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MAYRA (Crystal) pov.

It's been two hours since I have been back to the hotel but there was still no trace of Asher. All the bad thoughts of him and Marina dancing and enjoying together making me puke. She's the last person I saw with Asher.

I waited and waited for him to come back or at least call me but he didn't so I chose to hit the sack in the end.

The next morning when I woke up, there was still no trace of Asher. It was like he abandoned me in this hotel. Although he did leave a note on my door saying we have a flight to catch at noon.

As the note instructed I was ready with my belongings when Asher finally decided to show himself.

"Ash- " He ignored me totally and walked to his room to get his luggage.

Well that's not it he avoided me for the whole flight and in the ride too. I was so fed up with his attitude by the time we reached. He instructed his driver to drop me at my apartment and left without even giving me a second glare. I don't know why but it hurts to get rejected by him.

'What happened to him? Did I do something wrong? I don't think so, then why is he behaving like I don't even exist?'

I was lost in my thoughts when Rose saw me and rushed to squeeze me with her hugs.

"Welcome back Ms Paris. How was the trip? Show me the photos. I can't wait to hear all the juicy details."

"Calm down, Rose, I just entered, let me take a breath." I said.

I decided not to think about Asher as it was giving me a headache. I think he got his periods... huff

I went to my room, got a shower and returned to see her. I showed her the gifts I bought for her and she loved them.

I fill her with all my trip details. I told her where we went and especially the cruise ride. It was an amazing trip. I want to go back but seeing Asher's mood swings, I have a doubt. I just hope he'll come back to his senses by tomorrow.


As always I enter my office and drop my belongings on the table taking a notepad and a pen out. I have Asher's today's schedule ready and now leaving for his office.

There was this hesitation before going his way because of his last treatment he gave me.

I knocked on his door and entered when I heard 'come in'.

There he is relaxing with all his glory. How can a man look that attractive? He was wearing a dress shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbow. The first two buttons of his shirt were open from where I can see a part of his toned chest. I want to rip this shirt off him and feel his hard abs underneath my hands.

'God NO!'

Stop, stop, stop, just stop thinking all these nasty things about your boss May, you have to control. What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this about my boss?

"Are you just going to ogle me for the whole day or actually going tell me the reason for your presence, Ms White?" he snapped and I flinched back to reality.

Why is he cold to me? In Paris, he was so sweet and kind and the moment we stepped back in New York he went back to his cold side.

I looked into his eyes waiting for any type of emotions to show up but nothing.

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