Chapter 22

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Haeyoung's POV

My eyes were struggling to stay open as I kept rubbing the fabric against the bedpost. I had no idea if it was doing anything even though I had been doing it for hours.

Hoseok hadn't come back in the room since the first time which gave me more time to try and free my hands. My main goal was to get out of here before Jungkook came barging in like a hero.

Because I knew he wouldn't walk back out.

The thought of him dying made me wake myself up, rubbing the fabric faster against the bedpost. I had to get out of here.

I heard approaching footsteps and froze, glancing up towards the door just as Hoseok appeared there. He had a wicked smile on his face that made a chill run down my spine.

"Only a little while now. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you like that. Maybe I should drag a knife down your arm just to add a little spice," he chuckled, taking a step towards me. I flinched away from him, which for some reason made him laugh. "Don't be so dramatic now, love. You know I can't hurt you."

He sighed as he stood back up, checking his watch as a maniac grin spread across his face. "Anytime now. Try your best to look a little more frightened, love."

He turned on his heel, heading out of the room and I began to try and cut free of the cloth wrapped around my wrists again. It felt like I was making very minimal progress, but at least it was some progress.

Suddenly, I felt the fabric rip and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I glanced around the room to find something I could use to defend myself. A broken piece of wood caught my eye and I stretched to reach it.

I could hear someone coming down the hallway and firmly gripped the end of the wood as I crawled over to the door. The footsteps grew closer and I lifted the wood to prepare to swing it at whoever was about to enter.

A shoe appeared in the doorway and I quickly swung the wood to hit whoever was standing in the doorway, but they gripped my wrist which drew my eyes upward.

I breathed another sigh of relief when I saw it was Jungkook. That relief didn't last long once it settled in that Jungkook was here.

"I thought I told you not to come here!" I hissed as I quickly dragged him into the room in case someone in the hallway saw him.

He just ignored me and pulled me into his embrace, feeling his lips press into my hair. I caved immediately, wrapping my arms tightly around him and burying my face in his shoulder. I did miss him, but this was not how I wanted to see him again.

"I've been so worried. I've planned a million ways to kill that bastard slowly and painfully for doing this to you," he mumbled from my hair, feeling his arms tighten around me as he mentioned Hoseok. "I missed you so much, Haeyoung."

"I'd really love to sit here in your arms all day, but I have no idea where Hoseok is and if he sees you--"

I didn't even get the chance to finish my sentence before I heard the sound of a knife pushing its way through Jungkook's skin which was immediately followed by both my screams and his.

His body became limp against mine and I looked up through my tears to see Hoseok standing in the doorway with a maniac grin on his face once again. I could feel the warmth on my hands and knew it was Jungkook's blood.

My eyes locked on the knife still buried in his back and I swallowed the bile that was stinging at the back of my throat. I had to pull it out, but I needed to take care of Hoseok first.

"Do not die on me," I whispered in Jungkook's ear before shoving his body off of me so he was lying on his stomach on the floor. I pushed myself to my feet, glaring at Hoseok. "How can you be so cruel?!"

"You call this cruel?!" He suddenly yelled, stepping over Jungkook's unmoving body to stand in front of me. He grabbed both of my wrists and tugged me towards him. "You left me to die, Haeyoung! I did nothing but love you for how many years and you threw all of that away for some freak!"

"If anyone is a freak it's you! What did you hope to gain from all of this?! Did you think I would run screaming and crying back into your arms and go back to the way things were?!" I screamed, trying to pull my arms from his grasp. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jungkook's blood spilling out onto the carpet and knew I didn't have much time before he bled to death. "You're an idiot! I'll never love you again, you cheating good for nothing bastard!"

I finally managed to yank my hands from his grasp and grab the piece of wood from off the ground. However, my eyes were filling with tears and it was difficult to see where I was aiming my weapon. So when I swung it at him, it was no surprise when he caught my wrist. It was no use. Jungkook would probably die here and it would be all my fault.

It was selfish for me to want to be with him.


Jungkook's voice was so quiet I thought I might have imagined hearing his voice, but I barely caught a glimpse of his hand reaching out to me and felt something break deep inside of me. No, I couldn't give up.

I'd never forgive myself.

I shoved Hoseok backward once again, pulling my hand back and hitting his face as hard as I could manage. A bit of blood spewed from his mouth and he stumbled backward from the impact. He tripped over Jungkook's body and fell back into the hallway behind him.

Grabbing the piece of wood again, I stomped out into the hallway where Hoseok was now lying. His eyes were pleading with me, asking for me not to do whatever it was I was about to do.

I kneeled over his body, gripping the wood tightly in my hand. "You brought this on yourself, Jung Hoseok."

I stabbed the piece of wood into the ground beside his head, feeling a sense of satisfaction when I saw him flinch. When his eyes met mine again, I pointed to the ground beside him where the wood was. "I want you to remember this moment, and remember and you only lived because I allowed you to. Mess with Jungkook or me again, and I'll cut your head clean off."

As I stood up, I stomped down hard on his stomach and he cried out in pain. I turned my back towards him, immediately scrambling over to Jungkook and panicking. He wasn't moving at all now, and the amount of blood he lost was life-threatening.

I searched through his pockets for his cell phone and called 911, trying to keep myself from passing out from the scene in front of me. I was still debating on whether I should pull out the knife or wait.

However, just as I managed to tell the 911 operator the situation my vision went black.

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