Chapter 30

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Jungkook's POV

I was seeing my sister today.

It had been a couple months since Haeyoung and I broke up, and I hadn't seen her at all since then. Taehyung still attended our group therapy sessions but she was never with him. I also never failed to notice the death glares he insisted on giving me.

But, Yoongi had talked with Junghwa, and they both agreed I was in a much better place mentally and was finally ready to see her.

I was sitting in the car while Yoongi was currently inside talking with Junghwa, trying to calm my nerves as I waited impatiently for him to say I could come inside. I had no idea why he had asked me to wait in the car while he talked to her first, but they had been talking for a while and I was beginning to get irritated.

Just as I was considering getting out of the car, the door to Junghwa's house opened, and Yoongi gestured for me to come inside.

I got out of the car and walked up the steps. Yoongi stepped further outside, and I noticed a grim expression on his face. "Jungkook, I gotta warn you. Something's...not right with your sister. She doesn't look okay."

"What do you mean?"

He just sighed as he opened the door fully, and my eyes moved to where Junghwa was sitting on the couch, a nervous smile on her face.

She looked horrible.

It looked as though she hadn't eaten in weeks, her cheeks sunken in to the point her cheekbones were showing. Her skin was hugging her bones, and she was incredibly pale. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, but I could still see she had some bald spots which told me her hair was falling out.

"Junghwa...what happened to you?"

"You haven't seen me in years and that's the first thing you want to ask me?" She laughed lightly, reaching out for a hug. I moved across the room, wrapping my arms around her bony body. "It's...refreshing to see you. Haeyoung told me all about you."

Hearing her name made Yoongi and me both freeze, exchanging a look with each other before I opened my mouth to speak. "I'm sorry...did you say Haeyoung?"

"Oh...that's right. Haeyoung has been visiting me quite frequently actually. I assumed she got the address from you, Yoongi."

"Junghwa, I didn't give Haeyoung your address. I told you I wouldn't give it to anybody under any circumstances. How long has she been coming here?"

"She's stopped by a couple times a week for the last few months. She was hoping to talk about Jungkook with me but I told her I didn't have much to tell her. And we just...grew quite close. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable," Junghwa said as she turned to look at me. A feeling settled in my gut that told me something wasn't right with this situation. "Is...something wrong? You both seem shocked."

"Junghwa, listen closely to what I'm about to tell you," Yoongi sighed as he moved to lift up his shirt to show her the scar from where Haeyoung stabbed him. "That psycho bitch tried to kill me a few months ago. I can tell you for certain, whatever reason she had for seeking you out wasn't to get information on Jungkook. She's not your friend."

"Do you mind if I look around in your room?" I asked randomly as both of them looked at me in confusion. "I just...wanna check something."

Junghwa nodded as she turned back to Yoongi, who continued telling her about Haeyoung's true personality. I made my way down the hallway to her room and pushed open the door.

I didn't know what I was looking for, but something was telling me Haeyoung had other plans in mind for my sister. And it wasn't to be her friend.

I started looking through her drawers and clothes, trying to find something unusual. I looked between her mattresses, and eventually moved to look behind her bed. I arched my eyebrow when I found a small tea bag sitting behind there. I picked it up, noticing the small hole poked inside it.

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