Chapter 12

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For a long moment, nobody moved. Everyone's attention was now on Jungkook and Hoseok. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sejin, Riley, and Areum appear in the doorway.

Hoseok was holding his face, blood pouring out from between his fingers as he glared up at Jungkook. "Get Haeyoung out of the way, I don't want her to get her boy toy's blood on that pretty dress."

By the time Jungkook turned around to hold me, I was already being dragged away by one of Hoseok's goons. Sejin shoved her way through the crowd, grabbing my other arm and pulling me away from the guy. "Hands off my best friend, asshole."

Areum and Riley both scurried to my sides, but I ignored them as I locked my eyes on Hoseok and Jungkook. Hoseok wiped the blood away from his nose, a smirk appearing on his lips. "That actually hurt, asshole."

"That was the point, bastard," Jungkook responded, standing at an angle where he could keep his eyes on Hoseok but also keep an eye on me. "You gonna do something about it?"

Hoseok was grinning, and my heart dropped in fear. I didn't know if Jungkook was capable of taking on Hoseok, but I just had to hope he was. Hoseok was a very violent person. I had witnessed him completely demolish men who had put their hands on me into nothing but a bloody pulp.

"You wanna know why Haeyoung looks so afraid, guy?" Hoseok snickered, taking a step closer to Jungkook. "Because she knows what I'm capable of. You're gonna wish you never came into her life after I'm done with you."

And then it happened.

Hoseok landed his first punch in Jungkook's stomach, and I winced as Jungkook keeled over in pain. Hoseok didn't hesitate to lift his knee and hit him in the same spot.

Jungkook collapsed onto the floor, and Sejin held me back from running out there as Hoseok stood over Jungkook's body.

He punched him right in his nose, and I cringed as I heard the sound of the bones breaking. As he went to deliver another punch, Jungkook began laughing. "What are you, crazy? What the hell is so funny?"

"That's all you got? Those are the weakest hits I've ever felt," Jungkook grabbed onto Hoseok's leg, causing him to fall to his knees and Jungkook rolled over to have the upper hand. "You're the one who should be afraid."

Jungkook began repeatedly pounding his fist into Hoseok's face, and I had to look away from the bloody scene before me.

Hoseok managed to land another punch to Jungkook's stomach, which caused him to weaken a little. Hoseok hit Jungkook's face again, and blood spewed from his mouth.

I managed to wiggle away from Sejin and rush through the crowd to throw myself onto Jungkook's body as Hoseok walked towards us. As I listened to Jungkook's breathing, I could tell he had been lying. Hoseok's hits definitely had an impact on him.

"Haeyoung why?" Hoseok whispered as I glared back at him with tears in my eyes. I heard Jungkook spit, and I looked back to see there was more blood. "Look at how pathetic he is. Why do you insist on protecting him?"

I didn't answer him for a second, sliding my shoulder under Jungkook's arm as I struggled to help him to his feet. I looked back over at Hoseok, who stared at me in disbelief. "Because he's everything you can only dream of being. Let me go, Hoseok. This can't be healthy for you."

Sejin finally pushed her way through the crowd, spitting at Hoseok as she helped me carry Jungkook out of the dining room. Areum was waiting by the stairs with Riley. "My aunt has a guest room up here. We can bring him there while Riley and I look for a first aid kit."

I silently followed Areum up the stairs, noticing Jungkook had passed out. We reached the guest room, and Sejin and I struggled to lay Jungkook on the guest bed. I plopped down next to him, sliding my finger under his nose to make sure he was still breathing. After that, I turned to look at Sejin. "I should've never brought him here. I shouldn't even be with him. We both know Hoseok won't stop until he eventually scares him away."

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