That Was Unexptected

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Vanessa age 34 April
Nina and I are nearing our due date. We are three weeks away. Kevin, Nina's dad is living with her now, but has us on speed dial. She has spent the last two weeks on bed rest.
Today, Lucia and I head over to visit. We walk in and see Nina sitting on the couch.
"Vanessa, Lucia, I am so glad you two are here."
"Tia!" Lucia says excitedly. "Can I come feel your belly?"
"Of course baby."
Lucia makes her way over to the couch. Nina takes Lucia's hand, and places it on her belly.
"Your belly feels bigger than Mama's."
"It is. I have two babies in my belly. This is the first baby," she says moving Lucia's hand. "And this is the second."
Lucia smiles.
"Lucia, baby, go find Claudia and Benny. I want to talk with your Tia."
"Okay Mama."
"Claudia is in her room." Nina says.
As she leaves the room, I go over and hug her. I then sit beside her on the couch.
"How are you feeling?"
"Huge. I am ready for these babies to come out."
"You do have a doctors appointment today. Maybe the doctor will say you are ready to deliver."
"I don't want to deliver until they are completely ready. Unless it becomes life and death, no early delivery for me. I would rather be huge for a bit longer."
"At least you know what you want. I can't imagine carrying two," I say, rubbing my own large belly. In response, my son gives me a hard kick in the ribs.
"Ouch, not so hard son."

Later that day, I am standing with Nina at her doctor's appointment, when I feel a strong contraction.
"Chica, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just Braxton Hicks. I had them a lot at this stage with Lucia.
"Here, let me get you a chair," the doctor says. If I remember correctly, you are due the same day as Nina."
"Yeah. Three more weeks."
"Have you had any other contractions today?"
"A few."
"Okay. If you have any more contractions while you are here, I want you to tell me."
I nod.

Ten minutes later, the doctor is finishing up, just as another contraction hits."
"Another contraction," Nina asks.
I nod and the doctor looks at me concerned.
"Nina, you are progressing well. You are okay to continue carrying. I think there is a good possibility you will make it to your due date. Vanessa, I want you to get up here, so I can check you. Those two contractions were very close. I will step out for a minute, let you get ready, and then I will be back in. I am going to go grab your chart."
I nod and get situated on the table. Nina helps me get covered with the blanket. Just as the doctor comes back in, ten minutes later, I feel another strong contraction. Nina holds my hand tight until the contraction lets up.
"Okay, I am going to check to see how far dilated you are."
A minute later, she looked at me shocked. "Mrs Delavega, you are six centimeters dilated. Call your husband. You need to head to the hospital. This baby is coming today."
My heart races, but I agree. I get dressed and call Usnavi.
"Hi Amor. Everything okay with Nina?"
"Yeah. Actually, I am headed to labor and delivery. Doctor says the baby is coming today."
"What! You are not due for three more weeks."
"He wants out. My contraction are ten minutes apart, and I am six centimeters dilated."
"Okay, I will stop by the apartment, grab the hospital bag, and meet you there. Vanessa, I love you."
"I love you too."
Nina calls her dad and I call my moms as we make our way to the maternity ward.

Three hours later, I am fully dilated and pushing. When I finally push out my son, I am sore, but happy to be done.
"Congratulations Mrs Delavega. You have a beautiful and healthy baby boy."
She places him into my arms and I cling to him crying.
"Thank you doctor," I say, smiling at my new son. "Usnavi, enjoy this one. This is the last one you are getting. Lucia almost killed me, and this one came in three hours. I am not doing this again."
He laughs a little. "That's okay Amor. I am happy with our little family."
He kisses me and our son.
"What should we name him? We never decided on a name."
"I really want to name him after my Mom's. I am thinking Daniel Carlos Usnavi Delavega."
"I love it."  He says smiling.

Later that night, Mama and Mamí bring Lucia.
"Mommy, is my brother here? Is he actually here?"
"Yes Mija. Come sit by me, and you can meet him."
Mama helps Lucia to sit in my lap, and Usnavi puts Daniel in my arms. I have Lucia sanitize her hands, and I then guide her hands to his face, so she can work on forming her pictures of him. Watching her gently touch his face, my heart melts. She is so tender with him. Mama and Mamí each give me a kiss and say hello.
"Mama, what is his name?" Lucia asks. 
I look at my moms and smile.
"His name is Daniel Carlos. He is named after your abuela and abuelita."
Mamí cries and hugs Usnavi. Mama hugs and kisses my head. "Good job Honey."
I smile up at her. "Thanks Mama."

Three weeks later
I hold Nina's hand, as she delivers her twins. She went into labor last night. It is now noon, and she has already delivered a healthy baby boy.
"Just one more push, and you will have your other baby."
She nods and pushes. When the baby is placed in her arms, her face melts. "She looks so much like her daddy! Except for the eyes. Her eyes, they are different."
The nurse wiping her off, makes a face.
"What?" I ask.
"Doctor, do you see what I see?"
"What? What's wrong with my baby?" Nina says, worry sweeping over her.
The doctor walks over and looks over the baby. Her face becomes serious. "Ma'am, your baby's apgar score is good. Just, looking at her, she has some of the facial features of Down syndrome. We will have to do some test to confirm. Her eyes are a big giveaway."
"Oh!" She says, shocked.
"Does it run in your family?"
"Not in mine. As for my husband's, I don't know. He was a foster kid and never knew his biological family. Is she healthy though? Is she okay?"
"She appears to be perfectly healthy. We will do test and check everything. Heart problems are not uncommon in children with Down syndrome, but she is good now.

Nina ended up naming her daughter Benita and her son Camilo. Her daughter's diagnosis was confirmed a few days after birth. After many days of crying, Nina is now doing all types of research on raising a healthy Downs kid. She misses Benny, but is an amazing mom. Claudia is an even more amazing sister. She dotes over her siblings. She is ultra protective of her sister. It is good to see some joy in that family again.

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