls toilets and went to rush in there.
"HEY YOU TWO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Jake and Katie turned around, it was Filch.
"My brother, his in there with the troll, I came after him" Jake said worried.
"We need to get the headmaster" Katie said.
"Okay okay, I'll get him" filch said "but you two come with me" filch said running off towards what was probably where Dumbledore was.
"Headmaster! Trolls in the girls toilets with students" filch said.
The headmaster and three teachers including professor Snape went running toward the girls toilets. Snape looked at Jake angrily.
"I will talk to you later" he growled. "Come with us" he said and they ran after them to the girls toilets. When they had got there there was a troll laying on the ground and there stood Harry, Ron and Hermione.
While professor Mcgonagoll and professor Dumbledore talk to us professor Snape turned to Jake.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" He growled. "DID YOU WANT TO BATTLE A FULLY GROWN TROLL, YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED" once he said that Professor Dumbledore butted in.
"He was being a good brother and trying to save him, I'm going to give 10 points to Gryffindor for bravery" Dumbledore said, Jake smiled lightly.
"Go back to your common rooms now" Dumbledore said politely to them and they walked off quickly.
"Whyd you cover for us Hermione, I was horrible to you?" Ron asked.
"It's because you saved me, thank you guys" Hermione said. Ron smiled.
"That's what friends are for" he said.
"Um guys? What happened in there?" Jake asked. They explained and Jake was impressed that they had fought a fully grown troll and won.

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