Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning, feeling Hoseok's arms wrapped around my naked body.

Somehow, one thing led to another and we ended up having sex despite my best efforts to resist him. I eventually caved, like I always do. I could feel his soft breaths against my skin and rolled over to look at him.

I smiled, reaching out to gently push his hair away from his face and letting my fingers caress his cheek. He was the cutest when he was asleep, and not out doing who knows what.

However, my heart immediately dropped as I realized I had spent the night at his place. I abruptly sat up and began running around the room for my underwear, causing Hoseok to wake up.

By the time I had most of my clothes on, Hoseok was finally sitting up with half-closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"You need to bring me home now," I said, struggling to pull my shoes on as I turned to look at him. "You know how Namjoon gets when I spend the night with you."

Hoseok grunted in response, laying back down and closing his eyes. I scoffed, stomping over to him and yanking on his hair. His eyes flew open and he grabbed my wrist. "Let go!"

"Then get up!" I said, keeping my grip on his hair until he was out of bed. I released him as he slid his slippers on. I checked my phone, groaning as I saw 35 missed calls from Namjoon. "I'm as good as dead."

"I'll talk to him, don't worry about it," Hoseok mumbled as we walked out the door to his car. However, we both stopped dead in our tracks when I saw Namjoon's car waiting at the end of his driveway. Namjoon was leaning against it, tapping his index finger against his arm in agitation.

"Shit," I whispered, slowly approaching my older brother. I noticed Jin and Taehyung were both in the car, looking extremely tired and angry. Once I was close enough, I tried to flash my best smile. "Hey..."

"Get in the car," Namjoon stated bluntly, and I gulped as I turned to Hoseok. I kissed him goodbye quickly before climbing into the car beside Taehyung.

"You know we're not fond of you as it is," Namjoon started as he looked up at Hoseok still in his pajamas. "Why do you insist on getting her into trouble? You know she has a curfew and that she's not allowed to stay the night so why do you keep doing it?"

"We lost track of time," Hoseok sighed, rubbing his tired eyes as he looked up at Namjoon. "I usually bring her home, do I not? I know she has a curfew, I respect your rules."

Jin scoffed from the passenger's seat, and I glared at him. Namjoon shook his head, waving Hoseok away. "Whatever. She won't be seeing you for a while since you just got her grounded."

"Grounded?" I questioned, making Namjoon turn around to look at me. "I'm 21, you can't ground me."

"I said what I said, Haeyoung. You're grounded for a month," Namjoon said, making both mine and Hoseok's eyes go wide. "Yes, a month. Until you learn how to respect your curfew."

I slumped down in my seat, took out my phone, and sent a message to my group chat telling them I would have to cancel our plans. Hoseok looked sadly at me as Namjoon walked around to get into the driver's side. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more. You better message me every day," I pouted as he chuckled, approaching the car to give me another kiss goodbye as Namjoon started the car. "I'm serious."

"I know, I will," he laughed lightly, pushing his hair from his eyes. I smiled a little as I felt the car change gears. "I love you, and I swear when I see you I'll make it up to you."

"You better!" I was yelling now as Namjoon pulled away from Hoseok's apartment. "I'm still mad at you!!"

I heard his laugh echo down the street as we turned the corner and I sighed. I glanced at Namjoon in the rearview mirror and saw he wasn't looking at me. "You can say it."

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