Chapter 31

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Yoongi's POV

I stood in the waiting room pacing back and forth, chewing on my nails as I waited to hear back from the doctors about Jungkook's condition.

Junghwa and I had been sitting in her room when a doctor rushed in and asked if she was related to him. When she said yes, he told us about Jungkook being stabbed and I had already figured Haeyoung must've gotten to him.

However, the situation didn't seem to be in Jungkook's favor. A stab wound to the chest was something that most people don't recover from, so the chances of him surviving this were slim.

Junghwa was sitting in a wheelchair a few feet away from me, staring off into space as a few more tears rolled down her cheeks. She was hooked up to an IV that was administering her medication to counteract the drug. Yet she demanded to be taken to the waiting room to wait to hear about Jungkook.

It had been a few hours, and we hadn't heard anything. Was this how Jungkook felt when it was me on the other side of these doors? It wasn't a great feeling.

I sighed as I turned to sit down next to Junghwa, reaching out and placing my hand over hers. "It's not supposed to be him in there, Yoongi. Haeyoung's target was me. I'm the one that's supposed to die."

"Junghwa, stop it. You were never going to die. And Jungkook's not going to die. You need to believe that," I tried to reassure her, but she could hear the uncertainty in my voice and just shook her head. "Look, we have to at least try to be positive. For his sake."

She just nodded, reaching up to wipe away more of her tears. At the same moment, a doctor pushed open the doors and I shot to my feet as he approached us. "Which one of you is the immediate family?"

"I am," Junghwa said as the doctor turned to her. "How is he?"

"Well the knife grazed his heart, but it didn't puncture it. He lost a lot of blood and has a massive amount of internal bleeding. We've stabilized him for now, but I have to be honest with you, we don't know how long he'll manage."

"What are you talking about?" I jumped in, watching the doctor purse his lips as he looked over at me with a grim expression. "You just said he was fine."

"I never said he was fine, sir. I just said he's stabilized. His heart had already stopped by the time he had reached our operating room. It took 3 times to restart his heart. We've controlled as much of the bleeding as we can, but we don't know how much blood he's already lost," the doctor continued, and I felt my heart sink. "We've done all we can for him at this point. If he goes back into cardiac arrest, we won't be able to restart his heart again. It's suffered enough damage from the knife. All you can do is hope that he doesn't go back into cardiac arrest."

Neither of us said anything for a while, until Junghwa opened her mouth once again. "Can we see him?"

"He's in a medically induced coma. It's the only sure way that we can keep his heart at the correct rhythm. You can see him, but he won't know either of you are there."

We just nodded, and the doctor led us through the long hallways until we arrived at Jungkook's room. He opened the door for us, and Junghwa let out a loud sob the second she saw him.

I pushed her wheelchair into the room, bringing her to one side of Jungkook's bed. She instantly reached out and grabbed his hand in hers. "I'm so sorry, Jungkook."

I had to fight back my own tears, knowing if Junghwa saw me crying it would only make the whole situation that much worse.

"I never meant to leave you all these years. I wanted to make up for lost time once I saw you again. You gotta pull through this. Let me make it all up to you," she sobbed as she let her head rest against his hand. "I'm so sorry."

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