Chapter 26

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Haeyoung's POV

"Nothing is different about me what are you talking about?"

Jungkook was finally being released from the hospital today. He'd asked Yoongi to pick him up but I told Yoongi not to worry about it. So I was helping him out to the car, currently standing inside the elevator.

"You have this...glint in your eyes. It wasn't there before...only appeared after what you did to Hoseok," He was putting most of his weight on me, which I was surprised I could hold both of us up. "We need to talk about that."

"What's there to talk about? I told you what happened. We don't have to worry about anyone trying to get between us anymore. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" I asked as the doors opened and we stepped out into the parking garage. "I'm pretty sure it was you who followed me all the way to North America because you couldn't bear the thought of me being with someone else. Or am I wrong?"

"You killed him, Haeyoung. That is completely different!" He hissed as we got closer to the car. I rolled my eyes, not seeing how it was any different. "I didn't kill anyone when I followed you to America."

"Anyone that I know of. Why are you so worried about this? We can be happy together now," I said as I rummaged through my pockets for the keys, unlocking the passenger side door. "I did this for us. Because I love you. I don't understand what other explanation you could possibly want from me."

He let go of me to get into the car, shaking his head and not saying a word as I closed the door behind him. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and stopped in front of the car to take it out, seeing it was a text from Jin.

Let me know when you're headed back home. We need to talk.

I sighed heavily, shoving my phone back into my pocket and opening the driver's side door.

I felt him reach out and rest his hand over mine on the steering wheel, turning to look at him to see his lips were pursed. "It's just...hard for me to accept. You...said something to me when they took the tube out of my throat. Something along the lines of finally being perfect for me."

"Yes, I remember. What about it?"

"Did you really kill Hoseok to try and become something you're not?" He asked as he moved his hand off of mine. I started the car, chewing on the inside of my cheek as he scoffed. "What, you think I wanted you to be a psychopath? Haeyoung, I loved you as the girl you were before you killed Hoseok."

"Loved? As in past tense? So you're saying you don't love me the way I am now?" I snapped back as I pulled out of the hospital, setting my jaw on edge. I glanced over at him to see he was shaking his head. "I didn't think you'd want me if I didn't match your level of..."

I stopped myself before saying the word "crazy", knowing he disliked being called that. I cleared my throat, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel. "The point is, whether you want to hear this from me or not, we both know you've got a few screws loose. If I can't match you're...tendencies, then our relationship will turn toxic. You'll be controlling and I'll be this...object to you. I didn't want that."

"So your immediate solution was to kill your ex simply because he wouldn't leave us alone?"

"He tried to kill you, Jungkook! Did you really expect me to just let him get away with that?!"

"Yes! Yes, I did expect you to let him get away with it because I never thought you had it in you to kill someone! Why are you trying so hard to be something you're not?!" I was getting angry with the fact that he wasn't being as supportive as I originally thought he would be when I thought over the plan for killing Hoseok. I wasn't the innocent girl his imagination made me out to be. "Haeyoung, I will love you regardless of what you've done, but don't try to change yourself for me. I don't need you to be like me. In fact, that's exactly what I don't want you to do."

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