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Vanessa age 23 May
Usnavi and I are finally getting married today. Planning this wedding has been so difficult. Between work, college, and wedding planning, it has taken two years to get here.
After a lot of stress and anxiety, we finally decided on a small wedding on the beach in Maine. We only invited our closest friends and family, no more than 20. After, the reception will consist of our small group of 20, going out for Seafood.

We are at the hotel, Mama is doing my hair and Mami is doing my makeup.
"Mamí, I am ready to do my makeup."
"Wow Mija. Your mama did an amazing job with your hair."
"Thanks Cariño." Mama leans in and kisses her.
I smile at them. "I hope my marriage is half as good as yours."
"Honey, your marriage is going to be its own amazing adventure, but I do have an amazing marriage. I am pretty damn lucky."
"Tell me about how you and Mama fell in love."
"We've told you this a dozen times or more."
"I know. I find it comforting and would like to hear it again while getting ready."
Mamí kisses my head and smiles. "Okay. Well, we met when I was 20 and Dani was 30. I had been looking for work when I walked into Dani's salon. I thought she was very attractive from the moment I saw her. She didn't look at me as more than a employee. At least, that is what I thought.
One day, this man started harassing me. He would not leave me alone. Every time I walked home, he he follow me and hit on me. He would say crude comments and was rather misogynistic. One day, I was grumbling about him to my other coworkers about him. At the end of the day,Dani, without saying a word follows me. When the man harasses me, she walks up to him. When she taps on his shoulder, he turns around and she kicks him in the groin. The man immediately collapses. She turns to him and says, "that will teach you to treat women badly. If I ever hear of you harassing another woman, I will return wearing my steel toe boots. Is that understood?"
He groans and nods. The man never messes with me again. After that day, I started trying to talk to her every day. It went from short answers to long conversation. We would get coffee and dinner all the time. I found out she was dating a man and it broke my heart. What I didn't know at the time, she was unhappy. She was dealing with a lot of doubt with her sexuality.
After about a six months, she broke it off with him and asked me on an official date. After a month of dates, I knew I wanted to marry her. Well, I wanted to be with her before, but I didn't think she went that way. She ended up proposing to me two months after we officially started dating.
We married at her home in Vega Alta six months after she proposed. It wasn't technically legal at the time, but she became my wife that day. Two years later, we went to the courthouse and made it legal. On our fifth wedding anniversary, we started fostering. You came to us on our ninth. The rest is history. I look forward to growing old with my soulmate."
"Mama, how did you know she was the right one for you?"
"I just knew. The way I felt and still feel is how I know. No one could make me smile the way Carla does. No one can make me open myself up and be honest with myself like she does. She supports me and I support her. There is an indescribable love I have for her."
"That is how I feel about Usnavi. I can't imagine life without him."
"You two are going to have the most amazing marriage and I can't wait to watch you two grow." Mamí says, kissing my head.

Mamí does my makeup, and then helps me in my dress. I walk out to show Mama, and she instantly starts to cry.
"Mama, no crying. If you cry, I cry. If I cry, Mamí will kill us both."
She laughs and takes my hand. "You are beautiful honey."
"Thank you Mama."
I hug her tight and realize that after today, things will be different. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.

When we get to the beach, Everyone is waiting for us. Claudia is our flower girl. Nina is my maid of honor and Benny is the best man.
"Claudia, you look so pretty."
"Thank you Tia!"
I pick up my goddaughter and hug her. "Mi hermosa ahijada."
She rest her forehead on mine for a moment. "Okay, time to do this thing. Let's go mi Tesoro."

When Usnavi sees me, the starts to cry. I mouth 'stop it' and he laughs. I laugh too and continue my walk down the aisle. When I get to him, I hand Nina my bouquet and turn to him.
"You are stunning," he whispers.
"Thank you. Not so bad yourself," I grin.

When the officiant says he may kiss the bride, he sweeps me off my feet and kisses me. He kisses me deeply and passionately. When he sets me down, I am a little lightheaded.
"Goodness, I thought I was going to have to cover my daughter's eyes with that kiss," Benny jokes.
I laugh and take Usnavi's hands.
"I am happy to present, Mr and Mrs Delavega."

That night, after making love for the first time as husband and wife, I am laying in his arms. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
"This will forever be my favorite place. Me and you, naked in each other's arms, and me listening to your heartbeat."

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