Chapter 5

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An entire week went by.

I stayed locked in my room for an entire week, not speaking to my brothers or Jin. My friends had even tried to come by to see me, but each time I sent them away.

I heard a knock on my door and pulled my blanket up to my chin as I wiped the tears away from my cheeks. The door opened, and Namjoon was looking worriedly at me from the doorway. "Haeyoung, it's been a week. You can't stay locked up in here forever."

I didn't say anything as he sighed and came to sit on the bed by my feet. He reached out his hand to smooth out my hair, pursing his lips. "Taehyung is extremely worried about you. He's refusing to go to his sessions until you're okay."

I still didn't say anything as I rolled over to face away from my brother. I heard him sigh again. He got up to leave, looking at me one more time before leaving the room.

I heard my phone vibrate and glanced over to check the contact name. I saw it was Jungkook and groaned as I reached out to check the message.

In Case of Emergency: hey, you haven't been to the sessions recently. are you okay? did something happen with you and that trashy boyfriend of yours?

I wasn't in any kind of mood to deal with him playing stupid like he hadn't watched what had happened that day.

Me: I'm not in the mood for you to play stupid. you saw what happened, you already know.

I put my phone back on my bedside table and rolled back over onto my other side. I took the sandwich that Jin had brought me a few minutes ago off the table and took a small bite.

Jin's food always tasted the best, but it tasted very bland and tasteless today as I put it back on the plate. I heard my phone go off once again and I reached for it.

In Case of Emergency: will you give me a chance now? after all, my contact in your phone is "In Case of Emergency" ;). This seems like an emergency to me.

I frowned, not sure how he knew that. I heard something hit my window and turned my head to look over. When I saw nothing, I groaned again and forced myself out of my bed to trudge over to the window.

When I saw who it was, I opened my window and crossed my arms. "When will you ever learn that I'm not interested?"

Jungkook smirked as he came closer, letting his hands rest above the window so we were at eye level. He was wearing a leather jacket with a black shirt and ripped black jeans. "You've been inside your house for too long, Ms. Kim. I think you need a change of scenery....and a shower."

I punched his stomach at that comment and he keeled over in pain as I walked away from the window. "I'm not going anywhere. Especially with you."

"I'm gonna need a better reason than that," Jungkook breathed, holding the spot where I had punched him as he climbed inside through the window. "You've been in here all week, that can't be good for you."

"Who said you could come in?" I huffed as he sat down on my bean bag chair. He looked up at me and I swallowed hard as I felt darkness brewing inside him. "If either of my brothers find you in here, you're as good as dead."

I approached my closet, looking for something to wear when I felt him press up against my back, making me tense up. Neither of us moved, and I was too afraid to even breathe.

His hand reached out and played with a piece of my hair and I shook my head as I continued to look for something to wear. He was such a weird kid, so unpredictable and reckless.

I came across a black form-fitted casual dress and turned around to look at Jungkook. My hair slid from his fingertips and I gestured to the window. "Get out so I can change."

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