First Broom

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A few months had past and it was about a week until Christmas and Jakes last day of school. By now Draco Malfoy knew that Jakes brother was Harry Potter. Jake tried not to be around Draco much, he made friends with a few other boys in his class. When the final bell went for school, Jake went rushing out to his father who was sitting on the seat waiting.
"dad lets go!" Jake said running out and grabbing his fathers arm and dragging him along with him.
"wow buddy slow down" Severus said smiling softly at his son. Jake slowed down with a fast walk.
"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to be on holidays, can we go somewhere" Jake asked. Severus thought about it for a moment and smiled.
"yeah I think we will"
"Really dad?" Jake said smiling wide.
"Have you ever been to Australia?" Severus asked, Jake shook his head.
"It's summer there now and as you don't like the cold, I think I'll take you there" Severus said.
"For Christmas" Jake asked, excited, Severus nodded, they walked down the icy road and they came to a Forrest that led to Hogwarts.
About two days later Severus and Jake were in Australia.
"Where are we going to stay?" Jake asked.
"There is an Australian wizard hotel around here" Severus said walking to the corner of a street to a place that looked abandoned.
"Are you sure this is it dad?" Jake asked, Severus looked at him and nodded.
"Positive, they make it ugly on the outside so that no muggle will go in" Severus said.
"What if muggles do go inside?" Jake asked.
"I don't know that's up to the Australian ministry of magic" Severus said tapping his wand on the door and it opened for him, they walked inside and it was very nice looking, unlike the outside.
"Severus Snape" said a guy with an Australian accent.
"Hello Aiden" Severus said shaking hands with the oldish man.
"I haven't seen you for 8 years" Aiden said, he looked over at Jake. "Who's this?" Aiden asked.
"This is my son Jake" Severus said.
"Hello, I'm Aiden Waterford" Aiden said shaking jakes hand.
"Hi" Jake said smiling slightly.
"I suppose you will be wanting a two bedroom room" Aiden said, Severus nodded. "That will be 5 gallons a night, how long are you wishing to stay?" Aiden asked.
"7 nights should be enough" Severus said, he paid for the stay and got the key. They walked up the stairs to the elevator and they went up to the top story. Jake had stayed at the leaky cauldron before but this was nothing like the leaky cauldron, it was bigger on the inside then the outside and the whole place seemed quite modern for 1987. Jake looked at his dad and asked.
"Will we be staying for New Years?"
"No, you know the tradition, Hogwarts Always sets fireworks off" Severus said, Jake was getting sick of Hogwarts mostly because he wasn't allowed to look around or wonder of by himself. every Summer when no one was at school Jake would ask.
"Can I please just explore dad?" And he got the same answer.
"No I don't want you getting lost, this is a big school"
Jake didn't understand the big issue, how could it be so hard to find your way around a school with all those paintings telling you where to go.
They got to there room and Jake ran into one of the rooms and jumped onto the bed.
"IM SO TIRED" he yelled out.
"GO TO SLEEP THEN" his dad yelled back, they both started laughing at the same time. Jake loved the rare moments when his father laughed. He loved it even more when he was laughing because of him. Jake wanted to make his dad happy because of what happened in the past.
The past few days Jake did a young wizards quidditch learning thing and went to the beach a few times. Christmas came fast because of the amount of fun Jake was having. It was Christmas Eve and Jake was sitting by the fire next to the Christmas tree.
"Jake.." Severus said
"Yeah?" Jake said staring at the flames.
"What's wrong?" Severus asked. Jake looked at him and smiled.
"Nothing dad, I've had so much fun these past few days, I don't think I could leave" Jake said looking at his father then looking back at the flames. Severus chuckled.
"How about at least one holiday a year we will go on a holiday, how does that sound" Severus said.
"That sounds great!" Jake said, he stood up and hugged his father. "You are the best father ever, I love you"
"I love you too son" jake pulled away.
"I'm going to bed, Santa does need to come" Jake said running off to his room.
The next day Jake ran out to see presents under the Christmas tree. He ran to his dad's room.
"Dad wake up, Santa came!" Jake yelled, Severus rubbed his eyes a yawned.
"This early, really Jake?" Severus asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm excited" Jake said. Severus got up and walked to the mini lounge room were a pile of presents lay under a huge Christmas tree.
"Merry Christmas Jake" Severus said giving Jake a one armed hug.
"Merry Christmas dad"
"Go ahead open them Jake Severus Snape" Severus said using jakes middle name. Jake picked up a small one first and ripped it open, it was a photo album. He opened it to see on the first page was a picture of him as a 2 year old, his mother and baby Harry in her arms. This picture was moving and Lily potter was smiling down at her two sons. Jake flipped a page again to see a picture of a boy about a year younger then him with circler glasses and green eyes looking at him.
"I-Is this Harry?" Jake asked, Snape nodded. "How did you get this?"
"Your aunt and uncle who are looking after him are horrible so when Harry got a school photo they threw it out, I happened to get my hands on one" Severus said, Jake nodded closing the album.
"Thank you dad, this is the best present"
"There's one more from me under there" Severus said pointing at a long present under the tree, Jake picked it up and ripped off the wrapping paper, his eyes widened once he saw what he got.
"A broom" Jake said smiling.
"It's a training broom for chasers" Severus said. Jake hugged him as tightly as he could.
"Thank you"
Jake flew on his broom stick almost every day after he got it, he soon got to good at the training broom and his father bought him another one for his 10th birthday.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now