Chapter 13

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Jungkook's POV

My eyes snapped open and I sat up abruptly, cringing as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I looked around, noticing I was at the hospital. I looked around for Haeyoung to see she was nowhere in sight.

"About time you woke up, I was beginning to think the worst."

I looked over to the doorway to see Yoongi standing there with a small smile on his face as he came into the room. He lightly punched my shoulder as he sat down in the chair closest to me. "You gotta stop doing reckless shit like this. You could've died."

"I'm fine it's nothing," I scoffed, looking away and looking down at my hands. At that moment, I felt Yoongi hit my stomach and I keeled over in pain. "Hey, what the hell was that for, jackass?!"

"You said you were fine," Yoongi shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Obviously that was a lie. I thought you promised me you wouldn't get into any more trouble?"

I pursed my lips, wishing Haeyoung was here. As she crossed my mind, I was beginning to wonder why she wasn't here. The last thing I remember before blacking out was her carrying me up the stairs.

"Yoongs, someone must've told you I got in a fight, right?" I questioned, and he nodded. "I'm sure you recognized her if you remember my drawings. Where...where is she?"

Yoongi tensed up, pursing his lips and squeezing his eyes shut and he exhaled sharply. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask about her. Man, I hate being the bearer of bad news."

He sighed once again before leaning forward and resting his hand on my shoulder. "Jungkook, she's not coming here. She told me to tell you she doesn't want to see you anymore. To prevent this from happening again."

I stared blankly at Yoongi for a moment before laughing and lightly punching his shoulder. "You always were a jokester, Yoongi. Now, seriously where is she?"

However, Yoongi wasn't laughing. He pursed his lips and patted my shoulder again. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. She's not coming."

I felt something break inside of me, and I looked away from Yoongi. So, just as fast as I was beginning to finally feel human, it was once again ripped from my grasp.

You never deserved happiness anyway.

The voices were beginning to start, and I pressed my face into my palms.

She was probably using you to distract herself from heartbreak. Pathetic.

You fought to protect her and she left you like it was nothing. What's wrong with you? You'll never be capable of being loved.

"Stop," I whispered, my hands flying to my ears. Yoongi knew what was happening and reached out to comfort me.

That's why everyone thinks you're a freak. Not even the girl of your dreams wants to be with someone as insane as you. You'll die alone, it's what you deserve. Pathetic scum.

"I said stop it!" I yelled, shaking my head as Yoongi tried to pry my hands from my ears. "You're wrong! Just shut up, you don't know anything!"

"Jungkook, for Christ's sake!" Yoongi finally pulled my hands away and looked straight into my eyes. "Look at me, alright? Do your breathing exercises. Those help, right? Come on, stop focusing on the thoughts."

If you can't have Haeyoung, then make sure no one else can.

I froze as the thought rang over and over in my mind. I needed her, I didn't care if that meant putting my life in danger. Hoseok didn't even scare me.

But, if she didn't want to be with me, that's fine. I'll accept her decision, and wait for her to come back.

You're lying to yourself. Did you wait all these years just to lose her to someone else? No. You own her now, she can only be happy with you.

A stinging slap across my face finally brought me back to my senses as I met Yoongi's eyes. "What did the voices say? And don't lie to me either."

"If I can't have Haeyoung, then no one can," I quoted, unblinking. "She belongs to me, and the only way she can be happy is if she's with me."

Yoongi was quiet for a moment as I stared off into space. I don't think I could handle seeing Haeyoung be with someone else. I barely managed to win her from Hoseok, I couldn't compete against someone again.

I felt myself smirk, clasping my hands together as the last bit of my "sanity" left my body.

Did she really think she'd be able to leave me that easily?


Haeyoung's POV

My head was resting in Sejin's lap, feeling another tear roll down my cheek and onto her leg. She was silently running her fingers through my hair, unsure of what to say but letting me know she was there for me. I was too scared to go see Jungkook in the hospital, worried he might try to convince me to come back to him.

"Hey," Sejin mumbled, and I moved my head to look up at her. She had a sad smile on her face. "It'll be okay. You made the right choice, despite how much pain it's causing you."

"Then why do I feel like this is wrong?" I whispered, moving to lie down beside her on her bed. "Everything feels so out of place now that I don't have him."

She didn't respond to that, and I just sighed as I pulled out my phone to text Namjoon. My heart dropped as I saw I had an unread message from Jungkook. With shaking hands, I opened the message.

Guy I Like: so, you think you can leave me that easily, Kim Haeyoung? you really don't know what I'm capable of. you belong to me, and if I can't have you then no one else can. I made you happier than you had ever been, happier than he could've ever made you. you won't get that happiness again, not if I can help you.

I'll give you one last chance. come back to me, and we can go right back to the way things used to be. we can pick up where we left off. you can feel whole again. or, you can stick to your decision, but it will be a decision you'll most definitely regret.

I stared in disbelief at his message. Was this some kind of threat? He would never hurt me...right?

I shook my head, closing out the message and opening Namjoon's to let him know I was okay. I then locked my phone and looked back over at Sejin. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course,"

"When you met Kookie, did he seem...dangerous? Like did he give you vibes that made you think he was capable of harm?"

Sejin arched one of her eyebrows, turning to look me straight in the eye. "Look. If he tries to hurt you, you know I as well as Areum and Riley will protect you. Plus, you have two protective older brothers and another male figure who sees you as his sister. Nothing's gonna happen to you, okay?"

I just nodded and let her pull me into her embrace. Was this what he had meant about his mind? Could he really be a bad person?

There's no way. I let my arms wrap around Sejin as I sighed. The Jungkook I knew wouldn't hurt me, he would protect me. That's what I kept telling myself as I eventually drifted off to sleep with Sejin.

I had no idea though, that I didn't know Jungkook at all.

insanity.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon