Chapter 15

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Quick Author's Note:

Hi everyone!! Just wanted to give you all a heads up that from this point forward the story is going to get very intense. I already put a warning in the description of my story, but this is just a reminder.

Thank you, and enjoy 💜


Jungkook's POV

I wasn't surprised to see that Haeyoung hadn't accompanied her brother to therapy today, her older brother Namjoon sitting beside me now.

I could feel the tension rolling off of him like waves. He wanted to say something but had nothing to say. My nose was bandaged up and my ribcage still ached but I was pretty much okay now.

When the session eventually ended, Namjoon turned to look at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again and shook his head. He approached Taehyung, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Hurry up and say your goodbyes. Our flight leaves in a couple of hours and you haven't finished packing."


I grabbed my bag and hung back a little so I could listen in on Taehyung saying goodbye to Jimin.

"America is so far," Jimin pouted, earning a heavy eye roll from me as Taehyung smiled. "What am I supposed to do for 2 months?"

"You can still video call me," Taehyung suggested, pulling Jimin into his arms and kissing his forehead. "I'll show you all the beautiful spots of New York City. It'll be like you're there with me."

So, you think you can run, Haeyoung? I thought to myself, feeling a smile creep across my lips as I brushed past them. It's not that easy to escape me.

I looked up and stopped in my tracks, seeing Haeyoung leaning against the car talking to Namjoon and another man.

She shifted her gaze to meet mine, and we just stared for a moment. My heart was pounding and every muscle in my body wanted to scoop her up in my arms.

As I moved to step forward, Taehyung came running out of the building. "Quick, get in the car before Jimin comes out! He's trying to hold me hostage!"

Said man also came running out of the building as Taehyung and everyone else quickly climbed into the car. "Don't leave me, dammit!"

Taehyung rolled down the window and blew kisses to Jimin as Namjoon pulled away from the building. "Don't miss me too much, or I might come back!"

"That's what I want!" Jimin yelled back, eventually stopping in his tracks to catch his breath.

I trudged over to my motorcycle, got on, and drove to Yoongi's house. I needed to get to America, and fast. She wasn't going to run away from me.

I parked on the street, shoving my hands inside my pockets, and walking up the steps to knock on his door. He answered a few moments later, his hair messy and a towel tied tightly around his waist. "What the hell are you doing here? You never come to see me unless you need something."

"Well, since you already know, I won't bore you with the details," I said, brushing past him and walking to sit down on his couch. "How fast can you get me to America?"

Yoongi arched an eyebrow, closing the door and tilting his head to the side. "Why do you need to go to America? You hate America."

It was true. I especially hated New York. It was too loud, and very loud environments made the voices much louder and far more dangerous. But, I couldn't let Haeyoung leave for two months, what if she started seeing someone else? I couldn't allow that.

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