Chapter 10

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I sat on the porch, waiting for Jungkook to come to pick me up. I had tried insisting on taking Namjoon's car but he started complaining about how cars gave him anxiety or something.

I heard the door open behind me and looked to see Jin stepping outside, smiling at me as he sat down in one of the other chairs. "I'm glad to see you're back into the spring of things. It was heartbreaking seeing you locked up in your room all that time."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that," I mumbled, picking at a loose thread on my pants. "I realized how much pain I was causing you guys. I guess I was being selfish."

"Hey, don't say that," Jin scolded me, reaching out and resting his hand over mine. "You were hurting, that's nothing to be sorry for. It's okay to feel pain and it's okay to take a step back from the world."

I just pursed my lips, keeping my eyes down as he sighed. "You know, I was silently hoping we were wrong about him. I was waiting to see if he would eventually prove himself to us, step up and take responsibility. But, he didn't. And it bothers me more that we were right."

With that, Jin got up and disappeared into the house, leaving me alone with my own thoughts once again.

I heard the loud sound of a motorcycle approaching and I knew it was Jungkook. I grabbed my bag and my phone and walked down the steps, waiting at the end of the driveway for him.

His motorcycle rounded the corner, and I rolled my eyes as he managed to do a wheelie as he stopped in front of me. He handed me another helmet, and I put it on as I climbed on behind him.

He released the brake and sped off, my arms clinging tightly to his waist. It didn't take us long to arrive at the clothing store. He parked his bike, and I got off and took off my helmet, fixing my hair.

His arms encircled me out of nowhere and it caught me slightly off guard as he kissed the top of my head. "Still wearing my jacket I see. I thought you might've gotten tired of it by now."

I scoffed, pushing him back and looking up at him. His hair was still messy from the helmet and I had to resist my strong urge to fix it for him. "Of course I'm still wearing it. What else am I supposed to do with it?"

He shrugged, hanging his helmet over the handle and doing the same with mine. He intertwined our fingers as we headed inside the store. We were greeted by employees as we wandered to the men's section.

"I can't even imagine myself wearing a suit," he mumbled as we reached the men's section. "I never really liked them."

"I think you'll look great in a suit," I responded, releasing his hand as I moved to look at one of the suits. "You have a nice figure, and a suit would bring out the best parts of it."

I continued searching through the suits, not noticing how Jungkook was just watching me with a soft smile on his lips.

"Here, try this one," I said, tugging a set off the rack and thrusting it at him. He took it from me, examining it. "Oh, would you stop? Just put the damn suit on. You'll look great."

I didn't allow him to argue with me as I practically shoved him into a dressing room. I sat down on one of the benches nearby, taking out my phone and scrolling through my messages.

It didn't take long before I heard him whining. "Haeyoung I don't like it. I mean do I really have to wear a suit?"

"Shut up and come out here so I can see," I sighed, getting up and waiting for him to come out. The lock clicked and the door slowly opened. My mouth fell to the floor as Jungkook shyly stepped out. "Holy shit."

It was just a basic suit, there wasn't anything special about it. But on him, it looked amazing. He made it look expensive as he struggled to button the sleeves. He met my eyes and I swallowed hard as I walked over to him to adjust it slightly. "I hate it."

"You look stunning," I told him, looking up into his eyes. "I almost passed out when you came out here. Buy this one. I don't care if you don't like it,  I do."

He just stared at me for a moment before he smiled. "Okay. Only because you basically just told me I look sexy, and knowing I can get you all flustered like that is enough for me."

Wait, what?

"Wait--" He had already disappeared back into the fitting room, and I was trying to process what the hell just happened. Did he trick me?

When he came back out, he had a stupid smirk on his face. "One more thing before we leave."

He pulled out a dress from behind him, and I don't even remember him grabbing it. It was a short white dress, covered in diamond-like sequins. There was a rather deep V cut and I just stared at the dress.

"You made me try on something I didn't want to, now it's your turn," he said, smirking as he handed me the dress. I grumbled under my breath, snatching the dress from him and storming into the fitting rooms. "Make sure you come out so I can see you."

I sighed, taking my clothes off and slipping into the dress. It brought a bit too much attention to my figure, outlining my very subtle hourglass shape. I especially hated the V cut and how much of my cleavage it showed.

However, I sighed and opened the door, leaning against the doorframe as Jungkook looked up at me. "Happy?"

He didn't say anything, in fact, I didn't even see a reaction on his face. But, I found myself being pinned up against the wall of the fitting room by him. I blinked in shock as he just stared at me, taking in the dress in its entirety.

"Picking this dress might've been a bad idea," he whispered, his voice laced with lust as his lips came close to my ear. "I don't think I can contain my excitement."

"Wait, Jungkook--" His lips molded with mine, his hands finding my waist and hoisting me up against the wall. He stepped closer, allowing himself to stand between my legs as he bit down on my lip. A soft moan slipped through my lips and I felt him smile against my mouth. My legs wrapped around his waist, pressing him against me.

His lips left mine, trailing down the length of my neck and leaving small bites along the way before he reached my collarbone. He bit down hard, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from crying out. He switched between sucking and biting in that one spot, and I was convinced I was gonna pass out.

His hands slid under the dress, letting his fingers caress my thighs. I felt my head begin to spin as he pressed up against me a bit harder, and I could feel his bulge through his pants and swallowed hard.

"Jungkook, come on," I breathed out as his lips started trailing back up toward mine. "We can't do this here."

"Says who?" He growled from under my jaw, and I pursed my lips. "There's no one back here, calm down, baby."

His lips attacked mine once again, and he slowly began taking the dress off of me, letting his hands touch my bare skin.

I was still on edge, afraid someone might find us, and pulled away from him. "Hey, I'm serious. I want this, too, but we can't do it here, come on."

He frowned in frustration, but eventually let me go so I could grab my other clothes. He watched me as I pulled on my shirt and pants before grabbing the dress. "I'm buying this."

I slipped my arms through the sleeves of his jacket before turning to look at my neck in the mirror and gasping. "Jeon Jungkook!!"

Hickeys were forming along the length of my neck, but on my collarbone was a dark purplish bruise with the outline of his teeth inside of it.

I stormed out of the fitting room, tugging my shirt up to cover the gross-looking hickey. Jungkook was already paying for his suit and my dress and I went outside to stand beside his bike.

When he came outside, I glared over at him as he came closer. "What's with that face?"

I pulled down the shirt to show him the mark and he just grinned. He started laughing, pulling me into his arms. "What the hell is so funny?"

"It came out exactly how I wanted it to," he said, looking down at me with a stupid smile on his face. "That way when people see you they know you're off limits."

"That was almost cute if it didn't look like I was attacked by an animal!" I protested, earning another loud laugh from him as he climbed onto the bike. "Are you even listening to me?!"

He just kept laughing and I grumbled stuff under my breath as I climbed on behind him. Stupid jerk.

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