My Past Coming Back

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Vanessa the next day
Usnavi stayed and helped up unpack for the rest of the day yesterday after an early dinner. Mama and Mamí love him already. We stayed up late into the night talking. Eventually, he fell asleep on my bed and I fall asleep next to him, holding his hand. When we both woke up, we were both a little embarrassed it felt okay.
Today he is closing his bodega early, and taking me to meet some of his friends. I walk into his store, and he smiles as I walk in. "Hey, glad you made it!"
"I told you I would."
"I just need to finish counting the drawer and then I am ready."
I nod and look around the store. I notice my teddy bear sitting on a shelf behind him. I saw it yesterday, but in the excitement, I forgot about it. I pick it up and give it a hug.
"You kept it. I can't believe you actually kept it."
"I told you I would. It has been everywhere with me. It has been my prized possession. I want you to have it back now."
"No, you keep it. I much prefer your necklace anyways. That is, unless you want it back."
He smiles wide and shakes his head. "No, you keep it."

We go over to the local park and Usnavi introduces me to his friends. I meet Benny, who he went to high school with, until Usnavi dropped out to get his GED. Usnavi and Benny together, are a riot.
"There are two more people I want you to meet. One, is someone you will be in high school with. She is a Junior, like you. The other, is someone you have met before."
I nod, trusting him completely.
He knocks on a door. A girl, with curly hair opens the door.
"Usnavi, what are you doing here? Is Abuela okay?"
"Yes Nina, she is fine. I want you to meet Vanessa. She is going to be in your school this year."
"Hi, nice to meet you. How do you know Usnavi?"
"That is a long story. I will just say, he was my childhood best friend."
"Nina, who is at the door?"
"It is Usnavi Mama. He brought a friend.
"Let him in hija."
She steps aside and lets us in.
"Navi, I know that voice." I say to him.
"Usnavi, what are you.... Vanessa?"
She walks over and and gives me a big hug. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah! Everything is great. Mama, Mamí, and I just moved in the neighborhood. Usnavi was just taking me around, introducing me to different people."
"I have been wondering about you for a couple of years now."
"Why'd you disappear?"
"You were adopted. You didn't need me anymore. My job was finished. How are your moms?"
"Opening a new salon just down the street. You should come over, they would love to see you."
"Later would be good, we were just about to sit down for dinner. Will you two join us?"
"We would love to!" Usnavi responds.

June Vanessa age 18
This is my final summer break for me in high school. I can't wait to be finished. I am an okay student. Bs and Cs are my average. Nina quickly became my best friend and has helped me get this far. School is still a struggle for me. Everything, but art. I excel in art class. Mama says I need to study at art school. I have also been training to work at the salon. Mama is teaching me to cut and style hair, while Mamí is teaching about everything else.
As for Usnavi and I, we are dating now. We have been for the last four months. I think we have always been soulmates. When we were young, it was different. Now that we are older, and in a different situation, it is able to grown into something new. We are two different people now.

We are out shopping, swimming, and having a good time. We are on the beach, in Jersey, while I suntan. When I look up, I am back in my childhood. I begin to tremble. I begin to breath heavy, on the verge of a panic attack. Something I haven't had in a long time.
"Nessa, Amor, what is wrong?"
I point. About ten feet in front of us, is Jake and Amy. They are standing with, who I can only assume is, Lucy.
"I thought they went to prison?"
"Only Jake went to prison and that was only for a year. Any got off with a year of probation.
"Okay. Nessa, let's get out of here."
We start to pack up our stuff, when Amy looks up, sees me, and glares. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now.
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here. It is the little whore who sent out son to prison. Look Jake, she is even dressed like a whore."
"Leave her the hell alone. There are miles of beach here. We will go this way, you go the other."
"Daddy, who is this woman?" Lucy asks.
"She is the one who got your brother sent to prison."
Lucy looks at me with so much disgust. "I hate you."
"Lucy, your bother raped me. Nearly every day for two years. It is his own fault he is in prison."
"So she says, and I know this boy anywhere. Usnavi. Based on the way you two are holding onto each other, maybe she was having sex with him, and blamed it on my son. That way she won't be seen as the whore she is."
"Nessa, let's go. You know what happened. You know the truth. You don't need to sit here and hear this."
"Our son is dead because of you. Killed last year, because of your lies. You worthless whore. You should just kill yourself, and make everyone's life better."
"Don't listen to her. Let's go."

When we get back to my home, mama can see something is wrong.
"Mija, what's wrong?"
I am unable to speak.
Usnavi leads me to the couch. "Daniela, you should know, we ran into Jake, Amy, and Lucy on the beach. They said some terrible stuff. They also told us Matthew is dead."
Mama sits next to me. "They only told you lies Mija."
I just nod. "Mama, I am going to go to bed. I am exhausted."
"Okay, sleep well."
"Usnavi, can you come lay with me until I am asleep."
He takes my hand, and we go lay on my bed. I lay down, and he gets behind me. He wraps his arms around me, and I spoon into him. I fall asleep quickly, feeling slightly safe in his arms.

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