Chapter 24

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Haeyoung's POV

I was waiting in the park for Hoseok to show up, if he even decided to show up. I was partially terrified to even confront him after all that happened. Not terrified of him, terrified of myself. I didn't know if I would be able to stay calm knowing what he had done to Jungkook.

I reached behind me to brush my fingers of the handle of the knife I had tucked in the back of my pants just in case I needed to use it. As much as I wanted to stab him with it, getting myself thrown in jail wasn't going to help either of us. Especially not Jungkook if he woke up to find out I was in jail.

So I needed to remain calm, which was what I was focusing all my attention on doing.

"I have to admit, those scars you're sporting turn me on a little bit."

I lifted my head to see Hoseok standing a few feet away, his arms crossed and a sadistic smirk on his face. I silenced the bitch inside me that was ready to slice open his throat and forced a smile.

"You know, I thought about it. And I realized you're right. About everything. I mistook lust for love with Jungkook and realized... I'm still in love with you," I wanted to stab myself in the throat for letting these lies slip through my lips so easily. I pushed myself off the bench and took a few steps closer to him so that we were only a foot apart. "I'm sorry I only just realized it but when I was in that finally hit me. And I'm sorry I made you wait for so long."

I wasn't sure if he was buying it or not because his face hadn't changed in the slightest. I swallowed hard as I reached up to cup his cheek, flinching when he suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me. I still couldn't read his expression, and knew I needed to keep my guard up.

"You spew all this crap while still wearing his jacket," my heart dropped, not even realizing I was still wearing Jungkook's jacket. I mean I never had to think about not wearing it before. But, I didn't let my panic show on my face as I began to shrug the jacket off. "Taking it off now just makes you look suspicious."

"I understand if you don't trust me, baby. You have no reason to. I mean how are you supposed to believe me after everything that's happened? But if you know me at all, then you know I've never once lied to you," I tossed the jacket aside and silently prayed he didn't make me burn it or anything crazy. I reached out again and this time he didn't stop me but I could tell he was still tense. "Look at me, Hoseok. Really look at me. I'm sorry."

I was actually an excellent liar in certain situations. This was one of those situations. I almost laughed when Hoseok's hands found their way to my waist. I knew he would feel the knife there, it was also part of my plan. So when I felt him pull the knife out and press it against my throat, I let a smile creep across my lips again.

I showed no fear but instead feigned being excited by the knife against my throat. He seemed to notice this because he arched an eyebrow and pulled the knife away. "What's...with that crazy look in your eyes?"

"A lot has changed since we broke up, love. I realized I really like knifeplay," I trailed my fingers up his chest and rested my hand on his shoulder. I lifted my eyes and bit my lip, trying to look seductive (I'm sure I looked stupid). "Come on, try it on me."


"Do you really want to make me sad again?" I leaned in closer so our noses were touching and I saw panic flash through his eyes. He was doing a surprisingly good job of trying to resist me, but at this distance, I knew he would crumble. "Don't make me beg."

And just like that his lips attacked mine and I had him right where I wanted him. Of course, I played along and kissed him back with a false sense of desperation. My leg hooked around his and I felt his hand firmly grip my thigh and pull me closer. I let out a fake moan and rolled my eyes when I felt his boner against my stomach. He was turned on way too easily.

His lips trailed down my throat and I gently pushed him away, not wanting any hickeys on my neck for Jungkook to see. Instead, I gently pulled the knife from his hands and pressed it against his neck, seeing panic flash through them once again. "That's a cute look on you. It's... intoxicating."

"J-Just be gentle—"

"Gentle? Oh, we both know I like it rough, baby," I pressed the knife a little harder against his neck until a small trickle of blood began running down his neck. I sighed and leaned forward, flicking my tongue across his neck to clean the blood. Instead of swallowing it, I grabbed his chin and forced his mouth open. I spit the blood into his mouth, seeing the disgusted look on his face as he tried to spit it out. But, I gently blew air against his face to force him to swallow. I smiled once again, tapping the knife against his cheek. "You don't seem to be enjoying this."

"Are you kidding? don't feel how hard I am?" His hands gripped my sides a bit rough as he forced me onto his lap so I was sitting on top of his crotch. I sighed, shaking my head as I grinded against him, a giggle slipping through my lips at how loudly he moaned. I was barely touching him.

This was going to be a piece of cake.

"You always were so easy to please weren't you?" My change in voice caught his attention a little too late because I already had him lying flat on his stomach with his hands pinned behind his back. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back, pressing the knife against his throat once again. "You're quite pathetic aren't you, Jung Hoseok?"

"I should've known," he struggled to say, trying to free himself from my grasp but he froze when I pressed the knife harder against his throat. "Don't think you've won, Haeyoung."

"I think I have, sweetie," I reached into my pocket and pulled out a medicine bottle, waving it in front of his face. It was a type of poison that usually came in pill form, but I had mixed it into a lip gloss and applied it to my lips. So the second he kissed me, he had inhaled a decent amount of it. "Seems like your life is in my hands."

"I...I can go to a doctor!"

"Not quite, sweetheart. You see, no hospital had found an actual cure for this type of poison, so you'll die in about...5 minutes based on how much you've consumed," I grinned, releasing him and taking a few steps back. He tried to lunge at me, but the poison must have been taking effect because he collapsed the second he got up. "Oh and before you ask, no the poison won't work on me."

"Why the hell is that?"

"Well you see, I'm immune to this type of poison. My blood is probably the antidote these doctors have been searching for but something so valuable comes at a price does it not?"

"There's no way you'll get away with this, you psycho bitch!"

I laughed loudly as I kneeled in front of him and lifted his head up so our eyes met. "I have my story all planned out. Would you like to hear it, my darling Hoseok?"

I didn't wait for his answer as my grin widened. "I was in the park on a very cute date with my loving boyfriend. We were making out when he suddenly collapsed! They'll see you're dead, do an autopsy, and discover the poison. They'll assume I did it, right? But the poison would have killed me as well. That's when they'll run blood work and find that I am the cure. They'll forget all about you, baby."

"H-how know? There' way you just assumed you wouldn't die," he was struggling to breathe now, and I took great satisfaction in watching him gasp for air.

"I have my ways," I whispered as I released him and watched his head hit the ground. I heard him struggle to take a breath one last time before he fell silent. I wiped the remaining lip gloss off my lips, pulled out my phone, and dialed 911 as I burned the napkin.

I hope you're proud of me, Jungkook. This is all for you.

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